EP_WF_CPP_V1 Field List
This is the Career/Program/Plan (CPP Stack) table representing academic program records that are open for a student within a term. There is 1 row for each academic career / academic program / degree that the student is pursuing for that term.
Example: If the student is only in General Studies, the student would have 1 academic program row for the term. If the student is in 2 colleges, the student would have 2 rows for the term. If the student is in 2 careers, then they would have 2 rows. If the student is in 1 college, but seeking 2 different degrees in that college, then they would have 2 rows
EMPLID | ID | EmplID | A11 | Student NUID |
INSTITUTION | Institution | Academic Institution | A5 | University Institution Code (NEUNL) |
STRM | Term | Term Value | A4 | Term Code |
SRC_SYS_ID | Source ID | Source System Identification | A5 | NU Production System (PRDNU) |
ACAD_CAREER | Career | Academic Career | A4 | Academic career of CPP stack |
EFFDT | Eff Date | Effective Date | YYMD | Date the action of this row was effective |
LAST_NAME | LastName | Last Name | A30 | Student Last Name |
FIRST_NAME | FirstName | First Name | A30 | Student First Name |
MIDDLE_NAME | Middle Name | Middle Name | A30 | Student Middle Name |
NAME_SUFFIX | Suffix | Name Suffix | A15 | Student Name Suffix |
PREF_EMAIL | Pref Email Addr | Preferred Email Address | A70 | Email Address marked preferred by Student |
PERS_EMAIL | Pers Emial | Personal Email Address | A70 | Personal Email Address – Admission Application will update this address |
UNK_CAMPUS_EMAIL | UNK Campus Emai | UNK Campus Email Address | A70 | UNK’s assigned email address |
UNMC_CAMPUS_EMAIL | UNMC Campus Ema | UNMC Campus Email Address | A70 | UNMC’s assigned email address |
UNO_CAMPUS_EMAIL | UNO Campus Emai | UNO Campus Email Address | A70 | UNO’s assigned email address |
WORK_EMAIL | Work Email | Work Email Address | A70 | Email address obtained from SAP |
PHONE | Phone | Telephone | A24 | Phone Number marked as preferred by student |
LOCL_ADDRESS1 | Local Address 1 | Local Address 1 | A55 | Local Street 1 |
LOCL_ADDRESS2 | Locl Address 2 | Local Address Line 2 | A55 | Local Street 2 |
LOCL_CITY | Local City | Local City | A30 | Local City |
LOCL_STATE | Local State | Local State | A6 | Local State |
LOCL_POSTAL | Local Postal | Local Postal Code | A12 | Local Zip Code |
LOCL_COUNTRY | Local Country | Local Country | A3 | Local Country Code |
PERM_ADDRESS1 | Perm Address 1 | Permanent Address 1 | A55 | Permanent Street 1 |
PERM_ADDRESS2 | Perm Address 2 | Permanent Address 2 | A55 | Permanent Street 2 |
PERM_CITY | Perm City | Permanent City | A30 | Permanent City |
PERM_STATE | Perm State | Permanent State | A6 | Permanent state |
PERM_POSTAL | Perm Postal | Permanent Postal Code | A12 | Permanent zip code |
PERM_COUNTRY | Perm Country | Permanent Country | A3 | Permanent country code |
ACAD_PROG | Acad Prog | Academic Program | A5 | The academic program of this CPP stack |
PROGRAM_DESCR | Program Desc | Program Description | A30 | Description of the academic program |
ACAD_GROUP | Acad Group | Academic Group | A5 | College code |
PROG_STATUS | Status | Academic Program Status | A4 | Active status of the CPP stack |
PROG_ACTION | Prog Actn | Program Action | A4 | The action that was being taken when this row in the CPP stack was created |
ADMIT_TERM | Admit Term | Admit Term | A4 | First term this CPP stack became active. New students it would be the term they were admitted. |
EXP_GRAD_TERM | Exp Grad | Expected Graduation Term | A4 | Fictitious expected graduation term |
REQ_TERM | Req Term | Requirement Term | A4 | Degree Catalog Term |
CAMPUS | Campus | Campus | A5 | Campus for the CPP stack (NEUNL) |
DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT | ChkoutStat | Degree Checkout Status | A2 | Status of the degree check, application, and award |
COMPLETION_TERM | Compl Term | Completion Term | A4 | Term degree was awarded for this CPP stack |
ADM_APPL_NBR | Appl Nbr | Application Nbr | A8 | Admissions application number that is tied to this CPP stack |
ADMIT_TYPE | Admit Type | Admit Type | A3 | New student type at time of admission |
The section below repeats 10 times | ||||
ACAD_PLAN_1 | Acad Plan 1 | Academic Plan 1 | A10 | Major and/or minor code – NOTE: ACAD_PLAN_1 will always have the degree code as part of the plan code, remaining academic plan codes will have naming conventions indicating if they are majors or minors |
PLAN_DESCR_1 | Plan Descr 1 | Plan Description 1 | A100 | Major and/or minor description |
STDNT_DEGR_1 | Stdnt Degree 1 | Student Degree 1 | A2 | When degree is awarded, sequential number assigned to the degree |
PLAN_TYPE_1 | Plan Typ 1 | Plan Type 1 | A3 | Major/minor indicator |
DEGREE_1 | Degree 1 | Degree 1 | A8 | Degree this CPP stack is pursuing – NOTE: at UNL, DEGREE_1 will have the degree code, DEGREE_2 and remaining DEGREE fields are not populated |
CIP_CODE_1 | Cip Code 1 | Cip Code 1 | A13 | CIP code for the academic plan |
ACAD_ORG_1 | Acad Org 1 | Academic Organization 1 | A10 | Department |
ORG_DESCR_1 | Org Descr 1 | Organization Description 1 | A50 | Department description |
SUBPLAN_1_1 | SubPlan 1_1 | Acad SubPlan 1_1 | A10 | Specialization code associated with plan 1 |
SUBPLAN_TYPE_1_1 | SubPlanTyp 1_1 | Acad SubPlan Type 1_1 | A3 | Indicator to designate whether subplan is a specialization, concentration, etc. |
SUBPLAN_DESCR_1_1 | SubPlanDesc1_1 | SubPlan Descr 1_1 | A100 | Subplan description |
SUBPLAN_1_2 | SubPlan 1_2 | Acad SubPlan 1_2 | A10 | 2nd specialization code associated with plan 1 |
SUBPLAN_TYPE_1_2 | SubPlanTyp 1_2 | Acad SubPlan Type 1_2 | A3 | Indicator to designate whether 2nd subplan is a specialization, concentration, etc. |
SUBPLAN_DESCR_1_2 | SubPlanDesc1_2 | SubPlan Descr 1_2 | A100 | 2nd Subplan description |
SUBPLAN_1_3 | SubPlan 1_3 | Acad SubPlan 1_3 | A10 | 3rd specialization code associated with plan 1 |
SUBPLAN_TYPE_1_3 | SubPlanTyp 1_3 | Acad SubPlan Type 1_3 | A3 | Indicator to designate whether 3rd subplan is a specialization, concentration, etc. |
SUBPLAN_DESCR_1_3 | SubPlanDesc1_3 | SubPlan Descr 1_3 | A100 | 3rd Subplan description |
The section above repeats 10 times | ||||
CREATED_EW_DTTM | EW Insert Dttm | Datetime row inserted in EW | HYYMDS | Date and time the table was last updated |
OPRID | User | User ID | A30 | NUID of user running the report |
STDNT_CAR_NBR | Career Nbr | Student Career Nbr | I3 | Sequential number assigned to this career’s CPP stack |
EFFSEQ | Sequence | Effective Sequence | I3 | If multiple CPP stack rows were created on the same day, sequential number assigned to differentiate which effective dated row is the most current |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 | Plan Seq 1 | Plan Sequence 1 | I2 | Sequence number indicating the order in which academic plans will appear on the transcript. This sequence number is for plan 1. |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_2 | Plan Seq 2 | Plan Sequence 2 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_3 | Plan Seq 3 | Plan Sequence 3 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_4 | Plan Seq 4 | Plan Sequence 4 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_5 | Plan Seq 5 | Plan Sequence 5 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_6 | Plan Seq 6 | Plan Sequence 6 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_7 | Plan Seq 7 | Plan Sequence 7 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_8 | Plan Seq 8 | Plan Sequence 8 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_9 | Plan Seq 9 | Plan Sequence 9 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |
PLAN_SEQUENCE_10 | Plan Seq 10 | Plan Sequence 10 | I2 | See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1 |