Academic Bankruptcy

View official Academic Bankruptcy policy.

Academic Bankruptcy

Academic bankruptcy removes the grade point factors of a semester taken at University of Nebraska–Lincoln from a student's cumulative grade point average, but the course(s) and grades(s) remain on the student's academic record. The courses so approved are marked "Academic Bankruptcy".

When to Use it

You may remove one or two semesters of credit hours from your undergraduate degree consideration after completing either 15 simultaneous, or sequential, semester hours with at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) or 30 hours with at least a 2.5 GPA at the University of Nebraska, following the semester or semesters you wish to remove but before receiving a baccalaureate degree from University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Courses taken at UNO, UNK or UNMC may be used in the qualifying GPA calculation, but you must be matriculated in a baccalaureate degree program at the University of Nebraska to qualify for academic bankruptcy. 

 Consequences and Requirements

  • All courses taken during the semester are bankrupt. This includes credit hours and grades.
  • The bankrupt semester is removed from consideration for GPA purposes, and the bankrupt credit is not used for degree requirements. The semester listing of courses and grades remain evident on your academic record but are marked "Academic Bankruptcy". The academic record is used to issue official transcripts.
  • Since "P" and "N" grades do not have specific numerical equivalents, they may not be used to meet bankruptcy requirements.
  • The request for bankruptcy must be submitted prior to receiving a baccalaureate degree from the University of Nebraska.
  • Academic bankruptcy does not forgive attempted credit hours in the satisfactory academic progress calculations for financial aid recipients.
  • A student seeking bankruptcy must matriculate in a baccalaureate degree program at the University of Nebraska at the time of application. Academic bankruptcy applies to baccalaureate degree programs only.

How to Declare Bankruptcy

To remove one or two semesters of credit hours from your undergraduate degree consideration, you must:

  • Discuss the desire to bankrupt a semester with your academic advisor and request the "Academic Bankruptcy Form" from using your Huskers email address.
  • If you qualify, a completed "Academic Bankruptcy Form" or request must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar at