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CLSS Editors
Department | CLSS Editors | Call Numbers |
University Honors Program | Tamy Burnett | UNL-1001 |
Raikes School of Computer Sciences & Management | Stephanie Valentine | UNL-1002 |
Architecture | Stephanie Kuenning | UNL-1113 |
Arts and Science Dean's Office | Christina Fielder | UNL-1030 |
Education and Human Sci - Dean's Office | Leticia Garcia | UNL-1031 |
Journ & Mass Comm | Tiffany Groteluschen | UNL-1058 |
Engineering-Dean's office | Carl Nelson | UNL-1060 |
Graduate College-Deans Office | Eva Bachman | UNL-1065 |
Law | Darice Cecil | UNL-1080 |
Interior Design | Stephanie Kuenning | UNL-1111 |
Landscape Architecture | Stephanie Kuenning | UNL-1112 |
Community and Regional Planning | Stephanie Kuenning | UNL-1114 |
Accountancy & Business Law | Sheila Hayes | UNL-1115 |
Actuarial Science Program | Kathy Mellick | UNL-1116 |
Aerospace (Air Force ROTC) | Dawn Hegert | UNL-1118 |
School of Art, Art History & Design | Christy Aggens | UNL-1128 |
School of Biological Sciences | Audrey Atkin | UNL-1131 |
Institute for Ethnic Studies | Katherine Schwartman | UNL-1133 |
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Ethan Kreifels | UNL-1138 |
Chemistry | Liangcheng Du | UNL-1139 |
Civil Engineering | Tina Harris | UNL-1140 |
Classics and Religious Studies | Katherine Schwartman | UNL-1141 |
School of Computing | Witawas Srisa-An | UNL-1144 |
Child, Youth and Family Studies | Kaelie Kellner | UNL-1145 |
Economics | Phyllis Schwab | UNL-1146 |
Educational Administration | Cindy DeRyke | UNL-1147 |
Educational Psychology | Zee Cronin | UNL-1150 |
Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education | Benjamin Heinisch | UNL-1152 |
Electrical & Comp Engineering | Ronda Wiebe | UNL-1153 |
English | Mirhuanda Meeks | UNL-1155 |
Finance | Kathy Mellick | UNL-1159 |
Nutrition and Health Sciences | Joan Kunzman | UNL-1161 |
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | Tina Schinstock | UNL-1164 |
History | Barbara Bullington | UNL-1167 |
Supply Chain Management & Analytics | Alicia Steggs Buchanan | UNL-1183 |
Management | Melissa Lewis | UNL-1185 |
Marketing | Michelle Jacobs | UNL-1186 |
Mathematics | Rachelle Jensen | UNL-1187 |
Mechanical & Materials Engineering | Cherie Crist | UNL-1188 |
Statistics | Amanda Bulger | UNL-1189 |
Military Science (Army ROTC) | Julia Peterson | UNL-1191 |
Modern Languages & Literatures | Kelcie Meyers | UNL-1192 |
School of Music | Leslie Harms | UNL-1193 |
Naval Science (Navy ROTC) | Kimberly Pappas | UNL-1194 |
Philosophy | Amy Peterson | UNL-1214 |
Physics & Astronomy | Kelcey Gabriel | UNL-1219 |
Political Science | Amy Peterson | UNL-1222 |
Women's & Gender Studies | Amy Peterson | UNL-1223 |
School of Global Integrative Studies | LuAnn Wandsnider | UNL-1224 |
Psychology | Manda Williamson | UNL-1228 |
Sociology | Lori Ratzlaff | UNL-1234 |
Communication Studies | Katherine Schwartman | UNL-1236 |
Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design | Melisia Bieber | UNL-1240 |
Construction Management | Joshua Sterns | UNL-1267 |
Advertising & Public Relations | Tiffany Groteluschen | UNL-1276 |
Broadcasting | Tiffany Groteluschen | UNL-1277 |
Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film | Megan McMasters | UNL-1295 |
Great Plains Studies Program | Sarah Giles | UNL-1340 |
Special Educ & Comm Disorders | Sadie Duffy | UNL-1341 |
Special Waiver | Clare Smith | UNL-1345 |
Undergraduate Education | Nicolette Brenton | UNL-1406 |
Criminal Justice | Carly Mendoza | UNL-3183 |
Gerontology | Christopher Kelly | UNL-3246 |
School of Social Work | Michelle Nelsen | UNL-3247 |
Agricultural Economics | Jodie Barnes | UNL-4119 |
Agricultural Leadership Education & Communication | Christina Franklin | UNL-4120 |
Biological Systems Engineering | Abigail Zagotta | UNL-4121 |
Agronomy & Horticulture | Tamara Sukhova | UNL-4122 |
Animal Science | Andi Hallberg | UNL-4126 |
Biochemistry | Diana Bonham | UNL-4130 |
Entomology | Melissa Sailors | UNL-4156 |
Food Science and Technology | Julie McManamey | UNL-4161 |
Plant Pathology | Amber Hadenfeldt | UNL-4221 |
School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Science | Marsha Yelden | UNL-4243 |
School of Natural Resources | Brooke Mott | UNL-4318 |
Center for Grassland Studies | David Wedin | UNL-4954 |
Agricultural Sciences | Melissa Sailors | UNL-AGRI |
Business Administration | Alicia Steggs Buchanan | UNL-BSAD |
Community Development | Kaeli Kellner | UNL-CDEV |
Rec-Combatives | Jessica Wagner | UNL-COMB |
Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program | Michelle Bassford | UNL-EAEP |
Energy Science | Melissa Sailors | UNL-ENSC |
Environmental Studies | Melissa Sailors | UNL-ENVR |
Forensic Science | Margaret Kester | UNL-FORS |
Graduate Business Administration | Gretchen Holthaus | UNL-GRBA |
Humanities in Medicine | Barbara Bullington | UNL-HMED |
Human Rights & Humanitarian Affairs | Courtney Hillebrecht | UNL-HRHA |
Judaic Studies Program | Amy Peterson | UNL-JUDS |
Life Sciences | Audrey Atkin | UNL-LIFE |
Medieval and Renaissance Studies | Mirhuanda Meeks | UNL-MRST |
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics | Molly Boyd | UNL-NREE |
CASNR Dean's Office | Melissa Sailors | UNL-4022 |
Fine & Performing Arts-Deans | Sara Fedderson | UNL-1032 |
Library | Catherine Riehle | UNL-1085 |