Last Updated: February 2021
Degree Grade Rosters are generated for courses that have degree candidates enrolled in them. These rosters allow you to enter grades for the degree candidates. (Note—these grades are not the student’s final grade, just the lowest possible grade that the student could earn to determine if they are eligible for graduation.)
Follow these steps to navigate to your Degree Grade Rosters.
- Open your web browser
- Go to
- Hover over the About section found on the red banner across the top and click Faculty/Staff Services
- Scroll down and click on the MyRED link
- Enter your NUID into the NUID field
- Enter your password (the same password used to access Firefly)
- Click Log In
![if you do not remember your password, use link under log in that says "forgot your password?" to get help establishing a new one.](/sites/
- When you log onto MyRED, if you are not automatically on the Faculty tab, you can access it by clicking on the Faculty link.
![Select the Faculty Tab](/sites/
- Click on the Grade Roster tab
![Select the Grade Roster tab](/sites/
- If there are any degree candidates enrolled in your course, a Degree Grade Roster will be generated and show under the class as Degree Grades.
Please note the key with grade roster status. This indicates action required on rosters. Complete indicates all grades have been submitted. Ready to Update indicates the roster is ready for input. Action Needed indicates roster changes have been started and need to be completed.
![Click on Grade Input Allowed to enter your grades for the Degree Grade Roster](/sites/
- A box will open within your browser showing the Degree Grade Roster
![1. Select a grade from the drop-down box for each student. 2. Once grades are entered for all degree candidates, change approval status in the drop-down box to Approved and click Save. (Note: both save buttons function the same)](/sites/
- After entering Degree Grades, changing Approval Status to “Approved,” and saving, close the box that had opened in the browser to return to the Grade Roster tab. Notice the roster status has changed to completed.
!["Approved" shows up under Degree Grades](/sites/
Additional Information
* In order to make any changes to Degree Grades after you have entered them, you must contact Graduation Services at 402-472-3635 (option 3).
**Helpful information with the Degree Grade Roster
![1. The view all function allows you to see all students enrolled in the course on one page. 2. The Download function allows you to download this table into a spreadsheet for easy manipulation of filing. 3. The printer friendly version allows you to print a streamlined version of the grade roster without the extra tabs and buttons that appear on the screen.](/sites/