Field List: EP_WF_CPP_V1

EP_WF_CPP_V1 Field List

This is the Career/Program/Plan (CPP Stack) table representing academic program records that are open for a student within a term.  There is 1 row for each academic career / academic program / degree that the student is pursuing for that term.

Example:   If the student is only in General Studies, the student would have 1 academic program row for the term.   If the student is in 2 colleges, the student would have 2 rows for the term.  If the student is in 2 careers, then they would have 2 rows.  If the student is in 1 college, but seeking 2 different degrees in that college, then they would have 2 rows


INSTITUTIONInstitutionAcademic InstitutionA5University Institution Code (NEUNL)
STRMTermTerm ValueA4Term Code
SRC_SYS_IDSource IDSource System IdentificationA5NU Production System (PRDNU)
ACAD_CAREERCareerAcademic CareerA4Academic career of CPP stack
EFFDTEff DateEffective DateYYMDDate the action of this row was effective
LAST_NAMELastNameLast NameA30Student Last Name
FIRST_NAMEFirstNameFirst NameA30Student First Name
MIDDLE_NAMEMiddle NameMiddle NameA30Student Middle Name
NAME_SUFFIXSuffixName SuffixA15Student Name Suffix
PREF_EMAILPref Email AddrPreferred Email AddressA70Email Address marked preferred by Student
PERS_EMAILPers EmialPersonal Email AddressA70Personal Email Address – Admission Application will update this address
UNK_CAMPUS_EMAILUNK Campus EmaiUNK Campus Email AddressA70UNK’s assigned email address
UNMC_CAMPUS_EMAILUNMC Campus EmaUNMC Campus Email AddressA70UNMC’s assigned email address
UNO_CAMPUS_EMAILUNO Campus EmaiUNO Campus Email AddressA70UNO’s assigned email address
WORK_EMAILWork EmailWork Email AddressA70Email address obtained from SAP
PHONEPhoneTelephoneA24Phone Number marked as preferred by student
LOCL_ADDRESS1Local Address 1Local Address 1A55Local Street 1
LOCL_ADDRESS2Locl Address 2Local Address Line 2A55Local Street 2
LOCL_CITYLocal CityLocal CityA30Local City
LOCL_STATELocal StateLocal StateA6Local State
LOCL_POSTALLocal PostalLocal Postal CodeA12Local Zip Code
LOCL_COUNTRYLocal CountryLocal CountryA3Local Country Code
PERM_ADDRESS1Perm Address 1Permanent Address 1A55Permanent Street 1
PERM_ADDRESS2Perm Address 2Permanent Address 2A55Permanent Street 2
PERM_CITYPerm CityPermanent CityA30Permanent City
PERM_STATEPerm StatePermanent StateA6Permanent state
PERM_POSTALPerm PostalPermanent Postal CodeA12Permanent zip code
PERM_COUNTRYPerm CountryPermanent CountryA3Permanent country code
ACAD_PROGAcad ProgAcademic ProgramA5The academic program of this CPP stack
PROGRAM_DESCRProgram DescProgram DescriptionA30Description of the academic program
ACAD_GROUPAcad GroupAcademic GroupA5College code
PROG_STATUSStatusAcademic Program StatusA4Active status of the CPP stack
PROG_ACTIONProg ActnProgram ActionA4The action that was being taken when this row in the CPP stack was created
ADMIT_TERMAdmit TermAdmit TermA4First term this CPP stack became active.  New students it would be the term they were admitted.
EXP_GRAD_TERMExp GradExpected Graduation TermA4Fictitious expected graduation term
REQ_TERMReq TermRequirement TermA4Degree Catalog Term
CAMPUSCampusCampusA5Campus for the CPP stack (NEUNL)
DEGR_CHKOUT_STATChkoutStatDegree Checkout StatusA2Status of the degree check, application, and award
COMPLETION_TERMCompl TermCompletion TermA4Term degree was awarded for this CPP stack
ADM_APPL_NBRAppl NbrApplication NbrA8Admissions application number that is tied to this CPP stack
ADMIT_TYPEAdmit TypeAdmit TypeA3New student type at time of admission
The section below repeats 10 times 
ACAD_PLAN_1Acad Plan 1Academic Plan 1A10Major and/or minor code – NOTE: ACAD_PLAN_1 will always have the degree code as part of the plan code, remaining academic plan codes will have naming conventions indicating if they are majors or minors
PLAN_DESCR_1Plan Descr 1Plan Description 1A100Major and/or minor description
STDNT_DEGR_1Stdnt Degree 1Student Degree 1A2When degree is awarded, sequential number assigned to the degree
PLAN_TYPE_1Plan Typ 1Plan Type 1A3Major/minor indicator
DEGREE_1Degree 1Degree 1A8Degree this CPP stack is pursuing – NOTE: at UNL, DEGREE_1 will have the degree code, DEGREE_2 and remaining DEGREE fields are not populated
CIP_CODE_1Cip Code 1Cip Code 1A13CIP code for the academic plan
ACAD_ORG_1Acad Org 1Academic Organization 1A10Department
ORG_DESCR_1Org Descr 1Organization Description 1A50Department description
SUBPLAN_1_1SubPlan 1_1Acad SubPlan 1_1A10Specialization code associated with plan 1
SUBPLAN_TYPE_1_1SubPlanTyp 1_1Acad SubPlan Type 1_1A3Indicator to designate whether subplan is a specialization, concentration, etc.
SUBPLAN_DESCR_1_1SubPlanDesc1_1SubPlan Descr 1_1A100Subplan description
SUBPLAN_1_2SubPlan 1_2Acad SubPlan 1_2A102nd specialization code associated with plan 1
SUBPLAN_TYPE_1_2SubPlanTyp 1_2Acad SubPlan Type 1_2A3Indicator to designate whether 2nd subplan is a specialization, concentration, etc.
SUBPLAN_DESCR_1_2SubPlanDesc1_2SubPlan Descr 1_2A1002nd Subplan description
SUBPLAN_1_3SubPlan 1_3Acad SubPlan 1_3A103rd specialization code associated with plan 1
SUBPLAN_TYPE_1_3SubPlanTyp 1_3Acad SubPlan Type 1_3A3Indicator to designate whether 3rd subplan is a specialization, concentration, etc.
SUBPLAN_DESCR_1_3SubPlanDesc1_3SubPlan Descr 1_3A1003rd Subplan description
The section above repeats 10 times 
CREATED_EW_DTTMEW Insert DttmDatetime row inserted in EWHYYMDSDate and time the table was last updated
OPRIDUserUser IDA30NUID of user running the report
STDNT_CAR_NBRCareer NbrStudent Career NbrI3Sequential number assigned to this career’s CPP stack
EFFSEQSequenceEffective SequenceI3If multiple CPP stack rows were created on the same day, sequential number assigned to differentiate which effective dated row is the most current
PLAN_SEQUENCE_1Plan Seq 1Plan Sequence 1I2Sequence number indicating the order in which academic plans will appear on the transcript.  This sequence number is for plan 1.
PLAN_SEQUENCE_2Plan Seq 2Plan Sequence 2I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_3Plan Seq 3Plan Sequence 3I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_4Plan Seq 4Plan Sequence 4I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_5Plan Seq 5Plan Sequence 5I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_6Plan Seq 6Plan Sequence 6I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_7Plan Seq 7Plan Sequence 7I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_8Plan Seq 8Plan Sequence 8I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_9Plan Seq 9Plan Sequence 9I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1
PLAN_SEQUENCE_10Plan Seq 10Plan Sequence 10I2See PLAN_SEQUENCE_1