Appeal Procedure - Course Withdrawals

The deadlines for full-term course withdrawals are published online in the  academic calendar and the Student Accounts website each semester and all students are expected to meet those deadlines. However, it is recognized that there may be circumstances where it is impossible for a student to meet a deadline due to extraordinary circumstances.  Such contingencies are normally handled by making arrangements with instructors for a potential incomplete grade. To deal with situations where this is not appropriate, the student must go through a formal appeals procedure. To file such an appeal for non-medical circumstances, the student should contact their college dean's office or advising center to arrange for an interview. They will be expected to provide documentation of their circumstances and to explain how this circumstance prevented them from meeting the withdrawal deadline. Poor academic performance, in and of itself, is not grounds for such an appeal. To preview the form for this process, visit our Adds, Drops, Changes, & Withdrawal page.

Graduate students wishing to withdraw from a course or all courses after the 3/4 point of the term must contact the Graduate Studies Office.  Students withdrawing due to medical reasons must contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at (402) 472-3755.

This appeals procedure cannot be used to completely wipe out all evidence that a student was enrolled in a course or courses for a term. If the appeal is granted, the course(s) will remain on the student's record with a "W" grade notation and they will remain liable for any and all tuition and fees for the term.

  • Applies To:

    Undergraduate Students
    Graduate Students
  • Policy Owner:

    University Registrar
  • Policy Contact:

  • Approved By:

    University Registrar
  • Approved On:

    University Registrar
  • Review Cycle:

    As Needed