Data Dictionary for Fields:
ABUS | Agribusiness |
ACCT | Accounting |
ACOM | Agricultural Communications |
ACTS | Actuarial Science |
ADED | Adult Education |
ADPR | Advertising and Public Relations |
ADRS | Adult Restoration |
ADVT | Advertising |
AECN | Agricultural Economics |
AEDU | Agricultural Education |
AERO | Aerospace Studies |
AGEN | Agricultural Engineering |
AGRI | Agricultural Sciences |
AGRO | Agronomy |
AHIS | Art History and Criticism |
ALEC | Agricultural Leadership Education & Communications |
AMER | American Studies |
AMET | Agricultural Meteorology |
ANTH | Anthropology |
AQUA | Rec - Aquatics |
ARCH | Architecture |
AREN | Architectural Engineering |
ARMY | Army |
ARTC | Art-Composition |
ARTE | Art Elements and Crafts |
ARTP | Art Theory and Practice |
ARTS | Art-Special Topics |
ASCI | Animal Science |
ASIA | Asia |
ASTR | Astronomy |
ATHC | Athletic Coaching |
ATHP | Athletic Practice Courses |
ATHT | Athletic Training |
AVIA | Aviation Institute |
BCHM | Life Sciences - Biochemistry |
BIME | Biomedical Engineering |
BIOC | Biological Chemistry |
BIOM | Biometry |
BIOS | Biological Sciences |
BLAW | Business Law |
BRDC | Broadcasting |
BSAD | Business Administration |
BSEN | Biological Systems Engineering |
BSMR | Biological Sciences Seminars |
BVED | Business and Vocational Education |
CEEN | Computing and Electronic Engineering |
CEHS | Education and Human Sciences |
CELL | Cellular Biology and Genetics |
CERM | Art-Ceramics |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CHIN | Chinese |
CHME | Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
CIVE | Civil Engineering |
CLAS | Classics |
CMPL | Comparative Literature |
CNST | Construction Management |
COMB | Rec-Combatives |
COMD | Community Dentistry |
COMM | Communication Studies |
CONE | Construction Engineering |
CRIM | Criminology and Criminal Justice |
CRPL | Community and Regional Planning |
CSCE | Computer Science and Engineering |
CSED | Consumer Science and Education |
CURR | Curriculum and Instruction |
CYAF | Child, Youth and Family Studies |
CZEC | Czech |
DANC | Dance |
DENT | Dentistry |
DEPM | Dental Practice Management |
DESN | Art-Basic Design |
DHYG | Dental Hygiene |
DPHP | Plant Health Program |
DRAW | Art-Drawing |
DVAL | Departmental Validation |
EAEP | Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program |
ECOL | Ecology |
ECON | Economics |
EDAD | Educational Administration |
EDPS | Educational Psychology |
EDUC | Education |
ELEC | Electrical Engineering |
ELED | Elementary Education |
ENDO | Endodontics |
ENGL | English |
ENGM | Engineering Mechanics |
ENGR | Engineering |
ENSC | Energy Science |
ENTO | Entomology |
ENTR | Entrepreneurship |
ENVE | Environmental Engineering |
ENVR | Environmental Studies |
EOHT | Environmental Hlth Occupational Hlth & Toxicology |
ETHN | Ethnic Studies |
EURO | European Studies |
FACS | Family & Consumer Sciences |
FDST | Food Science and Technology |
FFWL | Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife |
FILM | Film Studies |
FINA | Finance |
FITN | Rec-Fitness |
FORS | Forensic Science |
FREN | French |
GEOG | Geography |
GEOL | Geology |
GEOS | Geosciences |
GERM | German |
GERO | Gerontology |
GNCR | General Credit |
GPSP | Great Plains Study Program |
GRAS | Grassland Studies |
GRBA | Graduate Business Administration |
GRDC | Graduate College |
GREK | Greek |
GRPH | Art-Graphic Design & Illustration |
GSST | Global Security Studies |
GYMN | Rec-Gymnastics |
HDEV | Human Development and the Family |
HEBR | Hebrew |
HHPG | Health and Human Performance Graduate Courses |
HHPT | Health and Human Performance Theory |
HIST | History |
HLTH | Health Education |
HMED | Humanities in Medicine |
HORT | Horticulture |
HPED | History and Philosophy of Education |
HRFS | Human Resources and Family Sciences |
HRHA | Human Rights & Humanitarian Affairs |
HRHD | Human Rights and Human Diversity |
HRTM | Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management |
HTHR | Health, Physical Education and Recreation Theory |
HUMS | Human Sciences |
IBMS | Integrative Biomedical Sciences |
IDES | Interior Design |
IMSE | Industrial and Management Systems Engineering |
INDV | Rec-Individual & Dual Activity |
INIT | Initial Academic Statistics |
INTS | International Studies |
ITAL | Italian |
JAPN | Japanese |
JDEP | J D Edwards Program |
JGEN | Journalism - General Courses (JGEN) |
JGRD | Journalism - Graduate (JGRD) |
JOMC | Journalism & Mass Communications-New Core |
JORN | Journalism - Arts and Sciences |
JOUR | Journalism - Core Courses (JOUR) |
JUDS | Judaic Studies Program |
LAKO | Lakota-Sioux |
LAMS | Latin American Studies |
LARC | Landscape Architecture |
LATN | Latin |
LAW | Law |
LIBR | Library |
LING | Linguistics |
LSIN | Life Sciences - Introductory Courses |
MARK | Rec-Markmanship |
MATH | Mathematics |
MECH | Mechanical Engineering |
METL | Metallugical Engineering |
METR | Meteorology |
MHEB | Modern Hebrew |
MICR | Microbiology |
MIST | Management of Information Systems and Technology |
MLSC | Military Science |
MNGT | Management |
MODL | Modern Languages |
MRKT | Marketing |
MSYM | Mechanized Systems Management |
MUAP | Music - Applied |
MUCO | Music Ensemble (credit only) |
MUCP | Music - Composition |
MUDC | Music Ensemble (degree credit) |
MUED | Music Education |
MUEN | Music - Ensembles |
MUNM | Music for Non-Majors |
MUOP | Music - Opera |
MUSC | Music |
MUSR | Music - Student Recitals |
MUSS | Museum Studies |
NACC | Non-Accredited Institution |
NAVS | Naval Science |
NDAP | Not Degree Applicable |
NDCP | Not Degree Applicable/Excess Hours |
NEWS | News-Editorial |
NMED | Nursing Medicine |
NOCR | No Credit |
NREE | Natural Resources and Environmental Economics |
NRES | Natural Resources |
NUEN | Nuclear Engineering |
NURS | Nursing |
NUTR | Nutrition and Health Sciences |
ODED | Rec-Outdoor Education |
OPDR | Oral Pathology, Diagnosis |
ORBI | Oral Biology |
ORSU | Oral Surgery |
ORTH | Orthodontics |
PA | Public Administration |
PABL | Plant and Animal Biology |
PANT | Art-Painting |
PEDI | Pediatric Dentistry |
PERO | Peridontics |
PGAM | Professional Golf Management Program |
PGMP | Professional Golf Management Program |
PHAS | Physics and Astronomy |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHOT | Art-Photography |
PHYS | Physics |
PLPA | Plant Pathology (Obsolete) |
PLPT | Plant Pathology |
POLS | Political Science |
PORT | Portugese |
PRNT | Art-Printmaking |
PSYC | Psychology |
PYSO | Physiology |
RACS | Rec-Racquet Sports |
RAIK | Raikes School of Computer Science and Management |
REAL | Real Estate |
RECR | Recreational Theory |
RELG | Religious Studies Program |
RNGE | Range Science |
RUSS | Russian |
SCAN | Scandinavian |
SCED | Secondary Education |
SCIE | Sciences |
SCLP | Art-Sculpture |
SECD | Special Education snd Communication Disorders |
SLAV | Slavic and Eastern European Studies |
SLPA | Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology |
SOCI | Sociology |
SOCW | Social Work |
SOIL | Soil Science |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPCM | Speech Communications |
SPCW | Special Waiver |
SPED | Special Education |
SRAM | Survey Research and Methodology |
STAT | Statistics |
TEAC | Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education |
TEAM | Rec-Team Sports |
THEA | Theatre Arts |
TLMT | Turfgrass and Landscape Management |
TOXI | Toxicology |
TXCD | Textiles, Clothing and Design |
UACA | University Academy |
UFND | University Foundations Program |
UHON | University Honors Program |
USTD | University Studies Program |
VAED | Vocational and Adult Education |
VBED | Vocational Education/Business Education |
VBMS | Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences |
VCRD | Vocational/Technical Credit |
VEHO | Vocational Education/Health Occupations |
VEIE | Vocational Educ/Industrial Education |
VEMK | Vocational Education/Marketing |
VESC | Vocational Education/SCC |
VMED | Veterinary Medicine |
WATC | Art-Watercolor |
WATS | Water Science |
WMNS | Women's and Gender Studies Program |
ZOOL | Zoology |