Field List: EP_WF_TERM_V1

EP_WF_TERM_V1 Field List

This is the Term table representing term activation records for a student.  Activating a term makes the student eligible to enroll.  There is 1 row for each academic career that the student is eligible to enroll in for that term.  The term record is where both the term and cumulative career statistics are located.

Example:  If the student is eligible to enroll only as an undergraduate for a term, the student has 1 row for that term.  If the student is eligible to enroll as both an undergraduate and as a graduate, the student would have 2 rows for that term:  1 undergraduate row and 1 graduate row.


INSTITUTIONInstitutionAcademic InstitutionA5University Institution Code (NEUNL)
STRMTermTerm ValueA4Term Code
SRC_SYS_IDSource IDSource System IdentificationA5NU Production System (PRDNU)
ACAD_CAREERCareerAcademic CareerA4Eligible Career for Student for Term
LAST_NAMELastNameLast NameA30Student Last Name
FIRST_NAMEFirstNameFirst NameA30Student First Name
MIDDLE_NAMEMiddle NameMiddle NameA30Student Middle Name
NAME_SUFFIXSuffixName SuffixA15Student Name Suffix
PREF_EMAILPref Email AddrPreferred Email AddressA70Email Address marked preferred by Student
PERS_EMAILPers EmialPersonal Email AddressA70Personal Email Address – Admission Application will update this address
UNK_CAMPUS_EMAILUNK Campus EmaiUNK Campus Email AddressA70UNK’s assigned email address
UNMC_CAMPUS_EMAILUNMC Campus EmaUNMC Campus Email AddressA70UNMC’s assigned email address
UNO_CAMPUS_EMAILUNO Campus EmaiUNO Campus Email AddressA70UNO’s assigned email address
WORK_EMAILWork EmailWork Email AddressA70Email address obtained from SAP
PHONEPhoneTelephoneA24Phone Number marked as preferred by student
LOCL_ADDRESS1Local Address 1Local Address 1A55Local Street 1
LOCL_ADDRESS2Locl Address 2Local Address Line 2A55Local Street 2
LOCL_CITYLocal CityLocal CityA30Local City
LOCL_STATELocal StateLocal StateA6Local State
LOCL_POSTALLocal PostalLocal Postal CodeA12Local Zip Code
LOCL_COUNTRYLocal CountryLocal CountryA3Local Country Code
PERM_ADDRESS1Perm Address 1Permanent Address 1A55Permanent Street 1
PERM_ADDRESS2Perm Address 2Permanent Address 2A55Permanent Street 2
PERM_CITYPerm CityPermanent CityA30Permanent City
PERM_STATEPerm StatePermanent StateA6Permanent state
PERM_POSTALPerm PostalPermanent Postal CodeA12Permanent zip code
PERM_COUNTRYPerm CountryPermanent CountryA3Permanent country code
BIRTHDATEBirthdateDate of BirthYYMDStudent birth date
SEXSexGenderA1Gender (M, F, U)
MARITAL_STATMar StatMarital StatusA1not used
DT_OF_DEATHDeath DateDate of DeathYYMDIf deceased, date of death
FERPAFERPAFERPAA1Directory Restriction Flag (Y, N)
ACAD_PROG_PRIMARYPrim ProgPrimary Academic ProgramA5Academic Program used to activate the term record
ACADEMIC_LOADAcad LoadAcademic LoadA1Full-time/Part-time status
ACAD_LEVEL_BOTStrt LevelAcademic Level - Term StartA3Class level at the start of the term
ACAD_LEVEL_EOTEnd LevelAcademic Level - Term EndA3Class level at the end of the term
FORM_OF_STUDYStudy FormForm of StudyA4Used to override academic load
CITIZENSHIP_CNTRYCountryCitizenship CountryA3Country of citizenship
CITIZENSHIP_STATUSStatusCitizenship StatusA1not used
VISA_PERMIT_TYPEVisPmtTypeVisa/Permit TypeA3Visa permit type
VISA_EFFDTEff DateEffective DateYYMDThe effective date of the visa permit
MILITARY_STATUSMil StatusMilitary StatusA1not used
RACE_AMINDIANRace Am IndianRace American Indian FlagA1American Indian race indicator (Y, blank)
RACE_ASIANRace AsianRace Asian FlagA1Asian race indicator (Y, blank)
RACE_BLACKRace BlackRace Black FlagA1Black race indicator (Y, blank)
RACE_HIPIRace HiPIRace Hawiian Pac Island FlagA1Hawaiian/Pacific Islander race indicator (Y, blank)
RACE_NOSPECRace Not SpecRace Not Specified FlagA1Race not specified indicator (Y, blank)
RACE_WHITERace WhiteRace White FlagA1White race indicator (Y, blank)
ETHN_HISPANICEthn HispEthnicity Hispanic FlagA1Hispanic ethnicity flag (Y, blank)
RESIDENCYResidencyResidencyA5Nebraska residency for term (RES, NRES)
CITY_OF_ORIGINCity OriginCity Of OriginA30Student’s city at time of admission
COUNTY_OF_ORIGINCounty OriginCounty of OriginA30Student’s county at time of admission
STATE_OF_ORIGINState OriginState Of OriginA6Student’s state at time of admission
ZIP_OF_ORIGINZip OriginPostal Code of OriginA10Student’s zip at time of admission
CREATED_EW_DTTMEW Insert DttmDatetime row inserted in EWHYYMDSDate and time the table was last updated
OPRIDUserUser IDA30NUID of user running the report
STDNT_CAR_NBRCareer NbrStudent Career NbrI3Sequential number assigned to the career’s cpp stack that was used to activate this term
TERM_ATTEMPTED_HRSTrm Attmptd HrsTerm Attempted HoursD10.3UNL hours attempted for term
TERM_EARNED_HRSTrm Ernd HrsTerm Earned HoursD10.3UNL hours earned for term
TERM_GRADE_HRSTrm Grd HrsTerm Grade HoursD10.3UNL quality hours for term
TERM_GRADE_PTSTrm Grd PntsTerm Grade PointsD10.3UNL quality points for term
TERM_TRF_ATT_HRSTerm TRF Att HrTerm TRF Attempted HoursD10.3Transfer attempted hours that were applied to this term
TERM_TRF_EARND_HRSTrm TRF Ern HrsTerm TRF Earned HoursD10.3Transfer earned hours that were applied to this term
TERM_TRF_GRADE_HRSTrm TRF Grd HrsTerm TRF Grade HoursD10.3Transfer quality hours that were applied to this term
TERM_TRF_GRADE_PTSTrm TRF Grd PtsTerm TRF Grade PointsD10.3Transfer quality points that were applied to this term
TERM_TRF_GPATrm TRF GPATerm TRF GPAD10.3Transfer GPA that was applied to this term
TERM_COMB_ATT_HRSTrm Cmb Att HrsTerm Combined Attempted HoursD10.3UNL + Transfer attempted hours for term
TERM_COMB_ERN_HRSTrm Cmb Ern HrsTerm Combined Earned HoursD10.3UNL + Transfer earned hours for term
TERM_COMB_GRD_HRSTrm Cmb Grd HrsTerm Combined Grade HoursD10.3UNL + Transfer quality hours for term
TERM_COMB_GRD_PTSTrm Cmb Grd PtsTerm Combined Grade PointsD10.3UNL + Transfer quality points for term
TERM_COMB_TRM_GPATrm Cmb Trm GPATerm Combined Term GPAD10.3UNL + Transfer gpa for term
CUM_ATT_HRSCum Att HrsCumulative Attempted HoursD10.3Cumulative attempted hours as of end of term (UNL + Transfer)
CUM_ERN_HRSCum Ern HrsCumulative Earned HoursD10.3Cumulative earned hours as of end of term (UNL + transfer)
CUM_GRADE_HRSCum Grd HrsCumulative Grade HoursD10.3Cumulative quality hours as of end of  term (UNL+ transfer)
CUM_GRADE_PTSCum Grd PtsCumulative Grade PointsD10.3Cumulative quality points as of end of term (UNL + transfer)
CUM_GPAGPACumulative GPAD10.3Cumulative gpa as of end of term (UNL + transfer)
CUM_ENRL_GRADE_HRSCum Enrl Grd HrCumulative Enrl Grade HoursD10.3UNL cumulative quality hours as of end of term
CUM_ENRL_GRADE_PTSCum Enrl Grd PtCumulative Enrl Grade PointsD10.3UNL cumulative quality points as of end of term
CUM_ENRL_GPACum Enrl GPACumulative Enrl GPAD10.3UNL cumulative gpa as of end of term
CUM_TRF_GRADE_HRSCum TRF Grd HrsCumulative TRF Grade HoursD10.3Transfer cumulative quality hours as of end of term
CUM_TRF_GRADE_PTSCum TRF Grd PtsCumulative TRF Grade PointsD10.3Transfer cumulative quality points as of end of term
CUM_TRF_GPACum TRF GPACumulative TRF GPAD10.3Transfer cumulative gpa as of end of term