Welcome to the University Registrar's Policy page!

Below you will find a list of all of the policies, just click to see the full content. If you are looking for a specific policy, use the search bar to search for key words. Use the corresponding filters to narrow your search. See our Archive for past versions. Please contact the Office of the University Registrar if you have any questions, comments, or recommendations. Happy searching!

Effective On:

E.g., 07/26/2024

Effective On:

E.g., 07/26/2024

Academic Bankruptcy for Undergraduates

To allow students an opportunity to improve their academic record and therefore improve their ability to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from UNL.

Academic Credit Record System

How grades are recorded.

Academic Good Standing

Definition of Good Standing

Academic Honesty

Definition, process, and consequences.

Academic Record

A list of what is included in the Academic Record: the indefinite record maintained by University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Academic Standards - Graduate

Grade Requirements for Graduate Students

Academic Standards - Undergraduate

Standards for academic warning and dismissal.

Academic Student Record System

Statement regarding records format for historical reference

Academic Sub-Plan

Beginning Fall 2017, the following terms are being implemented as sub-plans to provide academic departments/colleges the option to transcribe and track academic programs. Using consistent definitions will enable the campus to clearly and transparently articulate differences within academic programs to students.

Address Changes

To change personal addresses

Advising Transcript

How to access an unofficial transcript

Appeal Procedure - Academic Dismissal

Process and steps to filing an appeal for academic reinstatement.

Appeal Procedure - Course Withdrawals

Appealing an unmet course withdrawal deadline due to extraordinary circumstances

Appeal Procedure - Grades

How to appeal grades


How to audit a class

Certification of Enrollment

Definition and instructions of obtaining a Certification of Enrollment

Change Gender

To change gender

Change Legal Name

To change legal name

Change of Campus

Procedures and forms for changing from one University of Nebraska campus to another.

Change preferred/chosen name

To allow some student latitude for using a preferred/chosen name

Class Attendance

To set standards for class attendance

Class Attendance

To set standards for class attendance

Class Numbers

General class numbering information and non-numbered classes

Class Rosters

Class roster availability and procedures

Class Standing Criteria

To designate class rank.

College Symbols

College abbreviations/symbols matched with the corresponding college name.

College, Major, Degree, and/or Advisor Changes

How an undergraduate can change their college, major, degree, or advisor.

Cooperative Education Opportunities

Cooperative Education Opportunities enrollments in UNL’s co-op courses are considered equivalent to a full-time academic load.

Course Number Suffix

Course number alphabetical character associations

Course Numbering System

To have and be able to recognize course levels.

Course Repeat Policy

To improve a poorer grade

Definition of University of Nebraska Program

To define an NU academic program

Directory Information

To comply with federal privacy law known as FERPA

Enrollment Status

Full-time status is determined by the number of credit hours on record for the student.

FERPA Board of Regents Rules

Privacy Concerns

FERPA Directory Information

Privacy Concerns

FERPA Release of Student Information of Those Newly Admitted

Policy on Release of Student Information for New Students

Fifteenth (15th*) Week Policy

To properly administer the week before final exams

Final Grades Due

To receive and record grades in a timely basis.

Finals Week Policy

To properly administer final exams

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Needed by various constituencies

Grades: Pass/No Pass Option

A grading option

Holds for Required Advising

To assist in retention and timely graduation efforts

Incomplete Grade

Grading of work not completed in expected timeframe

Lost Diplomas

How to get replacement diplomas

Maximum Credit Hour Load

To monitor enrollments deemed inappropriately too large

Payment of Financial Obligations

Failure by a student to pay a financial obligation to the University or any department, division, or agency thereof, will result in denial of readmission, denial of transcripts, denial of registration for ensuing terms, withholding of diplomas, and may result in an administrative cancellation of enrollment until the debt is paid in full.

Public Record Requests

Providing access to appropriate public records

Refund/ Adjustment of Undergraduate Student Charges for Tuition and Fees Exception Policy

To provide guidelines for students making appeals to standard fee assessments.

Reverse Transfer

Reverse Transfer is the process through which a Nebraska community or tribal college reviews academic credits earned by a student at another institution (such as any University of Nebraska campus) to determine if the student has earned enough credits to receive an associate's degree. 

Revocation of Admissions or a Degree

Rules for governing revocation of admission or a degree

Student Information

To collect and store needed student information

Student Record and Transcript Policies

To have a set of standards for all to know

Students Called into Military Service

Fair treatment for students involuntarily called into military service

Year and Term Identifier

Short code needed to ID term or semester