Field List: EP_WF_CLASS_V1

EP_WF_CLASS_V1 Field List

This is the Class Enrollment table representing student enrollment in classes for a term. There is 1 row per class enrollment. Dropped classes after the retain date for the term are also present.

INSTITUTIONInstitutionAcademic InstitutionA5University Institution Code (NEUNL)
STRMTermTerm ValueA4Term Code
SRC_SYS_IDSource IDSource System IdentificationA5NU Production System (PRDNU)
SESSION_CODESessionSessionA3Term session code
CLASS_SECTIONSectionClass SectionA4Class section of the course
CRSE_IDCourse IDCourse IDA6Sequential number assigned by the system to courses in the course catalog
LAST_NAMELastNameLast NameA30Student Last Name
FIRST_NAMEFirstNameFirst NameA30Student First Name
MIDDLE_NAMEMiddle NameMiddle NameA30Student Middle Name
NAME_SUFFIXSuffixName SuffixA15Student Name Suffix
PREF_EMAILPref Email AddrPreferred Email AddressA70Email Address marked preferred by Student
PERS_EMAILPers EmialPersonal Email AddressA70Personal Email Address – Admission Application will update this address
UNK_CAMPUS_EMAILUNK Campus EmaiUNK Campus Email AddressA70UNK’s assigned email address
UNMC_CAMPUS_EMAILUNMC Campus EmaUNMC Campus Email AddressA70UNMC’s assigned email address
UNO_CAMPUS_EMAILUNO Campus EmaiUNO Campus Email AddressA70UNO’s assigned email address
WORK_EMAILWork EmailWork Email AddressA70Email address obtained from SAP
PHONEPhoneTelephoneA24Phone Number marked as preferred by student
LOCL_ADDRESS1Local Address 1Local Address 1A55Local Street 1
LOCL_ADDRESS2Locl Address 2Local Address Line 2A55Local Street 2
LOCL_CITYLocal CityLocal CityA30Local City
LOCL_STATELocal StateLocal StateA6Local State
LOCL_POSTALLocal PostalLocal Postal CodeA12Local Zip Code
LOCL_COUNTRYLocal CountryLocal CountryA3Local Country Code
PERM_ADDRESS1Perm Address 1Permanent Address 1A55Permanent Street 1
PERM_ADDRESS2Perm Address 2Permanent Address 2A55Permanent Street 2
PERM_CITYPerm CityPermanent CityA30Permanent City
PERM_STATEPerm StatePermanent StateA6Permanent state
PERM_POSTALPerm PostalPermanent Postal CodeA12Permanent zip code
PERM_COUNTRYPerm CountryPermanent CountryA3Permanent country code
CATALOG_NBRCtlg NbrCatalog NumberA18Course number (ACCT – 201)
ACAD_GROUPAcad GroupAcademic GroupA5College
SUBJECTSubjectSubjectA25Subject of the course (ACCT – 201)
SSR_COMPONENTComponentCourse ComponentA3Activity type of the section
DESCRDescrDescriptionA30Course title
CLASS_STATClass StatClass StatusA1Indicates whether the section is open or closed
CLASS_TYPEClass TypeClass TypeA1Indicates whether section is  enrollment  or non-enrollment
ACAD_ORGAcad OrgAcademic OrganizationA10Academic department of the course
LOCATIONLocationLocation CodeA10Campus location the section will be taught on
INSTRUCTION_MODEModeInstruction ModeA2Course delivery type
START_DTStart DateStart DateYYMDSection start date
END_DTEnd DateEnd DateYY MDSection end date
COMBINED_SECTIONComb SectCombined SectionA1Flag indicating section is combined with others (C, blank)
ACAD_CAREERCareerAcademic CareerA4Career the student registered for the course under (also indicates which transcript course will appear on)
STDNT_ENRL_STATUSStatusStudent Enrollment StatusA2Indicates enrolled or dropped (E, D)
ENRL_STATUS_REASONStatus RsnEnrollment Status ReasonA4Reason associated with the enrollment status
GRADING_BASIS_ENRLGrade BaseGrading BasisA3The grading type that the student  enrolled in section
REPEAT_CODERepeatRepeat CodeA4Indicates the course was repeated or included in academic bankruptcy
CRSE_GRADE_INPUTGrade InGrade InputA3Grade reported by the instructor
CRSE_GRADE_OFFGradeOfficial GradeA3Official grade on the student’s record
UNITS_ATTEMPTEDUnits AttUnits AttemptedA1Indicates valid attempt (Y, N)
EARN_CREDITEarnCreditEarn CreditA1Indicates if credit was earned (Y, N)
ENRL_ADD_DTAdd DtEnrollment Add DateYYMDDate student enrolled in the course
ENRL_DROP_DTDrop DtEnrollment Drop DateYYMDDate student dropped the course
GRADE_DTGrade DtGrade DateYYMDDate the grade was posted
INSTR_ID_1Instr ID 1Instructor ID 1A11NUID of the 1st instructor
INSTR_NAME_1Instr Name 1Instructor Name 1A50Name of the 1st instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_1Access 1Grade Roster Access 1A1Instructor 1st grade roster access flag
INSTR_ID_2Instr ID 2Instructor ID 2A11NUID of the 2nd instructor
INSTR_NAME_2Instr Name 2Instructor Name 2A50Name of the 2nd instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_2Access 2Grade Roster Access 2A1Instructor 2nd grade roster access flag
INSTR_ID_3Instr ID 3Instructor ID 3A11NUID of the 3rd instructor
INSTR_NAME_3Instr Name 3Instructor Name 3A50Name of the 3rd instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_3Access 3Grade Roster Access 3A1Instructor 3rd grade roster access flag
INSTR_ID_4Instr ID 4Instructor ID 4A11NUID of the 4th instructor
INSTR_NAME_4Instr Name 4Instructor Name 4A50Name of the 4th instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_4Access 4Grade Roster Access 4A1Instructor 4th grade roster access flag
INSTR_ID_5Instr ID 5Instructor ID 5A11NUID of the 5th instructor
INSTR_NAME_5Instr Name 5Instructor Name 5A50Name of the 5th instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_5Access 5Grade Roster Access 5A1Instructor 5th grade roster access flag
INSTR_ID_6Instr ID 6Instructor ID 6A11NUID of the 6th instructor
INSTR_NAME_6Instr Name 6Instructor Name 6A50Name of the 6th instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_6Access 6Grade Roster Access 6A1Instructor 6th grade roster access flag
INSTR_ID_7Instr ID 7Instructor ID 7A11NUID of the 7th instructor
INSTR_NAME_7Instr Name 7Instructor Name 7A50Name of the 7th instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_7Access 7Grade Roster Access 7A1Instructor 7th grade roster access flag
INSTR_ID_8Instr ID 8Instructor ID 8A11NUID of the 8th instructor
INSTR_NAME_8Instr Name 8Instructor Name 8A50Name of the 8th instructor
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_8Access 8Grade Roster Access 8A1Instructor 8th grade roster access flag
CREATED_EW_DTTMEW Insert DttmDatetime row inserted in EWHYYMDSDate and time table was populated
OPRIDUserUser IDA30NUID of person running the report
CLASS_NBRClass NbrClass NbrI5Section call number used when registering
CRSE_OFFER_NBROffer NbrCourse Offering NbrI2Course catalog offering number
ASSOCIATED_CLASSAssocAssociated ClassI2Number used to tie lecture, lab, recitation, and quiz sections together
UNT_TAKENUnit TakenUnits TakenD7.2Registered credit hours
UNT_PRGRSSProgressUnits Taken-Academic ProgressD7.2Hours taken toward academic progress
UNT_BILLINGBill UnitsBilling UnitsD7.2Hours the student is being billed for
UNT_EARNEDUnitsUnits EarnedD7.2Credit hours the student earned for the course
GRADE_POINTSGrd PointsGrade PointsD11.3Quality points
GRD_PTS_PER_UNITGrd Pt/UntGrade Points Per UnitD11.3Quality points per hour
CRSE_COUNTCrse CountCourse CountD6.21