Academic Standards - Undergraduate

Initial Academic Warning

Students are placed on Initial Academic Warning when their term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Students are notified of their status via an email from the Office of the University Registrar. Once students are placed on Initial Academic Warning, a hold is placed on their account for future registrations. To remove the Initial Academic Warning status, students must complete a semester of coursework with both a semester and cumulative GPA above 2.00.

Academic Warning Before Dismissal

Students are placed on Academic Warning Before Dismissal when their term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters. Students are notified of their status via an email from the Office of the University Registrar. Once students are placed on Academic Warning Before Dismissal, a hold is placed on their account for future registrations. To remove the Academic Warning Before Dismissal status, students must complete a semester of coursework with both a semester and cumulative GPA above 2.00.

NOTE: Coursework taken during any of the four summer sessions will be collectively considered as one semester of attendance. Because it is difficult to accumulate enough credits over the summer to successfully raise one’s cumulative GPA to remove Academic Warning status, students should consult with their advisors before enrolling in summer classes.

Academic Dismissal

Dismissal rules are contingent on the total number of credit hours a student has attempted while enrolled at UNL. A student will be dismissed from UNL if any semester ends under the following conditions:

  • If a student has 1-18 cumulative attempted credit hours, has attended UNL, UNO or UNK for more than one semester, and his/her cumulative GPA is below 1.00.

  • If a student has 19-45 cumulative attempted credit hours, his/her prior cumulative GPA is below a 2.0, and both semester and cumulative GPA are below 1.75
    or the student has spent three consecutive semesters on Academic Warning.

  • If a student has 46 or more cumulative attempted credit hours, his/her prior cumulative GPA is below 2.0, and both semester and cumulative GPA are below 2.0
    or the student has spent three consecutive semesters on Academic Warning.

If a student is dismissed, the university will automatically cancel any registrations for the following semester.

Decisions regarding continued eligibility for federal financial aid are made independently of the academic dismissal/reinstatement policy. Students should contact Husker Hub, 402-472-2030, for assistance.

ATTEMPTED UNL CREDIT HOURS*Prior Cumulative GPASemester GPACumulative GPAAcademic Warning and Dismissal
1 - 18 hours
and > 1 semester
19-45 hours<2.00<1.75<1.75Dismissed
≥46 hours<2.00<2.00<2.00Dismissed
3 Consecutive SemestersOn Academic WarningDismissed

NOTE: Attempted credit hours include all the credit hours a student registered for at the University of Nebraska and did not drop during the first two weeks of the course.

Returning Students

Students in Good Standing or on Academic Warning.

Students who leave the University (for three or more consecutive semesters; summer counts as one semester) in good standing or on Academic Warning may apply for admission by completing a Returning Student Application. If students have attended other post-secondary institutions since leaving UNL, official transcripts are required to determine admissibility.

Dismissed Students

As an academically dismissed student, you may not enroll at UNL for at least two consecutive semesters. Coursework taken during any of the four summer sessions will be collectively considered as one semester of attendance. You may apply for readmission to UNL for the semester following this mandatory period of non-enrollment or for any subsequent semester. Readmission to the University requires submitting a Returning Student Application and applicable materials by December 1 for the Spring term and May 1 for the Fall term. Readmission, however, is not assured. Applications for readmission will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions in accordance with criteria established by each college. We expect that a student seeking readmission will be able to provide evidence of ability to successfully complete college work and explain why the conditions that led to failure will not be present if the student is readmitted.

Successful completion of courses at other post-secondary institutions may increase your probability of readmission; grades from such courses, however, cannot be used to improve your UNL GPA.


For more information about readmission to the University, refer to the subject heading "Academic Standards" in the current Undergraduate Catalog and Academic Warning/Dismissal.

  • Applies To:

    Undergraduate Students
  • Policy Contact:

  • Effective On:

    January 1, 2014