EP_WF_TERM_V1 Field List
This is the Term table representing term activation records for a student. Activating a term makes the student eligible to enroll. There is 1 row for each academic career that the student is eligible to enroll in for that term. The term record is where both the term and cumulative career statistics are located.
Example: If the student is eligible to enroll only as an undergraduate for a term, the student has 1 row for that term. If the student is eligible to enroll as both an undergraduate and as a graduate, the student would have 2 rows for that term: 1 undergraduate row and 1 graduate row.
EMPLID | ID | EmplID | A11 | Student NUID |
INSTITUTION | Institution | Academic Institution | A5 | University Institution Code (NEUNL) |
STRM | Term | Term Value | A4 | Term Code |
SRC_SYS_ID | Source ID | Source System Identification | A5 | NU Production System (PRDNU) |
ACAD_CAREER | Career | Academic Career | A4 | Eligible Career for Student for Term |
LAST_NAME | LastName | Last Name | A30 | Student Last Name |
FIRST_NAME | FirstName | First Name | A30 | Student First Name |
MIDDLE_NAME | Middle Name | Middle Name | A30 | Student Middle Name |
NAME_SUFFIX | Suffix | Name Suffix | A15 | Student Name Suffix |
PREF_EMAIL | Pref Email Addr | Preferred Email Address | A70 | Email Address marked preferred by Student |
PERS_EMAIL | Pers Emial | Personal Email Address | A70 | Personal Email Address – Admission Application will update this address |
UNK_CAMPUS_EMAIL | UNK Campus Emai | UNK Campus Email Address | A70 | UNK’s assigned email address |
UNMC_CAMPUS_EMAIL | UNMC Campus Ema | UNMC Campus Email Address | A70 | UNMC’s assigned email address |
UNO_CAMPUS_EMAIL | UNO Campus Emai | UNO Campus Email Address | A70 | UNO’s assigned email address |
WORK_EMAIL | Work Email | Work Email Address | A70 | Email address obtained from SAP |
PHONE | Phone | Telephone | A24 | Phone Number marked as preferred by student |
LOCL_ADDRESS1 | Local Address 1 | Local Address 1 | A55 | Local Street 1 |
LOCL_ADDRESS2 | Locl Address 2 | Local Address Line 2 | A55 | Local Street 2 |
LOCL_CITY | Local City | Local City | A30 | Local City |
LOCL_STATE | Local State | Local State | A6 | Local State |
LOCL_POSTAL | Local Postal | Local Postal Code | A12 | Local Zip Code |
LOCL_COUNTRY | Local Country | Local Country | A3 | Local Country Code |
PERM_ADDRESS1 | Perm Address 1 | Permanent Address 1 | A55 | Permanent Street 1 |
PERM_ADDRESS2 | Perm Address 2 | Permanent Address 2 | A55 | Permanent Street 2 |
PERM_CITY | Perm City | Permanent City | A30 | Permanent City |
PERM_STATE | Perm State | Permanent State | A6 | Permanent state |
PERM_POSTAL | Perm Postal | Permanent Postal Code | A12 | Permanent zip code |
PERM_COUNTRY | Perm Country | Permanent Country | A3 | Permanent country code |
BIRTHDATE | Birthdate | Date of Birth | YYMD | Student birth date |
SEX | Sex | Gender | A1 | Gender (M, F, U) |
MARITAL_STAT | Mar Stat | Marital Status | A1 | not used |
DT_OF_DEATH | Death Date | Date of Death | YYMD | If deceased, date of death |
FERPA | FERPA | FERPA | A1 | Directory Restriction Flag (Y, N) |
ACAD_PROG_PRIMARY | Prim Prog | Primary Academic Program | A5 | Academic Program used to activate the term record |
ACADEMIC_LOAD | Acad Load | Academic Load | A1 | Full-time/Part-time status |
ACAD_LEVEL_BOT | Strt Level | Academic Level - Term Start | A3 | Class level at the start of the term |
ACAD_LEVEL_EOT | End Level | Academic Level - Term End | A3 | Class level at the end of the term |
FORM_OF_STUDY | Study Form | Form of Study | A4 | Used to override academic load |
CITIZENSHIP_CNTRY | Country | Citizenship Country | A3 | Country of citizenship |
CITIZENSHIP_STATUS | Status | Citizenship Status | A1 | not used |
VISA_PERMIT_TYPE | VisPmtType | Visa/Permit Type | A3 | Visa permit type |
VISA_EFFDT | Eff Date | Effective Date | YYMD | The effective date of the visa permit |
MILITARY_STATUS | Mil Status | Military Status | A1 | not used |
RACE_AMINDIAN | Race Am Indian | Race American Indian Flag | A1 | American Indian race indicator (Y, blank) |
RACE_ASIAN | Race Asian | Race Asian Flag | A1 | Asian race indicator (Y, blank) |
RACE_BLACK | Race Black | Race Black Flag | A1 | Black race indicator (Y, blank) |
RACE_HIPI | Race HiPI | Race Hawiian Pac Island Flag | A1 | Hawaiian/Pacific Islander race indicator (Y, blank) |
RACE_NOSPEC | Race Not Spec | Race Not Specified Flag | A1 | Race not specified indicator (Y, blank) |
RACE_WHITE | Race White | Race White Flag | A1 | White race indicator (Y, blank) |
ETHN_HISPANIC | Ethn Hisp | Ethnicity Hispanic Flag | A1 | Hispanic ethnicity flag (Y, blank) |
RESIDENCY | Residency | Residency | A5 | Nebraska residency for term (RES, NRES) |
CITY_OF_ORIGIN | City Origin | City Of Origin | A30 | Student’s city at time of admission |
COUNTY_OF_ORIGIN | County Origin | County of Origin | A30 | Student’s county at time of admission |
STATE_OF_ORIGIN | State Origin | State Of Origin | A6 | Student’s state at time of admission |
ZIP_OF_ORIGIN | Zip Origin | Postal Code of Origin | A10 | Student’s zip at time of admission |
CREATED_EW_DTTM | EW Insert Dttm | Datetime row inserted in EW | HYYMDS | Date and time the table was last updated |
OPRID | User | User ID | A30 | NUID of user running the report |
STDNT_CAR_NBR | Career Nbr | Student Career Nbr | I3 | Sequential number assigned to the career’s cpp stack that was used to activate this term |
TERM_ATTEMPTED_HRS | Trm Attmptd Hrs | Term Attempted Hours | D10.3 | UNL hours attempted for term |
TERM_EARNED_HRS | Trm Ernd Hrs | Term Earned Hours | D10.3 | UNL hours earned for term |
TERM_GRADE_HRS | Trm Grd Hrs | Term Grade Hours | D10.3 | UNL quality hours for term |
TERM_GRADE_PTS | Trm Grd Pnts | Term Grade Points | D10.3 | UNL quality points for term |
TERM_GPA | Term GPA | Term GPA | D10.3 | UNL term GPA |
TERM_TRF_ATT_HRS | Term TRF Att Hr | Term TRF Attempted Hours | D10.3 | Transfer attempted hours that were applied to this term |
TERM_TRF_EARND_HRS | Trm TRF Ern Hrs | Term TRF Earned Hours | D10.3 | Transfer earned hours that were applied to this term |
TERM_TRF_GRADE_HRS | Trm TRF Grd Hrs | Term TRF Grade Hours | D10.3 | Transfer quality hours that were applied to this term |
TERM_TRF_GRADE_PTS | Trm TRF Grd Pts | Term TRF Grade Points | D10.3 | Transfer quality points that were applied to this term |
TERM_TRF_GPA | Trm TRF GPA | Term TRF GPA | D10.3 | Transfer GPA that was applied to this term |
TERM_COMB_ATT_HRS | Trm Cmb Att Hrs | Term Combined Attempted Hours | D10.3 | UNL + Transfer attempted hours for term |
TERM_COMB_ERN_HRS | Trm Cmb Ern Hrs | Term Combined Earned Hours | D10.3 | UNL + Transfer earned hours for term |
TERM_COMB_GRD_HRS | Trm Cmb Grd Hrs | Term Combined Grade Hours | D10.3 | UNL + Transfer quality hours for term |
TERM_COMB_GRD_PTS | Trm Cmb Grd Pts | Term Combined Grade Points | D10.3 | UNL + Transfer quality points for term |
TERM_COMB_TRM_GPA | Trm Cmb Trm GPA | Term Combined Term GPA | D10.3 | UNL + Transfer gpa for term |
CUM_ATT_HRS | Cum Att Hrs | Cumulative Attempted Hours | D10.3 | Cumulative attempted hours as of end of term (UNL + Transfer) |
CUM_ERN_HRS | Cum Ern Hrs | Cumulative Earned Hours | D10.3 | Cumulative earned hours as of end of term (UNL + transfer) |
CUM_GRADE_HRS | Cum Grd Hrs | Cumulative Grade Hours | D10.3 | Cumulative quality hours as of end of term (UNL+ transfer) |
CUM_GRADE_PTS | Cum Grd Pts | Cumulative Grade Points | D10.3 | Cumulative quality points as of end of term (UNL + transfer) |
CUM_GPA | GPA | Cumulative GPA | D10.3 | Cumulative gpa as of end of term (UNL + transfer) |
CUM_ENRL_GRADE_HRS | Cum Enrl Grd Hr | Cumulative Enrl Grade Hours | D10.3 | UNL cumulative quality hours as of end of term |
CUM_ENRL_GRADE_PTS | Cum Enrl Grd Pt | Cumulative Enrl Grade Points | D10.3 | UNL cumulative quality points as of end of term |
CUM_ENRL_GPA | Cum Enrl GPA | Cumulative Enrl GPA | D10.3 | UNL cumulative gpa as of end of term |
CUM_TRF_GRADE_HRS | Cum TRF Grd Hrs | Cumulative TRF Grade Hours | D10.3 | Transfer cumulative quality hours as of end of term |
CUM_TRF_GRADE_PTS | Cum TRF Grd Pts | Cumulative TRF Grade Points | D10.3 | Transfer cumulative quality points as of end of term |
CUM_TRF_GPA | Cum TRF GPA | Cumulative TRF GPA | D10.3 | Transfer cumulative gpa as of end of term |