Registration Audit Trail

MyRED – Registration Audit Trail

Last Updated: July 5, 2024

Use the Registration Audit Trail to review a summary of enrollment actions on a student’s registration trail. One can determine what action was taken, when, and other course details pertaining to a student’s registration history.

1 Once you’ve navigated to the Registration Audit page, enter the student’s NUID number in the category marked Empl ID: and indicate the term you wish to view. Click Search.

If you don’t indicate the term before you click Search, a list of applicable terms to select from will appear below.


Subject Area, Catalog Number, Sort By, and View All Fields and links are highlighted

Sort ByView All:Subject Area and Catalog Number:
The viewer will show courses in the order their action was taken. For a different order, select a Sort By category. The viewer will initially show up to 10 results. To see more, click View All. To see a particular course, enter the Subject Area and/or Catalog Number into the Filter and click Search


Bas, Perm #, Related #'s, Status, and User highlighted

Bas:Perm #:Related #’s:
Bas refers to Grading Basis. In this case the course is taken for a grade. If a student uses a permission code, it will appear under Perm #. Related #’s indicates the class numbers of required course components.
If a student receives an error message, it is indicated under Status. User indicates the ID number of the person performing the action. The following may be indicated under Action:
  • Enroll
  • Drop
  • Normal Maintenance = i.e. change in credit hours
  • Grade Change
  • Swap


Status, Source, and Overrides highlighted

Status will reflect the action status as a “Success”, an “Error”, or a “Message”. Source indicates an action taken using a student’s Self Service (SS Enroll), or a staff member’s Quick Enroll. When the Overrides field is populated, scroll over the codes to see an Override Code Key to determine the override type.