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Academic Sub-Plan

Beginning Fall 2017, the following terms are being implemented as sub-plans to provide academic departments/colleges the option to transcribe and track academic programs. Using consistent definitions will enable the campus to clearly and transparently articulate differences within academic programs to students.

Course Number Suffix

Course number alphabetical character associations

College Symbols

College abbreviations/symbols matched with the corresponding college name.

Appeal Procedure - Academic Dismissal

Process and steps to filing an appeal for academic reinstatement.

Class Rosters

Class roster availability and procedures

Change of Campus

Procedures and forms for changing from one University of Nebraska campus to another.

Certification of Enrollment

Definition and instructions of obtaining a Certification of Enrollment

Class Numbers

General class numbering information and non-numbered classes

Advising Transcript

How to access an unofficial transcript

Academic Honesty

Definition, process, and consequences.