Holds for Required Advising

The College* proposing the hold is required to complete this form and submit it for review to the Advising Coordinating Board (ACB). A representative from the Office of the University Registrar must be in attendance at the ACB meeting when proposals are reviewed. A Dean's level signature is required for any proposed hold. The ACB will make a recommendation to the Academic Scheduling and Policies Advisory Group (ASPAG) concerning usage of the each proposed hold and edits/changes to existing holds. ASPAG and the Office of the University Registrar will grant final approvals of holds. Proposals should include the following:

  1. Describe the significant need that exists that calls for the proposed registration hold. Provide data that demonstrates the need and details how the need will be met by a registration hold.
  2. Provide a description of which student group will be affected by the hold.
  3. Explain how the college has explored alternative ways to address the significant need and why it has identified holds as the best option.
  4. Explain with data how the college will successfully bear the responsibility brought on by the registration hold (e.g., staffing capabilities to meet the advising demand that the hold will bring).
  5. Identify who in the college will have the ability to release the holds with a clear rationale.
  6. Describe the data that the College will collect to accurately assess the hold's effectiveness.

* The Explore Center is defined as a "college" for the purposes of this academic hold.

Statement of Understanding:

The College will provide an annual report assessing the effectiveness of the registration hold to the Advising Coordinating Board, Academic Scheduling and Policies Advisory Group, and the Office of the University Registrar.

Colleges wishing to add, delete, change, or amend the use of a previously-approved advising hold are required to use this same form and process.

Recommendation by the Advising Coordinating Board:

Signature: Director of University Advising

Services/Chair of Advising Coordinating Board _____________________________________

Approval Signatures:

College of Explore Center Dean/Assoc. Dean _______________________________________

Chair, Academic Scheduling and Policies Group ____________________________________

Registrar, Office of the University Registrar _______________________________________

  • Applies To:

    Undergraduate Students
    Graduate Students
  • Policy Owner:

    University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Policy Contact:

  • Approved By:

    Academic Scheduling and Policies Group
  • Approved On:

    Academic Scheduling and Policies Group
  • Effective On:

    December 1, 2015
  • Review Cycle:

    As Needed