The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has multiple systems that provide users access to student information and to maintain student academic records. Access to student records is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Learn more about this federal law by visiting our FERPA page.
Primary and Subsidiary Systems
The Office of the University Registrar, in partnership with university administrative partners, maintains user access to the following systems:
- MyRED is the primary student information system used on campus with an online portal for students, faculty and staff.
- uAchieve Degree Audit contains undergraduate students’ personalized degree audits outlining progress toward degree completion.
- Perceptive Experience is the campus repository for imaged documents.
- Course Leaf Scheduling System (CLSS) is an academic scheduling tool that assists with the planning and development of the class schedule.
- Course Leaf Catalog (CAT)is a comprehensive catalog management system specifically designed to manage processes for the university by incorporating workflows with easy data entry and editing capabilities. Used to build the undergraduate and graduate catalogs.
- Course Leaf Curriculum Management (CIM) manages curricular updates for the campus with a workflow-based curriculum committee voting process.
- Enrollment Scheduler creates conflict-free class schedules for students using personal preferences to assist in managing school and life balance.
- WebFOCUS Reporting Dashboards reports dashboards that largely support generating data lists. Dashboards are primarily built and maintained by administrative and college offices.
- Data Repositories are typically used by reporting tools such as Tableau or WebFOCUS.
- iPSSA is data repository maintained by Nebraska Information Technology Services (ITS).
- Enterprise Data Solutions (EDS) is data repository maintained by the Office of the President.
- AMIS is data repository maintained by Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics (IEA).
Request Access
Class instructors are automatically granted access to the faculty dashboard in MyRED which contains their class and grade rosters. Otherwise, faculty and staff may request new or additional access to the Student Information Systems with approval from their supervisor, academic dean, director or department head. Each person is required to read and electronically sign the Statement of Understanding on Use of Student Records as part of the online request form. The form will route via email to your supervisor, dean, director or department head for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office for additional approval and processing.
Nebraska Electronic Information Systems Access Request
Electronic Systems Access Requests
The Systems Access Request form asks for the type of access (new access, new job position or additional access) and follows with additional questions to determine the level of access needed. The following sections provide more information to assist in answering these questions.
New Access and New Position
For first time users or when changing job position.
Access Definitions
Advisor: Faculty with Undergraduate Advisees
Faculty advisors with undergraduate student advisees gain access to MyRED, Degree Audit, Enrollment Scheduler and Perceptive Experience. This access includes data on undergraduate academic records and performance that assists advising interactions such as viewing transcripts, lifting advising holds, registration information, student services center, degree planner, guest user information and the MyRED advising dashboard.
Advisor: Graduate Advisees
Advisors with graduate student advisees gain access to MyRED. This access includes graduate academic records, performance, viewing transcripts, registration information, student services center, guest user information, milestones and the advising dashboard.
Advisor: Professional Staff with Undergraduate Advisees
Professional staff with undergraduate student advisees can gain access to MyRED, Degree Audit, Enrollment Scheduler and Perceptive Experience. This access includes data on undergraduate academic records and performance that assists advising interactions such as viewing transcripts, lifting advising holds, registration information, college-degree-major-advisor change, student services center, degree planner, guest user information and the MyRED advising dashboard.
Advisor: Undergraduate Student Success Support Staff
Undergraduate student success support staff such as first-year experience program, Oasis, NCPA and other areas that support the overall success of undergraduate students gain access to MyRED and Perceptive Experience. This access includes data on undergraduate academic records and performance that assists advising interactions such as viewing transcripts, registration information, student services center, guest user information and the MyRED advising dashboard.
Class Permissions Manager: Assign Class Permission Numbers
Class Permissions Managers assign class permission codes on behalf of the academic department to provide students with permission to enroll in a class they cannot enroll in themselves. Permission codes can override closed classes, prerequisites or class permission. Class permissions are assigned via MyRED.
CLSS Editor: Class Schedule Editor for Department or Program
CLSS Editors can build and edit the class schedule for individual departments or programs in CLSS. CLSS editors must complete training prior to obtaining access.
CLSS Viewer: Class Schedule View Only
CLSS users with view only access can view the class schedule in CLSS as it is being built and edited.
Course Administrator: Submits Class Grades
Course administrators assist instructors in class activities in Canvas and can be granted access to submit grades in MyRED.
Department Support: Academic Records
Department support staff for academic records assist academic departments and faculty with academic records such as grades, class rosters, student demographics and registration information. This information is found in MyRED.
Department Support: Student Employee Data
Department support staff hire or manage student employees for academic or administrative departments. Access is granted in MyRED to view academic program, enrollment and demographic information.
PERC Administrator: Manages Post-Enrollment Requisite Rosters
Post-Enrollment Requisite Check (PERC) administrators manage the PERC rosters for their academic department in MyRED. This allows departments to administratively drop students from classes after final grades are recorded that are used to fulfill prerequisites for subsequent semesters prior to the start of that term.
Any job responsibility that is needed in addition to the above defined roles. This category requires a narrative describing that job function.
Additional Access
For current users of the system who are expanding their job duties.
Access Definitions
Class Permissions Manager: Assign Class Permission Numbers
Class Permissions Managers assign class permission codes on behalf of the academic department to provide students with permission to enroll in a class they cannot enroll in themselves. Permission codes can override closed classes, prerequisites or class permission. Class permissions are assigned via MyRED.
CLSS Editor: Class Schedule Editor for Department or Program
CLSS Editors can build and edit the class schedule for individual departments or programs in CLSS. CLSS editors must complete training prior to obtaining access.
Course Administrator: Submits Class Grades
Course administrators assist instructors in class activities in Canvas and can be granted access to submit grades for those classes in MyRED.
Degree Audit
Access to the degree audit system (uAchieve) allows users to view students’ undergraduate academic progress. This system uses students’ Nebraska coursework, transfer coursework and courses in progress to determine a student's progress toward degree completion.
PERC Administrator: Manages Post-Enrollment Requisite Rosters
Post-Enrollment Requisite Check (PERC) administrators manage the PERC rosters for their academic department in MyRED. This allows departments to administratively drop students from classes after final grades are recorded that are used to fulfill prerequisites for subsequent semesters prior to the start of that term.
Perceptive Experience: Imaging System
Users of Perceptive Experience can view images in the university’s electronic repository of physical documents.
Student Group: Update Students in Group
Student groups have been created to identify specific populations/cohorts of students. Access to update student groups allows the user to add or remove students from specific groups.
Service Indicator: Add/Remove Service Indicator
Service indicators are typically placed on students to represent an enrollment hold but may be used to impact other administrative services. Users with the add/remove service indicator access can assign or remove specific service indicators on students. Access can be limited to just remove functionality for certain job roles.
WebFOCUS: College Reporting Dashboard
Each undergraduate college has a WebFOCUS reporting dashboard built by representatives within the college. These contain custom reports unique to the individual college and their respective academic departments. Access is granted in coordination with the college unit that maintains the reports.
WebFOCUS: Registrar Reporting Dashboard
The Registrar WebFOCUS reporting dashboard contains custom reports that were created specifically for individual departments and areas based upon their specific needs. Custom reports currently exist for the following groups and areas:
- Academic Affairs
- Athletics
- Career Services
- Greek Affairs
- Honors
- Housing
- Kiewit
- Learning Communities
- Learning Spaces
- Nebraska College Preparatory Academy
- Oasis
- ROTC-Army
- ROTC-Navy
- Undergraduate Colleges
- Undergraduate Education
- University Health Center
- Veteran Affairs
- WHT Buffet Scholars
Access is granted in coordination with the corresponding area/department.
Any job responsibility that is not identified above. This category requires a narrative describing the need and justification.