Faculty and Staff Frequently Asked Questions

Student Record and Grades

Difference between degree grades and final grades.

Degree grades are preliminary grades submitted to the Registrar's Office to aid in graduation clearance. These grades are not final grades and can be changed once all course material has been graded.

Final grades are grades that will appear on students’ official transcript.

How to submit thesis/dissertation grades. (899 and 999 courses)

Once students have applied for graduation, any outstanding thesis/dissertation grades can be submitted via an EForm. Only the student’s committee chair can submit these grades.

When are final grades due?

Final grades for all terms (fall, spring and summer) are due 5 calendar days following the scheduled final exam date, excluding Sundays and holidays if applicable. Do not wait until the due date to submit grades. It will assist us and your students if your grades are submitted as soon as possible.

Extensions for submitting final grades.

Failure to submit final grades by the assigned deadline will result in continued communication from the Registrar's Office regarding these grades. If grades are still not submitted, then students will be assigned an NR or “no report” on their official transcript.

How to change a grade.

For classes offered from 2010 to the present day, grade changes can be submitted through MyRED.

Thesis/Dissertation grade changes must be submitted through an EForm. View grade change form instructions.

For further assistance or troubleshooting, please contact registrar@unl.edu.

How to extend an incomplete grade for an undergraduate class.

To extend an incomplete, please email registrar@unl.edu with the following information:

  • Student's Name
  • Student's NUID
  • Course number, section, credit hours
  • Term
  • Approximate percent of course completed
  • Grade assigned on portion of work completed
  • The date the course is to be completed (no more than 2 years hence)
  • Grade to be assigned by Registrar's Office if grade change form is not submitted by the instructor by the date identified above
  • Requirements for completing the course
I can’t fill out the grade roster for my class, but I’m listed as an instructor for the current term. What do I do to get access?

There might be multiple people listed on a class. Reach out to your CLSS department editor and request grading access for the class.

If you are not sure who your CLSS department editor is, view the list here of CLSS editors.

For previous terms, please contact class.edits@unl.edu with the term and classes information.




Correction roster definition.

The purpose of the Correction Roster is to give you the opportunity to review a current listing of students registered in your course and verify important course information, i.e., grade type, etc. This process assists us in furnishing accurate and complete final grade rosters in the collecting and processing of final grades and in the proper assessment of tuition and fees.

When correction rosters are due, instructors will receive an email with information regarding when the correction roster is due, how to complete the roster and its significance.

Attendance definition. (Correction rosters, asynchronous courses, etc.)

For these purposes, attendance is otherwise known as “academic attendance” or “attendance at an academic-related activity” and is defined to include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students,
  • Submitting an academic assignment,
  • Taking an exam, interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction,
  • Attending a study group that is assigned by the institution,
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters and
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.



Registration Permissions

How to give permission to audit.

Students must already be enrolled in a course as a regular student before the grading basis can be changed to audit. View more audit information.

Students may audit a course if given written permission by the instructor via an email from the instructor’s @unl.edu address to registrar@unl.edu.

The last day to enroll has passed. How do I add a student to my course?

Following the last day to enroll for each session (listed on the Academic Calendar), students will need written consent from both the instructor or department of a course and their advising college to enroll.

For undergraduate students, please contact their advisor to begin the Late Add process.

For graduate students, please contact Eva Bachman at ebachman1@unl.edu.




How to submit a request to gain access or additional access to student information.

Access requests can be submitted via the Access Request EForm.

Any further questions can be directed to registrar.security@unl.edu.

I want to allow a student to finish up a class in Canvas past the last day of classes. How do I provide them with access?

Submit the Canvas Support Request form or email canvas@unl.edu.



Class Editing with CLSS

How to update a class that is set up incorrectly (meeting pattern, credit hours, grading basis, etc.).

Contact your department’s class editor so that they may submit changes through CLSS. View the Course Leaf Section Scheduler page for more information.

Further questions can be sent to class.edits@unl.edu.



Additional FAQs

How to enroll for classes at Nebraska.

Whether you would like to apply for a program or take non-degree seeking courses, you will need to contact the Office of Admissions to apply. They will provide the next steps for enrollment.

How to update names or other personal record information.

As a current or former employee, all personal record changes must be submitted through your HR representative. The Office of the University Registrar cannot make these changes.