This is the Class Enrollment table representing student enrollment in classes for a term. There is 1 row per class enrollment. Dropped classes after the retain date for the term are also present.
OPRID | User | User ID | A30 | |
EMPLID | Nuid | EmplID | A11 | |
INSTITUTION | Institution | Academic Institution | A5 | University Institution Code (NEUNL) |
STRM | Term | Term Value | A4 | Term Code |
SRC_SYS_ID | Source System | Source System Identification | A5 | NU Production System (PRDNU) |
ACAD_CAREER | Career | Academic Career | A4 | |
LAST_NAME | Last Name | Last Name | A30 | Last Name |
FIRST_NAME | First Name | First Name | A30 | First Name |
MIDDLE_NAME | Middle Name | Middle Name | A30 | Middle Name |
NAME_SUFFIX | Suffix | Name Suffix | A15 | Name Suffix |
PREF_EMAIL | Pref Email Addr | Preferred Email Address | A70 | Preferred Email Address |
WORK_EMAIL | Work Email | Work Email Address | A70 | Email address obtained from SAP |
PHONE | Phone | Telephone | A24 | Phone Number marked as preferred by student |
LOCL_ADDRESS1 | Local Street 1 | Local Address 1 | A55 | Local Street 1 |
LOCL_ADDRESS2 | Local Street 2 | Local Address Line 2 | A55 | Local Street 2 |
LOCL_CITY | Local City | Local City | A30 | Local City |
LOCL_STATE | Local State | Local State | A6 | Local State |
LOCL_POSTAL | Local Zip | Local Postal Code | A12 | Local Zip Code |
LOCL_COUNTRY | Local Country | Local Country | A3 | Local Country Code |
PERM_ADDRESS1 | Perm Street 1 | Permanent Address 1 | A55 | Permanent Street 1 |
PERM_ADDRESS2 | Perm Street 2 | Permanent Address 2 | A55 | Permanent Street 2 |
PERM_CITY | Perm City | Permanent City | A30 | Permanent City |
PERM_STATE | Perm State | Permanent State | A6 | Permanent state |
PERM_POSTAL | Perm Zip | Permanent Postal Code | A12 | Permanent zip code |
PERM_COUNTRY | Perm Country | Permanent Country | A3 | Permanent country code |
SUBJECT | Subject | Subject | A25 | Subject of the course (ACCT – 201) |
CATALOG_NBR | Ctlg Nbr | Catalog Number | A18 | Course number (ACCT – 201) |
CLASS_SECTION | Section | Class Section | A4 | Class section of the course |
DESCR | Title | Description | A30 | Course title |
SESSION_CODE | Session | Session | A3 | Term session code |
ACAD_GROUP | College of Class | Academic Group | A5 | College |
ACAD_ORG | Acad Org | Academic Organization | A10 | Academic department of the course |
SSR_COMPONENT | Component | Course Component | A3 | Activity type of the section |
CLASS_STAT | Class Stat | Class Status | A1 | Indicates whether the section is open or closed |
CLASS_TYPE | Class Type | Class Type | A1 | Indicates whether section is enrollment or non-enrollment |
INSTRUCTION_MODE | Instruction Mode | Instruction Mode | A2 | Course delivery type |
COMBINED_SECTION | Comb Sect | Combined Section | A1 | Flag indicating section is combined with others (C, blank) |
LOCATION | Location | Location Code | A10 | Campus location the section will be taught on |
CAMPUS | Campus | Campus | A5 | NEUNL |
START_DT | Start Date | Start Date | YYMD | Section start date |
END_DT | End Date | End Date | YYMD | Section end date |
STDNT_ENRL_STATUS | Enrl Status | Student Enrollment Status | A2 | Indicates enrolled or dropped (E, D) |
ENRL_STATUS_REASON | Status Rsn | Enrollment Status Reason | A4 | Reason associated with the enrollment status |
GRADING_BASIS_ENRL | Grade Base | Grading Basis | A3 | The grading type that the student enrolled in section |
REPEAT_CODE | Repeat | Repeat Code | A4 | Indicates the course was repeated or included in academic bankruptcy |
CRSE_GRADE_INPUT | Grade In | Grade Input | A3 | Grade reported by the instructor |
CRSE_GRADE_OFF | Grade | Official Grade | A3 | Official grade on the student’s record |
UNITS_ATTEMPTED | Units Att Flag | Units Attempted | A1 | Indicates valid attempt (Y, N) |
EARN_CREDIT | Earn Credit Flag | Earn Credit | A1 | Indicates if credit was earned (Y, N) |
ENRL_ADD_DT | Add Dt | Enrollment Add Date | YYMD | Date student enrolled in the course |
ENRL_DROP_DT | Drop Dt | Enrollment Drop Date | YYMD | Date student dropped the course |
GRADE_DT | Grade Dt | Grade Date | YYMD | Date the grade was posted |
INSTR_ID_1 | Instr ID 1 | Instructor ID 1 | A11 | NUID of the 1st instructor |
INSTR_NAME_1 | Instr Name 1 | Instructor Name 1 | A50 | Name of the 1st instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_1 | Access 1 | Grade Roster Access 1 | A1 | Instructor 1st grade roster access flag |
INSTR_ID_2 | Instr ID 2 | Instructor ID 2 | A11 | NUID of the 2nd instructor |
INSTR_NAME_2 | Instr Name 2 | Instructor Name 2 | A50 | Name of the 2nd instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_2 | Access 2 | Grade Roster Access 2 | A1 | Instructor 2nd grade roster access flag |
INSTR_ID_3 | Instr ID 3 | Instructor ID 3 | A11 | NUID of the 3rd instructor |
INSTR_NAME_3 | Instr Name 3 | Instructor Name 3 | A50 | Name of the 3rd instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_3 | Access 3 | Grade Roster Access 3 | A1 | Instructor 3rd grade roster access flag |
INSTR_ID_4 | Instr ID 4 | Instructor ID 4 | A11 | NUID of the 4th instructor |
INSTR_NAME_4 | Instr Name 4 | Instructor Name 4 | A50 | Name of the 4th instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_4 | Access 4 | Grade Roster Access 4 | A1 | Instructor 4th grade roster access flag |
INSTR_ID_5 | Instr ID 5 | Instructor ID 5 | A11 | NUID of the 5th instructor |
INSTR_NAME_5 | Instr Name 5 | Instructor Name 5 | A50 | Name of the 5th instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_5 | Access 5 | Grade Roster Access 5 | A1 | Instructor 5th grade roster access flag |
INSTR_ID_6 | Instr ID 6 | Instructor ID 6 | A11 | NUID of the 6th instructor |
INSTR_NAME_6 | Instr Name 6 | Instructor Name 6 | A50 | Name of the 6th instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_6 | Access 6 | Grade Roster Access 6 | A1 | Instructor 6th grade roster access flag |
INSTR_ID_7 | Instr ID 7 | Instructor ID 7 | A11 | NUID of the 7th instructor |
INSTR_NAME_7 | Instr Name 7 | Instructor Name 7 | A50 | Name of the 7th instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_7 | Access 7 | Grade Roster Access 7 | A1 | Instructor 7th grade roster access flag |
INSTR_ID_8 | Instr ID 8 | Instructor ID 8 | A11 | NUID of the 8th instructor |
INSTR_NAME_8 | Instr Name 8 | Instructor Name 8 | A50 | Name of the 8th instructor |
GRAD_RSTR_ACCESS_8 | Access 8 | Grade Roster Access 8 | A1 | Instructor 8th grade roster access flag |
CLASS_NBR | Class Nbr | Class Nbr | I05 | Section call number used when registering |
HIST_REF | History Ref Nbr | History Reference Number | I02 | |
ASSOCIATED_CLASS | Assoc Class Nbr | Associated Class | I04 | Number used to tie lecture, lab, recitation, and quiz sections together |
CRSE_COUNT | Crse Count | Course Count | P6.2 | Course Count |
UNT_TAKEN | Unit Taken | Units Taken | P7.2 | Units Taken |
UNT_EARNED | Units Earned | Units Earned | P7.2 | Units Earned |
GRADE_POINTS | Grd Points | Grade Points | P11.3 | |
GRD_PTS_PER_UNIT | Grd Pt/Unt | Grade Points Per Unit | P11.3 | |