Refund/ Adjustment of Undergraduate Student Charges for Tuition and Fees Exception Policy

Exceptions to published fee assessment policy and charges

  1. For undergraduate students the Office of the University Registrar is charged with the responsibility of considering and approving non-medically related appeals for enrollment refund adjustments to published fee assessment policy.
  2. Any change in assessment of enrollment can only be adjusted or pro-rated to an amount consistent with rates already established and published by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Initial appeal by a student

  1. An appeal and all pertinent documentation are expected to be submitted via the electronic enrollment refund appeal form within 30 days of notification of assessment, adjustment or refund. Students obtain access to the electronic form by visiting with Husker Hub. The Office of the University Registrar may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis when there is a compelling case to do so if within two years of the semester of enrollment. The Office of the University Registrar will only consider non-medically related appeals. Appeals for medically related reasons are reviewed within Student Affairs through the Medical Withdrawal Appeal process.

    Minimally, the appeal must include the student’s statement describing specifically what is being requested, full description of any extenuating non-medical related circumstances, and why the request should be honored.
  2. Appeals must be submitted to the Office the University Registrar and must meet one or more of the following criteria to be considered for approval:
    1. New admit student with documented evidence of never attending the University.
    2. Documentation of non-medical related extenuating circumstances occurring within the University’s official refund period which either prevented the student from attending or required the student to stop attending before the end of the refund period.
    3. Documentation of non-attendance may be considered without non-medical extenuating circumstances when notified by bill payment deadline.
  3. Grade assignments, quality and quantity of instruction and other academic issues are not within the scope of these procedures and should be addressed by the appropriate academic representative at UNL.
  4. Generally, grounds for consideration of an appeal will be restricted to those circumstances personally experienced by the enrolled student.
  5. Decisions are rendered by committee within the Office of the University Registrar and will be based solely upon any and all pertinent documentation
  6. Best efforts for notification of a decision will be made within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal with all needed supporting documents.

 Appeal of the decision rendered by the Office of the University Registrar

  1. Upon written request a student may appeal the decision rendered by the Office of the University Registrar.
  2. Barring substantial and mitigating circumstances a written appeal must be received by the Office of University Registrar within 20 calendar days of the notification decision.
  3. The written appellant must request a review of the original decision and may contain additional written documentation to support the appeal.
  4. The appeal will be reviewed by the same enrollment exception committee within the Office of the University Registrar. If the appeal information is sufficient to overturn the original decision, the Office of the University Registrar can adjust a tuition or fee assessment in accordance with appropriate fiscal procedures.

    If denied, the information must be forwarded to the University Registrar for prompt adjudication.
  5. The Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Services and Enrollment Management (ASEM AVC) will review appeals on decisions made by the Office of the University Registrar.
  6. The ASEM AVC shall generally operate under all guidelines set forth in these articles.
  7. The ASEM AVC will make best efforts to consider and send notification of the outcome of an appeal to the student and to the University Registrar within 30 calendar days after receiving the appeal information from the Office of the University Registrar.
  8. The decision rendered by the ASEM AVC is the final University determination on the matter.

Refund of Tuition and Fees in the Event of a Student Death, Students called to Active Military Duty or Jury Duty

  1. Situations regarding student death or students called to military duty or jury duty will be administered by specific UNL guidelines published elsewhere.
  2. Please check with the Office of Student Affairs or the UNL’s web site for specific policies.
  • Applies To:

    Undergraduate Students
  • Policy Owner:

    University Registrar
  • Policy Contact:

  • Approved By:

    University Registrar
  • Approved On:

    University Registrar
  • Effective On:

    October 6, 2016
  • Review Cycle:

    As Needed
  • Change History:

    Original approved on 3/2/2014. Revised 10-06-2016.