Discrimination and Harassment

For more information, visit Institutional Equity and Compliance


It is the policy of the University of Nebraska to administer all of its educational programs and related supporting services in a manner which does not discriminate based upon age, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sex, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran's status, marital status, religion or political affiliation. 

Any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, physical, written or pictorial, which has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile environment for the person subjected to the conduct, or any solicitation of sexual conduct of any nature when submission to or rejection of such contact is used as the basis for either implicitly or explicitly imposing favorable or adverse terms and conditions of academic standing constitutes sexual harassment and will not be condoned or tolerated. Moreover, sexual misconduct including stalking, dating or domestic violence and sexual assault is prohibited. 


Appropriate corrective action will be taken toward any student or employee who is found to have violated Nebraska's non-discrimination, sexual harassment and/or sexual misconduct policies. Further, Nebraska commits itself toward the assurance of non-retaliation toward any person who reports harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination or who participates in an investigation of such conduct.


If you suspect or experience discrimination, sexual harassment or retaliation toward yourself or others, please keep records or other evidence of specifics and report the conduct.

If you do not feel comfortable telling a person to stop inappropriate behavior, or if the behavior does not cease once you have made the request that it do so, you may seek assistance from an administrator, professor or counselor. Persons designated by the University as Responsible Employees are required to report sexual discrimination, harassment and misconduct reported to them. Other employees are encouraged to provide assistance and/or report.


Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance
128 Canfield Administration Building North
(402) 472-3417

Director of the Office for Civil Rights
Department of Education
Washington, D.C. 20202

More information regarding discrimination, harassment, available reporting and resource options is posted on most bulletin boards in buildings throughout the Nebraska campus and on the University’s Title IX webpage.