AACTS-BA | Actuarial Science |
AACTS-BS | Actuarial Science |
AACTS-MAJ | Actuarial Science |
AACTS-MIN | Actuarial Science |
AAEN-MIN | Agricultural Economics |
ABIOC-BS | Biochemistry |
ABIOC-MAJ | Biochemistry |
ABIOC-MIN | Biochemistry |
ABSE-GMAJ | Agricultural & Biological Systems Engineering |
ABSE-GMIN | Agricultural & Biological Systems Engineering |
ABSE-MS | Agricultural & Biological Systems Engineering |
ABUS-B1AB | Agribusiness |
ABUS-BSAG | Agribusiness |
ABUS-BSAS | Agribusiness |
ABUS-MAJ | Agribusiness |
ABUS-MIN | Agribusiness |
ACCG-BSBA | Accounting |
ACCG-MAJ | Accounting |
ACCG-MIN | Accounting |
ACCT-DNKN | Accountancy |
ACCT-GMIN | Accountancy |
ACCT-MPAC | Accountancy |
ACCT-NDEG | Accountancy |
ACTS-BSBA | Actuarial Science |
ACTS-GMAJ | Actuarial Science |
ACTS-GMIN | Actuarial Science |
ACTS-MAJ | Actuarial Science |
ACTS-MS | Actuarial Science |
ADCE-GMAJ | Adult and Continuing Education |
ADCE-GMIN | Adult and Continuing Education |
ADCE-MA | Adult and Continuing Education |
ADCI-DNKN | Education-Administration, Curriculum & Instruction |
ADCI-EDD | Education-Administration, Curriculum & Instruction |
ADCI-GMAJ | Education-Administration, Curriculum & Instruction |
ADCI-PHD | Education-Administration, Curriculum & Instruction |
ADSF-GMAJ | Adult Education and Social Foundations |
ADSF-GMIN | Adult Education and Social Foundations |
ADSF-MA | Adult Education and Social Foundations |
ADVA-MIN | Diversified Agriculture |
ADVT-BA | Advertising |
ADVT-BJ | Advertising |
ADVT-MAJ | Advertising |
ADVT-MIN | Advertising |
AECN-B1AE | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-BSAG | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-BSAS | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-DNKN | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-GMAJ | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-GMIN | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-MAJ | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-MIN | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-MS | Agricultural Economics |
AECN-PHD | Agricultural Economics |
AECON-BA | Economics |
AECON-BS | Economics |
AECON-MAJ | Economics |
AECON-MIN | Economics |
AEDU-B1ED | Agricultural Education |
AEDU-BSAG | Agricultural Education |
AEDU-BSAS | Agricultural Education |
AEDU-GMAJ | Agricultural Education |
AEDU-GMIN | Agricultural Education |
AEDU-MAJ | Agricultural Education |
AEDU-MS | Agricultural Education |
AENG-BSAE | Agricultural Engineering |
AENG-GMIN | Agricultural Engineering |
AENS-MIN | Environmental Studies |
AENVR-BA | Environmental Studies |
AENVR-BS | Environmental Studies |
AENVR-MAJ | Environmental Studies |
AERO-MIN | Aerospace Studies |
AF001-MAJ | Mathematics |
AF002-MAJ | Film Studies |
AF003-MAJ | Economics |
AF004-MAJ | English |
AF005-MAJ | Spanish |
AF006-MAJ | French |
AF007-MAJ | German |
AF008-MAJ | History |
AF009-MAJ | Philosophy |
AF010-MAJ | Political Science |
AF011-MAJ | Psychology |
AF012-MAJ | Communication Studies |
AF013-MAJ | International Studies |
AF014-MAJ | Biological Sciences |
AF015-MAJ | Classics |
AF016-MAJ | Chemistry |
AF017-MAJ | Classics and Religious Studies |
AF018-MAJ | Sociology |
AF019-MAJ | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
AF020-MAJ | Anthropology |
AF021-MAJ | Geography |
AF022-MAJ | Great Plains Studies Program |
AF023-MAJ | Women's & Gender Studies |
AF024-MAJ | Environmental Studies |
AFRI-MIN | African American Studies |
AFRS-MIN | African Studies |
AGER-MIN | Gerontology |
AGHN-BSAG | Agricultural Honors |
AGHN-BSAS | Agricultural Honors |
AGHN-MAJ | Agricultural Honors |
AGRI-BSAG | General Agriculture |
AGRI-BSAS | General Agriculture |
AGRI-MAJ | General Agriculture |
AGRI-MIN | General Agriculture |
AGRO-B1AG | Agronomy |
AGRO-BSAG | Agronomy |
AGRO-BSAS | Agronomy |
AGRO-DNKN | Agronomy |
AGRO-GMAJ | Agronomy |
AGRO-GMIN | Agronomy |
AGRO-MAJ | Agronomy |
AGRO-MIN | Agronomy |
AGRO-MS | Agronomy |
AGRO-NDEG | Agronomy |
AGRO-PHD | Agronomy |
AHCR-BA | Art History and Criticism |
AHCR-GMIN | Art History and Criticism |
AHCR-MAJ | Art History and Criticism |
AHCR-MIN | Art History and Criticism |
AHIS-BA | Art and Art History |
AHIS-GMIN | Art and Art History |
AHIS-MAJ | Art and Art History |
AHIS-MFA | Art and Art History |
AHIS-MIN | Art and Art History |
AINA-MIN | International Affairs |
AJ001-MAJ | Mathematics |
AJ002-MAJ | Film Studies |
AJ003-MAJ | Economics |
AJ004-MAJ | English |
AJ005-MAJ | Spanish |
AJ006-MAJ | French |
AJ007-MAJ | German |
AJ008-MAJ | History |
AJ009-MAJ | Philosophy |
AJ010-MAJ | Political Science |
AJ011-MAJ | Psychology |
AJ012-MAJ | Communication Studies |
AJ013-MAJ | International Studies |
AJ014-MAJ | Biological Sciences |
AJ015-MAJ | Classics |
AJ016-MAJ | Chemistry |
AJ017-MAJ | Classics and Religious Studies |
AJ018-MAJ | Sociology |
AJ019-MAJ | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
AJ020-MAJ | Anthropology |
AJ021-MAJ | Geography |
AJ022-MAJ | Great Plains Studies Program |
AJ023-MAJ | Women's & Gender Studies |
AJBU-MIN | Business |
AJRN-B1AJ | Agricultural Journalism |
AJRN-BSAG | Agricultural Journalism |
AJRN-BSAS | Agricultural Journalism |
AJRN-MAJ | Agricultural Journalism |
ALAW-BSAS | Agriculture and Law |
ALAW-MAJ | Agriculture and Law |
AMER-MIN | American Indian Studies |
ANRS-MAG | Agriculture |
ANTH-BA | Anthropology |
ANTH-BS | Anthropology |
ANTH-GMAJ | Anthropology |
ANTH-GMIN | Anthropology |
ANTH-MA | Anthropology |
ANTH-MAJ | Anthropology |
ANTH-MIN | Anthropology |
APSC-B1AP | Applied Science |
APSC-MAS | Applied Science |
APSC-MIN | Applied Science |
ARCH-DNKN | Architecture |
ARCH-GMAJ | Architecture |
ARCH-GMIN | Architecture |
ARCH-MARC | Architecture |
ARCH-MIN | Architecture |
ARCH-MS | Architecture |
ARCI-BARC | Architectural Studies |
ARCI-BSD | Architectural Studies |
ARCO-MIN | Archaeology |
ARCS-BARC | Architectural Studies |
ARCS-BSD | Architectural Studies |
AREN-GMAJ | Architectural Engineering |
AREN-GMIN | Architectural Engineering |
AREN-MAE | Architectural Engineering |
AREN-MARE | Architectural Engineering |
AREN-MS | Architectural Engineering |
ARM-BSED | Administrative Resource Management |
ARM-BSEH | Administrative Resource Management |
ARM-MAJ | Administrative Resource Management |
ART-BA | Art |
ART-BFA | Art |
ART-GMIN | Art |
ART-MAJ | Art |
ART-MFA | Art |
ART-MIN | Art |
ART2-BSED | Art K-12 |
ART2-BSEH | Art K-12 |
ART2-MAJ | Art K-12 |
ARTH-GMAJ | Art History |
ARTH-GMIN | Art History |
ARTH-MA | Art History |
ARTH-MIN | Art History |
ASCI-B1AS | Animal Science |
ASCI-BSAG | Animal Science |
ASCI-BSAS | Animal Science |
ASCI-DNKN | Animal Science |
ASCI-GMAJ | Animal Science |
ASCI-GMIN | Animal Science |
ASCI-MAJ | Animal Science |
ASCI-MIN | Animal Science |
ASCI-MS | Animal Science |
ASCI-PHD | Animal Science |
ASIA-MIN | Asian Studies |
ASPLP-BA | Speech-Language Pathologist |
ASPLP-MAJ | Speech-Language Pathologist |
ASPLP-MIN | Speech-Language Pathologist |
ASTA-MIN | Statistics |
ATHT-BSED | Athletic Training |
ATHT-BSEH | Athletic Training |
ATHT-MAJ | Athletic Training |
AUHS-AUD | Audiology and Hearing Science |
BAAC-BSBA | Business Administration with Accounting Emphasis |
BAAC-MAJ | Business Administration with Accounting Emphasis |
BABUS-BSBA | Agribusiness |
BABUS-MAJ | Agribusiness |
BECE-BSED | Business Education/Cooperative Education |
BECE-BSEH | Business Education/Cooperative Education |
BECE-MAJ | Business Education/Cooperative Education |
BECO-MIN | Economics |
BIOC-B1BC | Biochemistry |
BIOC-BSAS | Biochemistry |
BIOC-DNKN | Biochemistry |
BIOC-GMAJ | Biochemistry |
BIOC-GMIN | Biochemistry |
BIOC-MAJ | Biochemistry |
BIOC-MIN | Biochemistry |
BIOC-MS | Biochemistry |
BIOC-NDEG | Biochemistry |
BIOC-PHD | Biochemistry |
BIOE-MIN | Biomedical Engineering |
BIOL-BSED | Biology |
BIOL-BSEH | Biology |
BIOL-GMIN | Biology |
BIOL-MAJ | Biology |
BIOM-GMAJ | Biometry |
BIOM-GMIN | Biometry |
BIOM-MS | Biometry |
BIOS-BA | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-BS | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-DNKN | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-GMAJ | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-GMIN | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-MA | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-MAJ | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-MIN | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-MS | Biological Sciences |
BIOS-PHD | Biological Sciences |
BLNK-BSBA | Business Administration |
BLNK-CER | Certificate in General Agriculture |
BLST-MIN | Black Studies |
BMIT-BSEH | Business, Marketing and Information Technology |
BMIT-MAJ | Business, Marketing and Information Technology |
BMKD-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
BMKM-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
BOTY-BS | Botany |
BOTY-MAJ | Botany |
BOTY-MIN | Botany |
BRDC-BJ | Broadcasting |
BRDC-MAJ | Broadcasting |
BRDC-MIN | Broadcasting |
BSAD-BSBA | Business Administration |
BSAD-MAJ | Business Administration |
BSE-BSBS | Biological Systems Engineering |
BSED-BSED | Business Education |
BSED-BSEH | Business Education |
BSED-DNKN | Business Education |
BSED-GMAJ | Business Education |
BSED-GMIN | Business Education |
BSED-MA | Business Education |
BSED-MAJ | Business Education |
BSED-MED | Business Education |
BUSN-DNKN | Business |
BUSN-GMAJ | Business |
BUSN-GMIN | Business |
BUSN-MA | Business |
BUSN-MBA | Business |
BUSN-MIN | Business |
BUSN-NDEG | Business |
BUSN-PHD | Business |
CACT-MIN | Actuarial Science |
CCLD-GCER | Community College Leadership |
CCRS-MIN | Conflict & Conflict Resolution Studies |
CDED-BSEH | Family and Consumer Sciences |
CDED-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
CDED-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
CECS-MIN | Community Economics and Social Dynamics |
CENG-BSCP | Computer Engineering |
CERT-NDEG | Certificate |
CHE-BSED | Community Health Education |
CHE-BSEH | Community Health Education |
CHE-MAJ | Community Health Education |
CHEM-BA | Chemistry |
CHEM-BS | Chemistry |
CHEM-BSED | Chemistry |
CHEM-BSEH | Chemistry |
CHEM-DNKN | Chemistry |
CHEM-GMAJ | Chemistry |
CHEM-GMIN | Chemistry |
CHEM-MAJ | Chemistry |
CHEM-MIN | Chemistry |
CHEM-MS | Chemistry |
CHEM-PHD | Chemistry |
CHIC-MIN | Chicano Studies |
CHME-BSCH | Chemical Engineering |
CHME-GMAJ | Chemical Engineering |
CHME-GMIN | Chemical Engineering |
CHME-MS | Chemical Engineering |
CIVE-BSCE | Civil Engineering |
CIVE-DNKN | Civil Engineering |
CIVE-GMAJ | Civil Engineering |
CIVE-GMIN | Civil Engineering |
CIVE-MS | Civil Engineering |
CIVE-NDEG | Civil Engineering |
CLAS-BA | Classics |
CLAS-BS | Classics |
CLAS-GMAJ | Classics |
CLAS-GMIN | Classics |
CLAS-MA | Classics |
CLAS-MAJ | Classics |
CLAS-MIN | Classics |
CLIT-BA | Comparative Literature |
CLIT-MAJ | Comparative Literature |
CLIT-MIN | Comparative Literature |
CLNG-BA | Classical Languages |
CLNG-MAJ | Classical Languages |
CLNG-MIN | Classical Languages |
CLRS-BA | Classics and Religious Studies |
CLRS-BS | Classics and Religious Studies |
CLRS-MAJ | Classics and Religious Studies |
CLRS-MIN | Classics and Religious Studies |
CMHR-DNKN | Education-Community and Human Resources |
CMHR-EDD | Education-Community and Human Resources |
CMHR-PHD | Education-Community and Human Resources |
CMTN-MIN | Communications |
CNST-BSCM | Construction Management |
CNST-GMIN | Construction Management |
CNST-MIN | Construction Management |
COAC-MAJ | Coaching |
COAC-MIN | Coaching |
COEX-MIN | Cooperative Extension |
COMM-BA | Communication Studies |
COMM-BS | Communication Studies |
COMM-GMAJ | Communication Studies |
COMM-GMIN | Communication Studies |
COMM-MA | Communication Studies |
COMM-MAJ | Communication Studies |
COMM-MIN | Communication Studies |
COMM-PHD | Communication Studies |
COMP-BA | Computer Science |
COMP-BS | Computer Science |
COMP-BSCS | Computer Science |
COMP-DNKN | Computer Science |
COMP-GMAJ | Computer Science |
COMP-GMIN | Computer Science |
COMP-MAJ | Computer Science |
COMP-MIN | Computer Science |
COMP-MS | Computer Science |
COMP-NDEG | Computer Science |
COMP-PHD | Computer Science |
CONE-NDEG | Pre-Construction Engineering |
CONS-GMAJ | Construction |
CONS-GMIN | Construction |
CONS-MS | Construction |
CRCJ-BCCJ | BS in Criminology & Criminal Justice |
CRCJ-MIN | Criminology & Criminal Justice |
CRIM-BSCJ | Criminal Justice |
CRIM-MIN | Criminal Justice |
CROP-BSAG | Crop Protection |
CROP-BSAS | Crop Protection |
CROP-MAJ | Crop Protection |
CRPL-GMIN | Community and Regional Planning |
CRPL-MCRP | Community and Regional Planning |
CRPL-MIN | Community and Regional Planning |
CSTA-DNKN | Communication Studies and Theatre Arts |
CSTA-GMAJ | Communication Studies and Theatre Arts |
CSTA-GMIN | Communication Studies and Theatre Arts |
CSTA-MA | Communication Studies and Theatre Arts |
CSTA-NDEG | Communication Studies and Theatre Arts |
CSTA-PHD | Communication Studies and Theatre Arts |
CSTD | Continuing Studies |
CULS-BSEH | Nutrition & Health Sciences (Culinology Option) |
CULS-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetic |
CULS-MAJ | Nutrition & Health Sciences (Culinology Option) |
CURR-DNKN | Curriculum and Instruction |
CURR-EDS | Curriculum and Instruction |
CURR-GMAJ | Curriculum and Instruction |
CURR-GMIN | Curriculum and Instruction |
CURR-MA | Curriculum and Instruction |
CURR-MED | Curriculum and Instruction |
CURR-MST | Curriculum and Instruction |
CYAF-BSEH | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYAF-GMAJ | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYAF-GMIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYAF-MAJ | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYAF-MIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYAF-MS | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYAF-NDEG | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYCD-BSEH | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYCD-MAJ | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYCD-MIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYEC-BSEH | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYEC-MAJ | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYEC-MIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFA-BSEH | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFA-MAJ | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFA-MIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFC-BSEH | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFC-MAJ | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFC-MIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFJ-BSEH | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFJ-MAJ | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYFJ-MIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CYMI-MIN | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CZCH-MIN | Czech |
DANC-BA | Dance |
DANC-BFA | Dance |
DANC-MAJ | Dance |
DANC-MIN | Dance |
DENT-BA | Dentistry |
DENT-BS | Dentistry |
DENT-DDS | Dentistry |
DHYG-BSDH | Dental Hygiene |
DIET-BSEH | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Dietetics Option) |
DIET-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
DIET-MAJ | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Dietetics Option) |
DITJ-BSEH | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Dietetics Option) |
DITJ-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
DITJ-MAJ | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Dietetics Option) |
DITJ-MIN | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Dietetics Option) |
DPHP-DPLH | Plant Health |
DRAM-BSED | Speech, Drama and English |
DRAM-BSEH | Speech, Drama and English |
DRAM-MAJ | Speech, Drama and English |
DTEX-BSEH | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
DTEX-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
DTEX-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
DTEX-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
DVAG-B1DA | Diversified Agricultural Studies |
DVAG-BSAS | Diversified Agricultural Studies |
DVAG-MAJ | Diversified Agricultural Studies |
DVAG-MIN | Diversified Agricultural Studies |
DVOC-MAJ | Cooperative Education |
ECED-BSED | Elementary Educ and Early Childhood Education |
ECED-BSEH | Elementary Educ and Early Childhood Education |
ECED-MAJ | Elementary Educ and Early Childhood Education |
ECHEM-MAJ | Chemistry |
ECNH-BSED | Economics and History |
ECNH-BSEH | Economics and History |
ECNH-MAJ | Economics and History |
ECOMP-BSED | Computer Science |
ECOMP-BSEH | Computer Science |
ECOMP-MAJ | Computer Science |
ECON-BSBA | Economics |
ECON-DNKN | Economics |
ECON-GMAJ | Economics |
ECON-GMIN | Economics |
ECON-MA | Economics |
ECON-MAJ | Economics |
ECON-NDEG | Economics |
ECON-PHD | Economics |
ECZE-MIN | Czech |
EDAD-DNKN | Educational Administration |
EDAD-EDD | Educational Administration |
EDAD-GMAJ | Educational Administration |
EDAD-GMIN | Educational Administration |
EDAD-MA | Educational Administration |
EDAD-MED | Educational Administration |
EDAD-NDEG | Educational Administration |
EDAS-SXCT | Educational Administration and Supervision |
EDJT-EDD | Educational Administration (UNL-UNO) |
EDPS-DNKN | Educational Psychology |
EDPS-EDS | Educational Psychology |
EDPS-GMAJ | Educational Psychology |
EDPS-GMIN | Educational Psychology |
EDPS-MA | Educational Psychology |
EDPS-MED | Educational Psychology |
EDPS-NDEG | Educational Psychology |
EDUC-MIN | Education |
EDUS-EDD | Educational Studies |
EDUS-PHD | Educational Studies |
EEDU-BSEH | Earl Care and Education (Birth-K) |
EEDU-MAJ | Early Care and Education (Birth-K) |
EENGL-BSED | English |
EENGL-BSEH | English |
EENGL-MAJ | English |
EFRE-MIN | French |
EFREN-BSED | French |
EFREN-BSEH | French |
EFREN-MAJ | French |
EGBS-MIN | General Business |
EGER-MIN | German |
EGERM-BSED | German |
EGERM-BSEH | German |
EGERM-MAJ | German |
EHIST-BSED | History |
EHIST-BSEH | History |
EHIST-MAJ | History |
EINT-BS | Interdisciplinary Studies |
EJBU-MIN | Business |
EJPN-MIN | Japanese |
ELAR-BSED | Elementary Education and Art K-6 |
ELAR-BSEH | Elementary Education and Art K-6 |
ELAR-MAJ | Elementary Education and Art K-6 |
ELATN-BSED | Latin |
ELATN-BSEH | Latin |
ELATN-MAJ | Latin |
ELATN-MIN | Latin |
ELEC-BSEE | Electrical Engineering |
ELEC-GMAJ | Electrical Engineering |
ELEC-GMIN | Electrical Engineering |
ELEC-MS | Electrical Engineering |
ELEC-NDEG | Electrical Engineering |
ELED-BSED | Elementary Education |
ELED-BSEH | Elementary Education |
ELED-MAJ | Elementary Education |
ELFR-BSED | Elementary Education and French K-6 |
ELFR-BSEH | Elementary Education and French K-6 |
ELFR-MAJ | Elementary Education and French K-6 |
ELGR-BSED | Elementary Education and German K-6 |
ELGR-BSEH | Elementary Education and German K-6 |
ELGR-MAJ | Elementary Education and German K-6 |
ELPE-BSED | Elementary Education-Physical Education K-6 |
ELPE-BSEH | Elementary Education-Physical Education K-6 |
ELPE-MAJ | Elementary Education-Physical Education K-6 |
ELSN-BSED | Elementary Education and Spanish K-6 |
ELSN-BSEH | Elementary Education and Spanish K-6 |
ELSN-MAJ | Elementary Education and Spanish K-6 |
EMAT-MIN | Mathematics |
EMATH-BSED | Mathematics |
EMATH-BSEH | Mathematics |
EMATH-MAJ | Mathematics |
ENED-MIN | Environmental Education |
ENGL-BA | English |
ENGL-BS | English |
ENGL-DNKN | English |
ENGL-GMAJ | English |
ENGL-GMIN | English |
ENGL-MA | English |
ENGL-MAJ | English |
ENGL-MIN | English |
ENGL-PHD | English |
ENGM-GMAJ | Engineering Mechanics |
ENGM-GMIN | Engineering Mechanics |
ENGM-MIN | Engineering Management |
ENGM-MS | Engineering Mechanics |
ENGR-DNKN | Engineering |
ENGR-MENG | Engineering |
ENGR-MIN | Engineering |
ENGR-NDEG | Engineering |
ENGR-PHD | Engineering |
ENHL-BA | Environmental Health |
ENHL-BS | Environmental Health |
ENHL-MAJ | Environmental Health |
ENHL-MIN | Environmental Health |
ENRS-B1ER | Environmental Restoration Science |
ENRS-MIN | Environmental Restoration Science |
ENSC-MIN | Energy Science |
ENSS-B1SS | Environmental Soil Science |
ENSS-BSNR | Environmental Soil Science |
ENTO-BSAG | Entomology |
ENTO-DNKN | Entomology |
ENTO-GMAJ | Entomology |
ENTO-GMIN | Entomology |
ENTO-MAJ | Entomology |
ENTO-MIN | Entomology |
ENTO-MS | Entomology |
ENTO-PHD | Entomology |
ENVC-MIN | Environmental Communications |
ENVE-GMAJ | Environmental Engineering |
ENVE-GMIN | Environmental Engineering |
ENVE-MS | Environmental Engineering |
ENVR-B1ES | Environmental Studies |
ENVR-BSNR | Environmental Studies |
ENVR-MAJ | Environmental Studies |
ENVR-MIN | Environmental Studies |
EOHT-GMAJ | Environmental Hlth Occupational Hlth & Toxicology |
EOHT-GMIN | Environmental Hlth Occupational Hlth & Toxicology |
EOHT-MS | Environmental Hlth Occupational Hlth & Toxicology |
EOHT-PHD | Environmental Hlth Occupational Hlth & Toxicology |
EPHYS-BSED | Physics |
EPHYS-BSEH | Physics |
EPHYS-MAJ | Physics |
EPPT-NDEG | Pre-Physical Therapy |
ERTH-BSED | Earth Science |
ERTH-BSEH | Earth Science |
ERTH-MAJ | Earth Science |
ERUS-MIN | Russian |
ERUSS-BSED | Russian |
ERUSS-BSEH | Russian |
ERUSS-MAJ | Russian |
ESL-MAJ | English as a Second Language |
ESPA-MIN | Spanish |
ESPAN-BSED | Spanish |
ESPAN-BSEH | Spanish |
ESPAN-MAJ | Spanish |
ETHN-BA | Ethnic Studies |
ETHN-MAJ | Ethnic Studies |
ETHN-MIN | Ethnic Studies |
EURO-BA | European Studies |
EURO-BS | European Studies |
EURO-MAJ | European Studies |
EURO-MIN | European Studies |
EXCG-NDEG | Exchange Student |
EXSC-BSED | Exercise Science |
EXSC-BSEH | Exercise Science |
EXSC-MAJ | Exercise Science |
FA001-MAJ | Art |
FA002-MAJ | Art History and Criticism |
FA003-MAJ | Music |
FA004-MAJ | Theatre |
FA005-MAJ | Theatre |
FA006-MAJ | Dance |
FA007-MAJ | Theatre |
FA008-MAJ | Theatre |
FACS-BSEH | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-DNKN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-GMAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-GMIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-MS | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FACS-NDEG | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FCSE-BSEH | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FCSE-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FCSE-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FCSJ-BSEH | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FCSJ-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FCSJ-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FD12-MIN | Food Science and Technology |
FDSD-GCER | Food Safety and Defense |
FDST-B1FS | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-BSAG | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-BSAS | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-DNKN | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-GMAJ | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-GMIN | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-MAJ | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-MIN | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-MS | Food Science and Technology |
FDST-PHD | Food Science and Technology |
FECE-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FECE-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FFMS-BSEH | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FFMS-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FFMS-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FFPL-GCER | Family Financial Planning |
FFWL-GMAJ | Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife |
FFWL-GMIN | Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife |
FFWL-MIN | Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife |
FFWL-MS | Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife |
FILM-BA | Film Studies |
FILM-BS | Film Studies |
FILM-MAJ | Film Studies |
FILM-MIN | Film Studies |
FINA-BSBA | Finance |
FINA-MAJ | Finance |
FINA-MIN | Finance |
FINB-BSBA | Finance (Banking & Financial Institutions) |
FINB-MAJ | Finance (Banking & Financial Institutions) |
FINI-BSBA | Finance (CFA-Investments) |
FINI-MAJ | Finance (CFA-Investments) |
FINR-BSBA | Finance (Risk Management & Insurance) |
FINR-MAJ | Finance (Risk Management &Insurance) |
FINT-BA | Interdisciplinary Studies |
FMSC-BSEH | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FMSC-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FMSC-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
FOOD-BSEH | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
FOOD-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
FOOD-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
FORS-B1FO | Forensic Science |
FREN-BA | French |
FREN-BS | French |
FREN-MAJ | French |
FREN-MIN | French |
FRFL-BSED | French 7-12 and French K-6 |
FRFL-BSEH | French 7-12 and French K-6 |
FRFL-MAJ | French 7-12 and French K-6 |
FTCA-B1FC | Food Technology for Companion Animals |
FUSTD-BA | University Studies |
FUSTD-MAJ | University Studies |
FUSTD-MIN | University Studies |
FWL-B1FW | Fisheries and Wildlife |
FWL-BSNR | Fisheries and Wildlife |
FWL-MAJ | Fisheries and Wildlife |
FWL-MIN | Fisheries and Wildlife |
GECM-B1GE | Grassland Ecology and Management |
GECM-MIN | Grassland Ecology and Management |
GEOG-BA | Geography |
GEOG-BS | Geography |
GEOG-DNKN | Geography |
GEOG-GMAJ | Geography |
GEOG-GMIN | Geography |
GEOG-MA | Geography |
GEOG-MAJ | Geography |
GEOG-MIN | Geography |
GEOG-PHD | Geography |
GEOH-BSED | Geography and History |
GEOH-BSEH | Geography and History |
GEOH-MAJ | Geography and History |
GEOL-BA | Geology |
GEOL-BS | Geology |
GEOL-DNKN | Geology |
GEOL-GMAJ | Geology |
GEOL-GMIN | Geology |
GEOL-MAJ | Geology |
GEOL-MIN | Geology |
GEOL-MS | Geology |
GEOL-PHD | Geology |
GEOS-GMAJ | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences |
GEOS-GMIN | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences |
GEOS-MS | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences |
GEOS-PHD | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences |
GERM-BA | German |
GERM-BS | German |
GERM-MAJ | German |
GERM-MIN | German |
GERO-MIN | Gerontology |
GISC-GCER | Geographic Information Science |
GNUTR-NDEG | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
GPSP-BA | Great Plains Studies Program |
GPSP-BS | Great Plains Studies Program |
GPSP-MAJ | Great Plains Studies Program |
GPSP-MIN | Great Plains Studies Program |
GREK-BA | Greek |
GREK-BS | Greek |
GREK-MAJ | Greek |
GREK-MIN | Greek |
GRFL-BSED | German 7-12 and German K-6 |
GRFL-BSEH | German 7-12 and German K-6 |
GRFL-MAJ | German 7-12 and German K-6 |
GRLS-B1GL | Grazing Livestock Systems |
GRLS-BSAS | Grazing Livestock Systems |
GRLS-MAJ | Grazing Livestock Systems |
GRLS-MIN | Grazing Livestock Systems |
GTXCD-NDEG | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
GVSTG-NDEG | Visiting |
HDF-DNKN | Human Development and The Family |
HDF-GMAJ | Human Development and The Family |
HDF-GMIN | Human Development and The Family |
HDF-MS | Human Development and The Family |
HDF-NDEG | Human Development and The Family |
HEAR-BSED | Deaf or Hard of Hearing Educ |
HEAR-BSEH | Deaf or Hard of Hearing Educ |
HEAR-MAJ | Deaf or Hard of Hearing Educ |
HECN-DNKN | Home Economics |
HECN-GMAJ | Home Economics |
HECN-GMIN | Home Economics |
HECN-MIN | Home Economics |
HECN-MS | Home Economics |
HECN-PHD | Home Economics |
HFOR-PHD | Horticulture and Forestry |
HHPF-GMIN | Health and Human Performance |
HHPF-MED | Health and Human Performance |
HHPF-MPE | Health and Human Performance |
HIN2-MIN | International Studies |
HINS-MIN | International Studies |
HIST-BA | History |
HIST-BS | History |
HIST-DNKN | History |
HIST-GMAJ | History |
HIST-GMIN | History |
HIST-MA | History |
HIST-MAJ | History |
HIST-MIN | History |
HIST-NDEG | History |
HIST-PHD | History |
HLTH-BSED | Health Education |
HLTH-BSEH | Health Education |
HLTH-MAJ | Health Education |
HMED-MIN | Humanities in Medicine |
HMKT-MIN | Marketing |
HNFS-GMAJ | Human Nutrition and Food Service Management |
HNFS-GMIN | Human Nutrition and Food Service Management |
HNFS-MS | Human Nutrition and Food Service Management |
HORT-B1HO | Horticulture |
HORT-BSAG | Horticulture |
HORT-BSAS | Horticulture |
HORT-GMAJ | Horticulture |
HORT-GMIN | Horticulture |
HORT-MAJ | Horticulture |
HORT-MIN | Horticulture |
HORT-MS | Horticulture |
HORT-NDEG | Horticulture |
HORT-PHD | Horticulture |
HOSM-MIN | Hospitality Management |
HPED-BSED | Health and Physical Education K-12 |
HPED-BSEH | Health and Physical Education K-12 |
HPED-MAJ | Health and Physical Education K-12 |
HPER-DNKN | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
HPER-EDS | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
HPER-MED | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
HPER-MPE | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
HPER-NDEG | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
HRFS-GMAJ | Human Resources and Family Sciences |
HRFS-GMIN | Human Resources and Family Sciences |
HRFS-MS | Human Resources and Family Sciences |
HRFS-PHD | Human Resources and Family Sciences |
HRHD-MIN | Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs |
HRTA-B1HR | Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management |
HRTJ-BHRT | Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management |
HRTM-BHRT | Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management |
HRTM-MIN | Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management |
HUMS-EDD | Human Sciences |
HUMS-PHD | Human Sciences |
IANR-MIN | International Agriculture and Natural Resources |
IBED-GCER | Insect Biology for Educators |
IBMS-PHD | Integrative Biomedical Sciences |
IBUS-BSBA | International Business |
IBUS-MAJ | International Business |
IBUS-MIN | International Business |
IDES-BSD | Interior Design |
IECE-BSEH | Family and Consumer Sciences |
IECE-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
IECE-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
IENG-MIN | International Engineering |
IMSE-DNKN | Industrial & Management Systems Engineering |
IMSE-GMAJ | Industrial & Management Systems Engineering |
IMSE-GMIN | Industrial & Management Systems Engineering |
IMSE-MS | Industrial & Management Systems Engineering |
IMSE-NDEG | Industrial & Management Systems Engineering |
INDE-BSIE | Industrial Engineering |
INDE-GMIN | Industrial Engineering |
INFT-MAJ | Information Technology |
INFT-PHD | Information Technology |
INLS-DOC | Interdisciplinary Life Sciences |
INPM-BSAG | Integrated Pest Management |
INPM-MAJ | Integrated Pest Management |
INPM-MIN | Integrated Pest Management |
INPM-NDEG | Integrated Pest Management |
INRM-NDEG | Integrated Natural Resource Management |
INSC-B1IS | Insect Science |
INSC-MIN | Insect Science |
INTA-BA | International Affairs |
INTA-BS | International Affairs |
INTA-MAJ | International Affairs |
INTA-MIN | International Affairs |
INTS-BA | International Studies |
INTS-BS | International Studies |
INTS-MAJ | International Studies |
INTS-MIN | International Studies |
INTT-NDEG | Credit IEP Program |
IPST-BA | Individualized Program of Studies |
IPST-BS | Individualized Program of Studies |
IPST-MAJ | Individualized Program of Studies |
IPST-MIN | Individualized Program of Studies |
ITAL-MIN | Italian |
ITEC-BSED | Industrial Technology Education |
ITEC-BSEH | Industrial Technology Education |
ITEC-MAJ | Industrial Technology Education |
ITEC-MIN | Industrial Technology Education |
ITGS-BA | Integrated Studies |
ITGS-BS | Integrated Studies |
ITGS-MAJ | Integrated Studies |
ITGS-MIN | Integrated Studies |
ITSC-NDEG | Undecided Integrated Science |
JADV-BA | Journalism-Advertising |
JADV-MAJ | Journalism-Advertising |
JADV-MIN | Journalism-Advertising |
JAMC-GMAJ | Journalism and Mass Communications |
JAMC-GMIN | Journalism and Mass Communications |
JAMC-MA | Journalism and Mass Communications |
JAPN-MIN | Japanese |
JBRD-BA | Journalism-Broadcasting |
JBRD-MAJ | Journalism-Broadcasting |
JBRD-MIN | Journalism-Broadcasting |
JEAC-BSBA | Accounting |
JEAC-MAJ | Accounting |
JEAS-BSBA | Actuarial Science |
JEAS-MAJ | Actuarial Science |
JEBA-BSBA | Business Administration |
JEBA-MAJ | Business Administration |
JECS-MIN | Computer Science |
JEEC-BSBA | Economics |
JEEC-MAJ | Economics |
JEFB-BSBA | Finance (Banking & Financial Institutions) |
JEFB-MAJ | Finance (Banking & Financial Institutions) |
JEFI-BSBA | Finance (CFA-Investments) |
JEFI-MAJ | Finance (CFA-Investments) |
JEFN-BSBA | Finance |
JEFN-MAJ | Finance |
JEFR-BSBA | Finance (Risk Management & Insurance) |
JEFR-MAJ | Finance (Risk Management & Insurance) |
JEIB-BSBA | International Business |
JEIB-MAJ | International Business |
JEMK-BSBA | Marketing |
JEMK-MAJ | Marketing |
JEMN-BSBA | Management |
JEMN-MAJ | Management |
JMCE-BSEH | Journalism & Mass Communications and English |
JMCE-MAJ | Journalism & Mass Communications and English |
JNEW-BA | Journalism-News and Editorial |
JNEW-MAJ | Journalism-News and Editorial |
JNEW-MIN | Journalism-News and Editorial |
JOUR-BA | Journalism |
JOUR-GMAJ | Journalism |
JOUR-GMIN | Journalism |
JOUR-MA | Journalism |
JOUR-MAJ | Journalism |
JOUR-MIN | Journalism |
JRNE-BSED | Journalism and English |
JRNE-BSEH | Journalism and English |
JRNE-MAJ | Journalism and English |
JUDS-MIN | Judaic Studies |
K3MS-GCER | K-3 Mathematics Specialist |
KG-NDEG | Intercampus - Kearney Graduate |
KUG-NDEG | Intercampus - Kearney Undergraduate |
LAMS-BA | Latin American Studies |
LAMS-BS | Latin American Studies |
LAMS-MAJ | Latin American Studies |
LAMS-MIN | Latin American Studies |
LAND-BLA | Landscape Architecture |
LAND-MIN | Landscape Architecture |
LARC-MIN | Landscape Architecture |
LARS-BSD | Landscape Architectural Studies |
LART-BSED | Language Arts |
LART-BSEH | Language Arts |
LART-MAJ | Language Arts |
LATN-BA | Latin |
LATN-BS | Latin |
LATN-MAJ | Latin |
LATN-MIN | Latin |
LAW-BA | Law |
LAW-BS | Law |
LAW-JD | Law |
LAW-NDEG | Law (Non-Degree) |
LE12-MIN | Leadership and Communication |
LEAD-MIN | Leadership and Communication |
LEED-GMAJ | Leadership Education |
LEED-GMIN | Leadership Education |
LEED-MS | Leadership Education |
LGLS-GMIN | Legal Studies |
LGLS-MLS | Legal Studies |
LING-BA | Linguistics |
LING-MAJ | Linguistics |
LING-MIN | Linguistics |
LOGS-GCER | Logistics |
MAGR-BSAG | Mechanized Agriculture |
MAGR-BSAS | Mechanized Agriculture |
MAGR-GMAJ | Mechanized Agriculture |
MAGR-GMIN | Mechanized Agriculture |
MAGR-MAJ | Mechanized Agriculture |
MAGR-MS | Mechanized Agriculture |
MAST-DNKN | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-GMAJ | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-GMIN | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-MA | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-MAT | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-MIN | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-MS | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-MSCT | Mathematics and Statistics |
MAST-PHD | Mathematics and Statistics |
MATH-BA | Mathematics |
MATH-BS | Mathematics |
MATH-GMAJ | Mathematics |
MATH-GMIN | Mathematics |
MATH-MA | Mathematics |
MATH-MAJ | Mathematics |
MATH-MAT | Mathematics |
MATH-MIN | Mathematics |
MATH-MS | Mathematics |
MATH-MSCT | Mathematics |
MATH-PHD | Mathematics |
MCG-NDEG | Intercampus - Med Center Graduate |
MCUG-NDEG | Intercampus - Med Center Undergraduate |
MEBC-BSED | Marketing Education/Basic Business-Cooperative Educ |
MEBC-BSEH | Marketing Education/Basic Business-Cooperative Educ |
MEBC-MAJ | Marketing Education/Basic Business-Cooperative Educ |
MECE-BSEH | Marketing Education and Cooperative Education |
MECE-MAJ | Marketing Education and Cooperative Education |
MECH-BSME | Mechanical Engineering |
MECH-DNKN | Mechanical Engineering |
MECH-GMAJ | Mechanical Engineering |
MECH-GMIN | Mechanical Engineering |
MECH-MS | Mechanical Engineering |
MECH-NDEG | Mechanical Engineering |
MED-BA | Medicine |
MED-BS | Medicine |
METR-BA | Meteorology-Climatology |
METR-BS | Meteorology-Climatology |
METR-MAJ | Meteorology-Climatology |
METR-MIN | Meteorology-Climatology |
MFGE-GMAJ | Manufacturing Systems Eng |
MFGE-GMIN | Manufacturing Systems Eng |
MFGE-MS | Manufacturing Systems Eng |
MFTH-GCER | Medical/Family Therapy |
MIDD-BSED | Middle Grades Education |
MIDD-BSEH | Middle Grades Education |
MIDD-MAJ | Middle Grades Education |
MIN3-BMED | Music Instrumental K-12 |
MINS-MIN | Music Instrumental |
MKED-BSED | Marketing Education and Basic Business |
MKED-BSEH | Marketing Education and Basic Business |
MKED-MAJ | Marketing Education and Basic Business |
MLSC-MIN | Military Science |
MNGT-BSBA | Management |
MNGT-GMIN | Management |
MNGT-MAJ | Management |
MNGT-MIN | Management |
MOBG-DOC | Molecular Biosciences & Biotechnology Program |
MODL-DNKN | Modern Languages and Literatures |
MODL-GMAJ | Modern Languages and Literatures |
MODL-GMIN | Modern Languages and Literatures |
MODL-MA | Modern Languages and Literatures |
MODL-PHD | Modern Languages and Literatures |
MRCH-BSEH | Textiles, Clothing and Design (Merchandising) |
MRCH-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
MRCH-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design (Merchandising) |
MRKT-BSBA | Marketing |
MRKT-GMIN | Marketing |
MRKT-MAJ | Marketing |
MRKT-MIN | Marketing |
MRST-BA | Medieval and Renaissance Studies |
MRST-GMIN | Medieval and Renaissance Studies |
MRST-MAJ | Medieval and Renaissance Studies |
MRST-MIN | Medieval and Renaissance Studies |
MS12-MIN | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-B1MS | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-BSAG | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-BSAS | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-GMAJ | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-GMIN | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-MAJ | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-MIN | Mechanized Systems Management |
MSYM-MS | Mechanized Systems Management |
MUED-BMED | Music Education |
MUSC-BA | Music |
MUSC-BM | Music |
MUSC-DMA | Music |
MUSC-DNKN | Music |
MUSC-GMIN | Music |
MUSC-MAJ | Music |
MUSC-MIN | Music |
MUSC-MM | Music |
MUSC-PHD | Music |
MUSS-DNKN | Museum Studies |
MUSS-GMAJ | Museum Studies |
MUSS-GMIN | Museum Studies |
MUSS-MA | Museum Studies |
MUSS-MS | Museum Studies |
MUST-MIN | Music Technology |
MUTH-BFA | Music Theatre |
MUTH-MAJ | Music Theatre |
MUTH-MIN | Music Theatre |
MUTM-MIN | Musical Theatre |
MUTT-MIN | Musical Theatre |
MUV-BMED | Music Vocal/General K-6 |
MUVE-BMED | Music Vocal/General K-12 |
MUVI-BMED | Music, Vocal & Instrumental K-12 |
NAEC-MIN | Natural Resource Economics |
NAST-MIN | Native American Studies |
NATL-BSAG | Natural Resources |
NATL-BSAS | Natural Resources |
NATL-MAJ | Natural Resources |
NEHS-BSEH | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Nutrition, Exercise & Health Science Option) |
NEHS-MAJ | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Nutrition, Exercise & Health Science Option) |
NEWS-BJ | News and Editorial |
NEWS-MAJ | News and Editorial |
NFHP-BSEH | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NFHP-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NFHP-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NREE-B1NE | Natural Resource and Environmental Economics |
NREE-BSNR | Natural Resource and Environmental Economics |
NRSC-GMAJ | Natural Resource Sciences |
NRSC-GMIN | Natural Resource Sciences |
NRSC-MS | Natural Resource Sciences |
NRSC-PHD | Natural Resource Sciences |
NTRN-DNKN | Nutrition |
NTRN-GMAJ | Nutrition |
NTRN-GMIN | Nutrition |
NTRN-MS | Nutrition |
NTRN-PHD | Nutrition |
NTRS-BSEH | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Nutrition Science Option) |
NTRS-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NTRS-MAJ | Nutrition and Health Sciences (Nutrition Science Option) |
NTSC-BSED | Natural Science |
NTSC-BSEH | Natural Science |
NTSC-MAJ | Natural Science |
NUHS-GMAJ | Nutrition and Health Sciences |
NUHS-GMIN | Nutrition and Health Sciences |
NUHS-MS | Nutrition and Health Sciences |
NUR2-BSN | Nursing |
NURS-BSN | Nursing |
NUTR-BSEH | Nutritional and Health Sciences |
NUTR-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NUTR-GMAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NUTR-GMIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NUTR-MAJ | Nutritional and Health Sciences |
NUTR-MS | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
NUTR-NDEG | Nutritional and Health Sciences |
OG-NDEG | Intercampus - Omaha Graduate |
OUG-NDEG | Intercampus - Omaha Undergraduate |
P001-NDEG | Pre Art K-12 |
P002-NDEG | Pre Biology |
P003-NDEG | Pre Business Education |
P004-NDEG | Pre Chemistry |
P005-NDEG | Pre Coaching (Endorsement) |
P006-NDEG | Pre Information Technology (Endorsement) |
P007-NDEG | Pre Earth Science |
P008-NDEG | Pre Economics & History |
P009-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education |
P010-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & Art K-6 |
P011-NDEG | Pre Elementary Educ & Early Childhood Educ |
P012-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & French K-6 |
P013-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & German K-6 |
P014-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & Spanish K-6 |
P015-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education-PE K-6 |
P016-NDEG | Pre English |
P017-NDEG | Pre French |
P018-NDEG | Pre French 7-12 & French K-6 |
P019-NDEG | Pre Geography & History |
P020-NDEG | Pre German |
P021-NDEG | Pre German 7-12 & German K-6 |
P022-NDEG | Pre Health Education |
P023-NDEG | Pre Health Education & PE K-12 |
P024-NDEG | Pre Hearing Impaired |
P025-NDEG | Pre History |
P026-NDEG | Pre Industrial Technology Education |
P027-NDEG | Pre Journalism & English |
P028-NDEG | Pre Latin |
P029-NDEG | Pre Marketing Education & Basic Business |
P030-NDEG | Pre Mathematics |
P031-NDEG | Pre Middle Grades Education |
P032-NDEG | Pre Natural Science |
P033-NDEG | Pre Physical Education 7-12 |
P034-NDEG | Pre Physical Educ K-6 & 7-12 |
P035-NDEG | Pre Physical Science |
P036-NDEG | Pre Physics |
P037-NDEG | Pre Language Arts |
P038-NDEG | Pre Political Science & History |
P039-NDEG | Pre ESL |
P040-NDEG | Pre Russian |
P041-NDEG | Pre Social Science |
P042-NDEG | Pre Spanish |
P043-NDEG | Pre Spanish 7-12 & Spanish K-6 |
P044-NDEG | Pre Speech & English |
P045-NDEG | Pre Speech, Drama & English |
P046-NDEG | Pre Speech-Language Pathology |
P047-NDEG | Pre Theatre & English |
P048-NDEG | Pre Trade & Industrial Education |
P049-NDEG | Pre Special Education |
P050-NDEG | Pre Inclusive Early Childhood Education |
P051-NDEG | Pre Reading and Writing |
P052-NDEG | Pre Marketing Educ/Coop Educ |
P053-NDEG | Pre Business Educ/Coop Educ |
P054-NDEG | Pre Cooperative Education |
P055-NDEG | Pre Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-9 |
P056-NDEG | Pre Family & Consumer Science Educ |
P057-NDEG | Pre Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-6 |
P058-NDEG | Pre Mild/Moderate & Hard of Hearing |
P059-NDEG | Marketing Education and Cooperative Education |
P060-NDEG | Pre Early Care and Education (Birth-K) |
P061-NDEG | Pre Business, Marketing & Information Technology |
PAEV-GCER | Policy Analysis and Evaluation |
PAEV-MIN | Policy Analysis and Evaluation |
PARC-NDEG | Pre-Architecture |
PARE-NDEG | Pre-Architectural Engineering |
PAVN-NDEG | Pre-Aviation Studies |
PBAC-ACER | Admin/Added Endorsements |
PBAC-CER | Post-Baccalaureate |
PBAC-ICER | Post-Baccalaureate |
PBAC-NDEG | Post-Baccalaureate |
PBAC-TCER | Initiall Teacher Certification |
PBIO-B1PB | Plant Biology |
PBIO-BA | Plant Biology |
PBIO-BS | Plant Biology |
PBIO-MAJ | Plant Biology |
PBIO-MIN | Plant Biology |
PCCJ-NDEG | Pre Criminology & Criminal Justice |
PCET-NDEG | Pre-Construction Engineering Technology |
PCHR-NDEG | Pre-Chiropractic |
PCRM-NDEG | Pre-Criminal Justice |
PCS-DNKN | Education-Psychological and Cultural Studies |
PCS-EDD | Education-Psychological and Cultural Studies |
PCS-PHD | Education-Psychological and Cultural Studies |
PCYT-NDEG | Pre-Cytotechnology |
PDAN-ADM | Pre-Dance |
PDDT-NDEG | Pre-Drafting Design Engineering Technology |
PDHY-NDEG | Pre-Dental Hygiene |
PDNT-NDEG | Pre-Dentistry |
PE1-BSED | Physical Education K-6 and 7-12 |
PE1-BSEH | Physical Education K-6 and 7-12 |
PE1-MAJ | Physical Education K-6 and 7-12 |
PE2-BSED | Physical Education 7-12 |
PE2-BSEH | Physical Education 7-12 |
PE2-MAJ | Physical Education 7-12 |
PEDU-NDEG | Pre-Education |
PEEL-NDEG | Pre-Electronics Engineering |
PEET-NDEG | Pre-Electronics Technology |
PENG-NDEG | Pre-Engineering |
PFOR-NDEG | Pre-Forestry |
PGAM-B1PM | PGA Golf Management |
PGEN-BA | Psychology - General Studies |
PGEN-BS | Psychology - General Studies |
PGEN-MAJ | Psychology - General Studies |
PGEN-MIN | Psychology - General Studies |
PGMP-B1PG | Professional Golf Management |
PGMP-BSAS | Professional Golf Management |
PHAO-BS | Physics(Astronomy Option) |
PHAO-MAJ | Physics(Astronomy Option) |
PHAO-MIN | Physics(Astronomy Option) |
PHIL-BA | Philosophy |
PHIL-BS | Philosophy |
PHIL-DNKN | Philosophy |
PHIL-GMAJ | Philosophy |
PHIL-GMIN | Philosophy |
PHIL-MA | Philosophy |
PHIL-MAJ | Philosophy |
PHIL-MIN | Philosophy |
PHIL-PHD | Philosophy |
PHLT-NDEG | Pre-Health |
PHRM-BA | Pharmacy |
PHRM-BS | Pharmacy |
PHSC-BSED | Physical Science |
PHSC-BSEH | Physical Science |
PHSC-MAJ | Physical Science |
PHYA-DNKN | Physics and Astronomy |
PHYA-GMAJ | Physics and Astronomy |
PHYA-GMIN | Physics and Astronomy |
PHYA-MS | Physics and Astronomy |
PHYA-NDEG | Physics and Astronomy |
PHYA-PHD | Physics and Astronomy |
PHYS-BA | Physics |
PHYS-BS | Physics |
PHYS-GMIN | Physics |
PHYS-MAJ | Physics |
PHYS-MIN | Physics |
PINT-NDEG | Pre-Interior Design |
PIT-NDEG | Pre-Industrial Technology |
PLAR-NDEG | Pre-Landscape Architecture |
PLAW-NDEG | Pre-Law |
PLNT-BSAG | Plant Pathology |
PLNT-MAJ | Plant Pathology |
PLPS-B1PP | Plant Protection Sciences |
PLPS-BSAS | Plant Protection Sciences |
PLPS-MAJ | Plant Protection Sciences |
PMED-NDEG | Pre-Medicine |
PMET-NDEG | Pre-Manufacturing Technology |
PMSC-NDEG | Pre-Mortuary Science |
PMT-NDEG | Pre-Clinical Laboratory Science |
PMUE-ADM | Pre-Music Education |
PMUS-ADM | Pre-Music |
PNMT-NDEG | Pre-Nuclear Medical Technology |
PNRS-NDEG | Pre-Nursing |
POCT-NDEG | Pre-Occupational Therapy |
POLS-BA | Political Science |
POLS-BS | Political Science |
POLS-DNKN | Political Science |
POLS-GMAJ | Political Science |
POLS-GMIN | Political Science |
POLS-MA | Political Science |
POLS-MAJ | Political Science |
POLS-MIN | Political Science |
POLS-PHD | Political Science |
POPT-NDEG | Pre-Optometry |
PORT-MIN | Portuguese |
PPA-NDEG | Pre-Physician's Assistant |
PPHM-NDEG | Pre-Pharmacy |
PPSC-NDEG | Pre-Clinical Perfusion Science |
PPT-NDEG | Pre-Physical Therapy |
PRT-NDEG | Pre-Radiation Science Technology |
PSHS-BSED | Political Science and History |
PSHS-BSEH | Political Science and History |
PSHS-MAJ | Political Science and History |
PSW-NDEG | Pre-Social Work |
PSYC-BA | Psychology |
PSYC-BS | Psychology |
PSYC-DNKN | Psychology |
PSYC-GMAJ | Psychology |
PSYC-GMIN | Psychology |
PSYC-MA | Psychology |
PSYC-MAJ | Psychology |
PSYC-MIN | Psychology |
PSYC-PHD | Psychology |
PSYE-EDD | Psychological Studies in Education |
PSYE-PHD | Psychological Studies in Education |
PTHE-ADM | Pre-Theatre |
PVET-NDEG | Pre-Veterinary Medicine |
QQPM-GMIN | Quantitative, Qualitative and Psychometric Methods |
RDWR-BSED | Reading and Writing(7-12) |
RDWR-BSEH | Reading and Writing(7-12) |
RDWR-MAJ | Reading and Writing(7-12) |
RECR-BA | Recreation |
RECR-BS | Recreation |
RECR-MAJ | Recreation |
RECR-MIN | Recreation |
RELG-MIN | Religious Studies |
RFSA-BSEH | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
RFSA-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
RFSA-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
RLES-B1RE | Rangeland Ecosystems |
RLES-BSNR | Rangeland Ecosystems |
RLES-MIN | Rangeland Ecosystems |
RMGT-BSAG | Range Management |
RMGT-BSAS | Range Management |
RMGT-MAJ | Range Management |
RNGE-BSNR | Range Science |
RNGE-MAJ | Range Science |
RNGE-MIN | Range Science |
RUSS-BA | Russian |
RUSS-BS | Russian |
RUSS-MAJ | Russian |
RUSS-MIN | Russian |
SCTH-BA | Speech Communication and Theatre |
SCTH-MAJ | Speech Communication and Theatre |
SCTH-MIN | Speech Communication and Theatre |
SDA-DNKN | Speech and Dramatic Art |
SDA-GMAJ | Speech and Dramatic Art |
SDA-GMIN | Speech and Dramatic Art |
SDA-MA | Speech and Dramatic Art |
SDA-PHD | Speech and Dramatic Art |
SECD-DNKN | Special Education & Communication Disorders |
SECD-EDS | Special Education & Communication Disorders |
SECD-NDEG | Special Education & Communication Disorders |
SLAV-MIN | Slavic and East European Studies |
SLPA-BA | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
SLPA-BS | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
SLPA-GMAJ | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
SLPA-GMIN | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
SLPA-MAJ | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
SLPA-MS | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
SOCI-BA | Sociology |
SOCI-BS | Sociology |
SOCI-DNKN | Sociology |
SOCI-GMAJ | Sociology |
SOCI-GMIN | Sociology |
SOCI-MA | Sociology |
SOCI-MAJ | Sociology |
SOCI-MIN | Sociology |
SOCI-PHD | Sociology |
SOCW-BSSW | Social Work |
SOIL-BSAG | Soil Science |
SOIL-BSAS | Soil Science |
SOIL-BSNR | Soil Science |
SOIL-MAJ | Soil Science |
SOIL-MIN | Soil Science |
SPAN-BA | Spanish |
SPAN-BS | Spanish |
SPAN-GMIN | Spanish |
SPAN-MAJ | Spanish |
SPAN-MIN | Spanish |
SPCM-BA | Speech Communication |
SPCM-BS | Speech Communication |
SPCM-MAJ | Speech Communication |
SPCM-MIN | Speech Communication |
SPED-DNKN | Special Education |
SPED-GMAJ | Special Education |
SPED-GMIN | Special Education |
SPED-MA | Special Education |
SPED-MED | Special Education |
SPEN-BSED | Speech and English |
SPEN-BSEH | Speech and English |
SPEN-MAJ | Speech and English |
SPFL-BSED | Spanish 7-12 and Spanish K-6 |
SPFL-BSEH | Spanish 7-12 and Spanish K-6 |
SPFL-MAJ | Spanish 7-12 and Spanish K-6 |
SPLP-BSED | Speech-Language Pathologist |
SPLP-BSEH | Speech-Language Pathologist |
SPLP-MAJ | Speech-Language Pathologist |
SPM3-BSED | Elementary Ed & Spcl Ed-Mild/Mod Disabilities K-9 |
SPM3-BSEH | Elementary Ed & Spcl Ed-Mild/Mod Disabilities K-9 |
SPM3-MAJ | Elementary Ed & Spcl Ed-Mild/Mod Disabilities K-9 |
SPM4-BSED | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities 7-12 |
SPM4-BSEH | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities 7-12 |
SPM4-MAJ | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities 7-12 |
SPM5-BSED | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-9 |
SPM5-BSEH | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-9 |
SPM5-MAJ | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-9 |
SPM6-BSEH | Elementary Ed & Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-6 |
SPM6-MAJ | Elementary Ed & Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-6 |
SPPA-BA | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
SPPA-GMAJ | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
SPPA-GMIN | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
SPPA-MAJ | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
SPPA-MIN | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
SPPA-MS | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
SPTL-LLM | Space and Telecommunications Law |
SRAM-GMAJ | Survey Research and Methodology |
SRAM-GMIN | Survey Research and Methodology |
SRAM-MS | Survey Research and Methodology |
SRAM-PHD | Survey Research and Methodology |
SSCI-BSED | Social Science |
SSCI-BSEH | Social Science |
SSCI-MAJ | Social Science |
STAT-GMAJ | Statistics |
STAT-GMIN | Statistics |
STAT-MS | Statistics |
STAT-PHD | Statistics |
SURM-GCER | Survey Research and Methodology |
SWEL-BA | Social Welfare |
SWEL-MAJ | Social Welfare |
SWEL-MIN | Social Welfare |
SXST-MIN | Sexuality Studies |
TCDJ-BSEH | Textiles, Clothing and Design/Communications |
TCDJ-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TCDJ-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design/Communications |
TDDS-BA | Theatre |
TDDS-MAJ | Theatre |
TDMT-BA | Theatre |
TDMT-MAJ | Theatre |
TDMT-MIN | Theatre |
TEAC-EDS | Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education |
TEAC-GMAJ | Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education |
TEAC-GMIN | Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education |
TEAC-MA | Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education |
TEAC-MED | Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education |
TEAC-MST | Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education |
TED-BSED | Technical Education |
TED-BSEH | Technical Education |
TED-MAJ | Technical Education |
TELE-GMAJ | Telecommunications Engineering |
TELE-GMIN | Telecommunications Engineering |
TELE-MS | Telecommunications Engineering |
TFNM-BFA | Theatre |
TFNM-MAJ | Theatre |
THDN-GMIN | Theatre Arts & Dance |
THDN-MFA | Theatre Arts & Dance |
THEA-BA | Theatre Arts |
THEA-BFA | Theatre Arts |
THEA-GMIN | Theatre Arts |
THEA-MAJ | Theatre Arts |
THEA-MFA | Theatre Arts |
THEA-MIN | Theatre Arts |
THEN-BSED | Theatre and English |
THEN-BSEH | Theatre and English |
THEN-MAJ | Theatre and English |
TLMT-B1TL | Turfgrass and Landscape Management |
TLMT-MIN | Turfgrass and Landscape Management |
TOXI-GMAJ | Toxicology |
TOXI-GMIN | Toxicology |
TOXI-MS | Toxicology |
TOXI-PHD | Toxicology |
TPER-BA | Theatre |
TPER-MAJ | Theatre |
TPER-MIN | Theatre |
TPRO-BA | Theatre |
TPRO-MAJ | Theatre |
TPRO-MIN | Theatre |
TRAD-BSED | Trade and Industrial Education |
TRAD-BSEH | Trade and Industrial Education |
TRAD-MAJ | Trade and Industrial Education |
TTDE-BFA | Theatre |
TWRT-GCER | Teaching of Writing |
TXAD-BSEH | Textiles, Clothing and Design (Textile & Apparel Design) |
TXAD-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXAD-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design (Textile & Apparel Design) |
TXCD-BSEH | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-DNKN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-GMAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-GMIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-MA | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-MS | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXCD-NDEG | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXSC-BSEH | Textiles, Clothing and Design (Textile Science) |
TXSC-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
TXSC-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design (Textile Science) |
UNAS-NDEG | Undeclared - Agricultural Studies |
UNDL-NDEG | Undeclared - Undergraduate |
UNNR-NDEG | Undeclared - Natural Resources |
URBS-BA | Urban Studies |
URBS-GMIN | Urban Studies |
URBS-MAJ | Urban Studies |
URBS-MIN | Urban Studies |
USTD-BA | University Studies |
USTD-BS | University Studies |
USTD-MAJ | University Studies |
USTD-MIN | University Studies |
VAED-GMAJ | Vocational and Adult Education |
VAED-GMIN | Vocational and Adult Education |
VAED-MA | Vocational and Adult Education |
VAED-MED | Vocational and Adult Education |
VBMS-B1VS | Veterinary Science |
VBMS-BSAS | Veterinary Science |
VBMS-MAJ | Veterinary Science |
VBMS-MIN | Veterinary Science |
VED-DNKN | Vocational Education |
VED-EDS | Vocational Education |
VED-GMIN | Vocational Education |
VED-MED | Vocational Education |
VETH-B1VT | Veterinary Technology |
VETS-GMAJ | Veterinary Science |
VETS-GMIN | Veterinary Science |
VETS-MS | Veterinary Science |
VETT-B1VT | Veterinary Technologist |
VETT-BSAS | Veterinary Technologist |
VMED-DVM | Veterinary Medicine |
VOCS-MAJ | Vocational Special Needs |
VSTG-NDEG | Visiting |
WATR-B1WS | Water Science |
WATR-BSNR | Water Science |
WATR-MAJ | Water Science |
WATR-MIN | Water Science |
WEUR-BA | Western European Studies |
WEUR-BS | Western European Studies |
WEUR-MAJ | Western European Studies |
WEUR-MIN | Western European Studies |
WGST-BA | Women's & Gender Studies |
WGST-BS | Women's & Gender Studies |
WGST-GMIN | Women's & Gender Studies |
WGST-MAJ | Women's & Gender Studies |
WGST-MIN | Women's & Gender Studies |
WMNS-BA | Women's Studies |
WMNS-BS | Women's Studies |
WMNS-GMIN | Women's Studies |
WMNS-MAJ | Women's Studies |
WMNS-MIN | Women's Studies |
WRPM-GMIN | Water Resources Planning and Management |
WRPM-MIN | Water Resources Planning and Management |
XADOM-BAED | Administrative Office Management |
XADOM-BSED | Administrative Office Management |
XADOM-MAJ | Administrative Office Management |
XADVT-MAJ | Advertising |
XAHCR-BA | Art History and Criticism |
XAHCR-BS | Art History and Criticism |
XAHCR-MAJ | Art History and Criticism |
XAHCR-MIN | Art History and Criticism |
XANTH-BAED | Anthropology |
XANTH-BSED | Anthropology |
XANTH-MAJ | Anthropology |
XARCH-MARC | Architecture |
XARM-BAED | Administrative Resource Management |
XARM-BSED | Administrative Resource Management |
XARM-MAJ | Administrative Resource Management |
XART-BA | Art |
XART-BFA | Art |
XART-MAJ | Art |
XART-MIN | Art |
XART2-BAED | Art K-12 |
XART2-BFAE | Art K-12 |
XART2-BSED | Art K-12 |
XART2-MAJ | Art K-12 |
XATHT-BAED | Athletic Training |
XATHT-BSED | Athletic Training |
XATHT-MAJ | Athletic Training |
XBECE-BSED | Business Education/Cooperative Education |
XBECE-MAJ | Business Education/Cooperative Education |
XBIOL-BAED | Biology |
XBIOL-BSED | Biology |
XBIOL-MAJ | Biology |
XBSED-BAED | Business Education |
XBSED-BSED | Business Education |
XBSED-MAJ | Business Education |
XCDED-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XCDED-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XCDED-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XCHE-BAED | Community Health Education |
XCHE-BSED | Community Health Education |
XCHE-MAJ | Community Health Education |
XCHEM-BAED | Chemistry |
XCHEM-BSED | Chemistry |
XCHEM-MAJ | Chemistry |
XCOAC-BSED | Coaching |
XCOAC-MAJ | Coaching |
XCOAC-MIN | Coaching |
XCOMP-MAJ | Computer Science |
XCSED-BSHE | Consumer Science and Education |
XCSED-BSHF | Consumer Science and Education |
XCSED-MAJ | Consumer Science and Education |
XCSED-MIN | Consumer Science and Education |
XCULS-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XCULS-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XCULS-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDANC-BAED | Dance |
XDANC-BFA | Dance |
XDANC-BSED | Dance |
XDANC-MAJ | Dance |
XDIET-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDIET-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDIET-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDITJ-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDITJ-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDITJ-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDMRK-BSED | Distributive/Marketing Educ and Basic Business |
XDMRK-MAJ | Distributive/Marketing Educ and Basic Business |
XDRAM-BAED | Speech, Drama and English |
XDRAM-BSED | Speech, Drama and English |
XDRAM-MAJ | Speech, Drama and English |
XDTEX-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDTEX-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDTEX-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XDVOC-BAED | Cooperative Education |
XDVOC-BSED | Cooperative Education |
XDVOC-MAJ | Cooperative Education |
XECED-BAED | Elementary Educ and Early Childhood Education |
XECED-BSED | Elementary Educ and Early Childhood Education |
XECED-MAJ | Elementary Educ and Early Childhood Education |
XECNH-BAED | Economics and History |
XECNH-BSED | Economics and History |
XECNH-MAJ | Economics and History |
XECON-BAED | Economics |
XECON-BSED | Economics |
XECON-MAJ | Economics |
XECSE-BSED | Early Childhood and Special Education |
XECSE-MAJ | Early Childhood and Special Education |
XELAR-BAED | Elementary Education and Art K-6 |
XELAR-BSED | Elementary Education and Art K-6 |
XELAR-MAJ | Elementary Education and Art K-6 |
XELBI-BSED | Elementary Education-Bilingual |
XELBI-MAJ | Elementary Education-Bilingual |
XELED-BAED | Elementary Education |
XELED-BSED | Elementary Education |
XELED-MAJ | Elementary Education |
XELFR-BAED | Elementary Education and French K-6 |
XELFR-BSED | Elementary Education and French K-6 |
XELFR-MAJ | Elementary Education and French K-6 |
XELGR-BAED | Elementary Education and German K-6 |
XELGR-BSED | Elementary Education and German K-6 |
XELGR-MAJ | Elementary Education and German K-6 |
XELHD-BSED | Elementary Educ & Human Dev and The Family |
XELHD-MAJ | Elementary Educ & Human Dev and The Family |
XELPE-BAED | Elementary Education-Physical Education K-6 |
XELPE-BSED | Elementary Education-Physical Education K-6 |
XELPE-MAJ | Elementary Education-Physical Education K-6 |
XELSN-BAED | Elementary Education and Spanish K-6 |
XELSN-BSED | Elementary Education and Spanish K-6 |
XELSN-MAJ | Elementary Education and Spanish K-6 |
XENGL-BA | English |
XENGL-BAED | English |
XENGL-BSED | English |
XENGL-MAJ | English |
XERTH-BAED | Earth Science |
XERTH-BSED | Earth Science |
XERTH-MAJ | Earth Science |
XESL-MAJ | English as a Second Language |
XEXSC-BAED | Exercise Science |
XEXSC-BSED | Exercise Science |
XEXSC-MAJ | Exercise Science |
XFACS-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFACS-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFACS-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFACS-NDEG | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFAMS-MIN | Family Science |
XFCSE-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFCSE-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFCSE-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFCSJ-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFCSJ-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFCSJ-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFECE-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFECE-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFECE-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFFM-MIN | Family Financial Management |
XFFMS-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFFMS-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFFMS-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFMSC-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFMSC-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFMSC-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XFOOD-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XFOOD-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XFOOD-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XFREN-BAED | French |
XFREN-BSED | French |
XFREN-MAJ | French |
XFRFL-BAED | French 7-12 and French K-6 |
XFRFL-BSED | French 7-12 and French K-6 |
XFRFL-MAJ | French 7-12 and French K-6 |
XGEOG-BAED | Geography |
XGEOG-BSED | Geography |
XGEOG-MAJ | Geography |
XGEOH-BAED | Geography and History |
XGEOH-BSED | Geography and History |
XGEOH-MAJ | Geography and History |
XGERM-BAED | German |
XGERM-BSED | German |
XGERM-MAJ | German |
XGOBB-BSED | General Office and Basic Business |
XGOBB-MAJ | General Office and Basic Business |
XGRFL-BAED | German 7-12 and German K-6 |
XGRFL-BSED | German 7-12 and German K-6 |
XGRFL-MAJ | German 7-12 and German K-6 |
XHDF-BSHE | Human Development and The Family |
XHDF-BSHF | Human Development and The Family |
XHDF-MAJ | Human Development and The Family |
XHDF-MIN | Human Development and The Family |
XHEAR-BAED | Deaf or Hard of Hearing Education |
XHEAR-BSED | Deaf or Hard of Hearing Education |
XHEAR-MAJ | Deaf or Hard of Hearing Education |
XHEHD-BSED | Health Education and Human Development |
XHEHD-MAJ | Health Education and Human Development |
XHFAC-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XHIN2-MIN | International Studies |
XHINS-MIN | International Studies |
XHIST-BAED | History |
XHIST-BSED | History |
XHIST-MAJ | History |
XHLTH-BAED | Health Education |
XHLTH-BSED | Health Education |
XHLTH-MAJ | Health Education |
XHLTO-BAED | Health Occupations |
XHLTO-BSED | Health Occupations |
XHLTO-MAJ | Health Occupations |
XHNFS-BSHE | Human Nutrition and Food Service Management |
XHNFS-BSHF | Human Nutrition and Food Service Management |
XHNFS-MAJ | Human Nutrition and Food Service Management |
XHNFS-MIN | Human Nutrition and Food Service Management |
XHPED-BAED | Health and Physical Education K-12 |
XHPED-BSED | Health and Physical Education K-12 |
XHPED-MAJ | Health and Physical Education K-12 |
XHPER-BAED | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
XHPER-BSED | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
XHPER-MAJ | Health, Physical Educ and Recreation Studies |
XIART-BSED | Industrial Arts |
XIART-MAJ | Industrial Arts |
XIECE-BSHF | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XIECE-MAJ | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XIECE-MIN | Family and Consumer Sciences |
XITEC-BAED | Industrial Technology Education |
XITEC-BSED | Industrial Technology Education |
XITEC-MAJ | Industrial Technology Education |
XITGS-BA | Integrated Studies |
XITGS-MAJ | Integrated Studies |
XJOUR-BAED | Journalism |
XJOUR-BSED | Journalism |
XJOUR-MAJ | Journalism |
XJRNE-BAED | Journalism and English |
XJRNE-BSED | Journalism and English |
XJRNE-MAJ | Journalism and English |
XLART-BAED | Language Arts |
XLART-BSED | Language Arts |
XLART-MAJ | Language Arts |
XLATN-BAED | Latin |
XLATN-BSED | Latin |
XLATN-MAJ | Latin |
XMATH-BAED | Mathematics |
XMATH-BSED | Mathematics |
XMATH-MAJ | Mathematics |
XMEBC-BSED | Marketing Education/Basic Business-Cooperative Educ |
XMEBC-MAJ | Marketing Education/Basic Business-Cooperative Educ |
XMIDD-BAED | Middle Grades Education |
XMIDD-BSED | Middle Grades Education |
XMIDD-MAJ | Middle Grades Education |
XMIDS-BAED | Middle School |
XMIDS-BSED | Middle School |
XMIDS-MAJ | Middle School |
XMIN1-BAED | Music Instrumental K-6 and 7-12 |
XMIN1-BSED | Music Instrumental K-6 and 7-12 |
XMIN1-MAJ | Music Instrumental K-6 and 7-12 |
XMIN2-BAED | Music Instrumental 7-12 |
XMIN2-BSED | Music Instrumental 7-12 |
XMIN2-MAJ | Music Instrumental 7-12 |
XMKED-BAED | Marketing Education and Basic Business |
XMKED-BSED | Marketing Education and Basic Business |
XMKED-MAJ | Marketing Education and Basic Business |
XMRCH-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XMRCH-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XMRCH-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XMUSC-BA | Music |
XMUSC-BM | Music |
XMUSC-MAJ | Music |
XMUSC-MIN | Music |
XMUTH-BFA | Music Theatre |
XMUV-BAED | Music Vocal/General K-6 |
XMUV-BSED | Music Vocal/General K-6 |
XMUV-MAJ | Music Vocal/General K-6 |
XMUVE-BAED | Music Vocal/General K-12 |
XMUVE-BSED | Music Vocal/General K-12 |
XMUVE-MAJ | Music Vocal/General K-12 |
XMUVI-BMED | Music, Vocal & Instrumental K-12 |
XMUVI-MAJ | Music, Vocal & Instrumental K-12 |
XNFHP-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNFHP-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNFHP-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNTRS-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNTRS-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNTRS-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNTSC-BAED | Natural Science |
XNTSC-BSED | Natural Science |
XNTSC-MAJ | Natural Science |
XNUTR-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNUTR-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNUTR-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XNUTR-NDEG | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XP001-NDEG | Pre Art K-12 |
XP002-NDEG | Pre Biology |
XP003-NDEG | Pre Business Education |
XP004-NDEG | Pre Chemistry |
XP005-NDEG | Pre Coaching (Endorsement) |
XP006-NDEG | Pre Information Technology (Endorsement) |
XP007-NDEG | Pre Earth Science |
XP008-NDEG | Pre Economics & History |
XP009-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education |
XP010-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & Art K-6 |
XP011-NDEG | Pre Elementary Educ & Early Childhood Educ |
XP012-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & French K-6 |
XP013-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & German K-6 |
XP014-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education & Spanish K-6 |
XP015-NDEG | Pre Elementary Education-PE K-6 |
XP016-NDEG | Pre English |
XP017-NDEG | Pre French |
XP018-NDEG | Pre French 7-12 & French K-6 |
XP019-NDEG | Pre Geography & History |
XP020-NDEG | Pre German |
XP021-NDEG | Pre German 7-12 & German K-6 |
XP022-NDEG | Pre Health Education |
XP023-NDEG | Pre Health Education & PE K-12 |
XP024-NDEG | Pre Hearing Impaired |
XP025-NDEG | Pre History |
XP026-NDEG | Pre Industrial Technology Education |
XP027-NDEG | Pre Journalism & English |
XP028-NDEG | Pre Latin |
XP029-NDEG | Pre Marketing Education & Basic Business |
XP030-NDEG | Pre Mathematics |
XP031-NDEG | Pre Middle Grades Education |
XP032-NDEG | Pre Natural Science |
XP033-NDEG | Pre Physical Education 7-12 |
XP034-NDEG | Pre Physical Education K-6 & 7-12 |
XP035-NDEG | Pre Physical Science |
XP036-NDEG | Pre Physics |
XP037-NDEG | Pre Language Arts |
XP038-NDEG | Pre Political Science & History |
XP039-NDEG | Pre ESL |
XP040-NDEG | Pre Russian |
XP041-NDEG | Pre Social Science |
XP042-NDEG | Pre Spanish |
XP043-NDEG | Pre Spanish 7-12 & Spanish K-6 |
XP044-NDEG | Pre Speech & English |
XP045-NDEG | Pre Speech, Drama & English |
XP046-NDEG | Pre Speech-Language Pathology |
XP047-NDEG | Pre Theatre & English |
XP048-NDEG | Pre Trade & Industrial Education |
XP049-NDEG | Pre Special Education |
XP050-NDEG | Pre Inclusive Early Childhood Education |
XP051-NDEG | Pre Reading and Writing |
XP052-NDEG | Pre Marketing Educ/Coop Educ |
XP053-NDEG | Pre Business Educ/Coop Educ |
XP054-NDEG | Pre Cooperative Education |
XPE1-BAED | Physical Education K-6 and 7-12 |
XPE1-BSED | Physical Education K-6 and 7-12 |
XPE1-MAJ | Physical Education K-6 and 7-12 |
XPE2-BAED | Physical Education 7-12 |
XPE2-BSED | Physical Education 7-12 |
XPE2-MAJ | Physical Education 7-12 |
XPEDU-NDEG | Pre-Education |
XPHSC-BAED | Physical Science |
XPHSC-BSED | Physical Science |
XPHSC-MAJ | Physical Science |
XPHYS-BAED | Physics |
XPHYS-BSED | Physics |
XPHYS-MAJ | Physics |
XPLAW-NDEG | Pre-Law |
XPOLS-BAED | Political Science |
XPOLS-BSED | Political Science |
XPOLS-MAJ | Political Science |
XPPT-NDEG | Pre-Physical Therapy |
XPSHD-BSED | Pre-School Handicapped |
XPSHD-MAJ | Pre-School Handicapped |
XPSHS-BAED | Political Science and History |
XPSHS-BSED | Political Science and History |
XPSHS-MAJ | Political Science and History |
XPSW-NDEG | Pre-Social Work |
XPSYC-BAED | Psychology |
XPSYC-BSED | Psychology |
XPSYC-MAJ | Psychology |
XRDWR-BSED | Reading and Writing(7-12) |
XRDWR-MAJ | Reading and Writing(7-12) |
XREAD-BAED | Reading |
XREAD-BSED | Reading |
XREAD-MAJ | Reading |
XRECR-BAED | Recreation |
XRECR-BSED | Recreation |
XRECR-MAJ | Recreation |
XRFSA-BSHF | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XRFSA-MAJ | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XRFSA-MIN | Nutritional Science & Dietetics |
XRUSS-BAED | Russian |
XRUSS-BSED | Russian |
XRUSS-MAJ | Russian |
XSCTH-BAED | Speech Communication and Theatre |
XSCTH-BSED | Speech Communication and Theatre |
XSCTH-MAJ | Speech Communication and Theatre |
XSECB-BSED | Secretarial and Basic Business |
XSECB-MAJ | Secretarial and Basic Business |
XSLPA-BAED | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
XSLPA-BSED | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
XSLPA-MAJ | Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology |
XSOCI-BAED | Sociology |
XSOCI-BSED | Sociology |
XSOCI-MAJ | Sociology |
XSPAN-BAED | Spanish |
XSPAN-BSED | Spanish |
XSPAN-MAJ | Spanish |
XSPCM-BAED | Speech Communication |
XSPCM-BSED | Speech Communication |
XSPCM-MAJ | Speech Communication |
XSPEN-BAED | Speech and English |
XSPEN-BSED | Speech and English |
XSPEN-MAJ | Speech and English |
XSPFL-BAED | Spanish 7-12 and Spanish K-6 |
XSPFL-BSED | Spanish 7-12 and Spanish K-6 |
XSPFL-MAJ | Spanish 7-12 and Spanish K-6 |
XSPLP-BAED | Speech-Language Pathologist |
XSPLP-BSED | Speech-Language Pathologist |
XSPLP-MAJ | Speech-Language Pathologist |
XSPM1-BAED | Special Ed-Mildly/Moderately Handicapped |
XSPM1-BSED | Special Ed-Mildly/Moderately Handicapped |
XSPM1-MAJ | Special Ed-Mildly/Moderately Handicapped |
XSPM2-BAED | Special Ed-Severly/Multi Handicapped |
XSPM2-BSED | Special Ed-Severly/Multi Handicapped |
XSPM2-MAJ | Special Ed-Severly/Multi Handicapped |
XSPM3-BAED | Elementary Ed & Spcl Ed-Mild/Mod Disabilities K-9 |
XSPM3-BSED | Elementary Ed & Spcl Ed-Mild/Mod Disabilities K-9 |
XSPM3-MAJ | Elementary Ed & Spcl Ed-Mild/Mod Disabilities K-9 |
XSPM4-BAED | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities 7-12 |
XSPM4-BSED | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities 7-12 |
XSPM4-MAJ | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities 7-12 |
XSPM5-BSED | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-9 |
XSPM5-MAJ | Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-9 |
XSPPA-BAED | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
XSPPA-BSED | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
XSPPA-MAJ | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
XSSCI-BAED | Social Science |
XSSCI-BSED | Social Science |
XSSCI-MAJ | Social Science |
XSVOC-BAED | Special Vocational Needs |
XSVOC-BSED | Special Vocational Needs |
XSVOC-MAJ | Special Vocational Needs |
XTCDJ-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTCDJ-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTCDJ-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTED-BSED | Technical Education |
XTED-MAJ | Technical Education |
XTESL-BSED | Teaching English as a Second Language |
XTESL-MAJ | Teaching English as a Second Language |
XTHEA-BA | Theatre Arts |
XTHEA-BAED | Theatre Arts |
XTHEA-BFA | Theatre Arts |
XTHEA-BSED | Theatre Arts |
XTHEA-MAJ | Theatre Arts |
XTHEN-BAED | Theatre and English |
XTHEN-BSED | Theatre and English |
XTHEN-MAJ | Theatre and English |
XTRAD-BAED | Trade and Industrial Education |
XTRAD-BSED | Trade and Industrial Education |
XTRAD-MAJ | Trade and Industrial Education |
XTXAD-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXAD-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXAD-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXCD-BSHE | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXCD-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXCD-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXCD-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXCD-NDEG | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXSC-BSHF | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXSC-MAJ | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XTXSC-MIN | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
XVOCS-MAJ | Vocational Special Needs |
XXDANC-BFA | Dance |
XXDANC-MAJ | Dance |
XXDANC-MIN | Dance |
XXTHEA-MAJ | Theatre Arts |
YTHD-GCER | Youth Development |