While students are required to provide their full legal name at the time of admission, they can indicate how they would like to be addressed within the campus community regardless of their legal name. Therefore, if the use of an individual’s preferred/chosen name is not for the purposes of misrepresentation or falsification, it will be accommodated for campus use and documents except where the use of the individual’s legal name is required for University business or legal need. Students may designate a preferred/chosen first name, middle name, and last name within MyRED. No legal documentation is required to make a change to the preferred/chosen name.
Instances in which preferred/chosen names may be displayed include, but are subject to change and not limited to:
- Class Rosters
- Grade Rosters
- Degree Audit
- Learning Management Systems
- University on-line Searches/Directories (generally these directories are available to the public)
- Official University Email Name and Address
- Honors and Awards eg: Dean's and Chancellor's List, Certificates
- Campus/University ID Cards (front)
- Human Resources, Student Information, and Business Systems, where applicable
- Where Legal Name is Not Required