Data Dictionary for Fields:
A1 | Ambass pub min, career dip/co |
A2 | Oth foreign gov official/Fmly |
A3 | Personal Employee of A1 or A2 |
AR1 | Resident Alien |
ASY | Granted Asylum |
B1 | Temporary visitor on business |
B2 | Temporary visitor for pleasure |
E1 | Treaty trader/Dependents |
E2 | Treaty investor/Dependents |
F1 | Academic Student |
F2 | Dependent of Academic Student |
F3 | Commuting Academic Student |
G1 | Principal Rep to Int'l Org/Fam |
G2 | Oth Gov Rep to Int'l Org/Fam |
G3 | Non Gov Rep to Int'l Org/Fam |
G4 | International Org Employee/Fam |
G5 | Personal Emp of G1-G4 |
H1B | Spec Occ. DOD Wrkr or Fshn Mdl |
H1C | Registered Nurse |
H2A | Temp Agricultural Worker |
H2B | Other Temp Worker |
H3 | Trainee |
H4 | Dependent of H Visa holder |
I | Foreign Media Representative |
J1 | Exchange Visitor |
J2 | Dependent of Exchange Visitor |
K1 | Fiance(e) of US Citizen |
K2 | Minor child of K1 |
K3 | Spouse of US Ctzn (Life Act) |
K4 | Minor child of K3 |
L1A | Executive, Managerial |
L1B | Specialized Knowledge |
L2 | Spouse or child of L1 |
M1 | Vocational Student |
M2 | Dep of Vocational Student |
M3 | Commuting Vocational Student |
N8 | Parent of SK3 Alien Sp Immgrnt |
N9 | Child of Sp Imm SK1-SK4 |
NT1 | NATO Prinicipal Rep/Stf/Fam |
NT2 | NATO Other State Rep/Dependent |
NT3 | NATO Clerical Staff/Family |
NT4 | NATO Offical/Family |
NT5 | NATO Experts/Family |
NT6 | NATO Civilian Staff/Dependents |
NT7 | NATO Personal Employee/Family |
O1 | Extraordinary Ability |
O2 | Support Staff for O1 |
O3 | Dependent of O1 or O2 |
OTH | Other |
P1 | Athlete/Entertainer |
P2 | Artist/Entr/Recip Ex Program |
P3 | Culturally Unique Prog Art/Ent |
P4 | Dependent of Visa Holder |
Q1 | Cultural Exchange Visitor |
Q2 | Irish Peace Process (Walsh) |
Q3 | Dependent of Q Visa Holder |
R1 | Religious Workers |
R2 | Dependent of R-1 |
S5 | Informant Criminal Org |
S6 | Informant Terrorist Activity |
T1 | Victim of Trafficking Persons |
T2 | Spouse of Victim Trfkg Persons |
T3 | Child of Victim of Traficking |
T4 | Parent of Vict of Trffkg Per |
TD | Dependent of TN |
TN | NAFTA Professional |
TPS | Temporary Protected Status |
U1 | Victim of Certain Crimes |
U2 | Spouse of Victim Cert Crimes |
U3 | Child of Victim of Cert Crimes |
U4 | Parent of Victim Cert Crimes |
V1 | Spouse LPR/Fmly Bsd Petition |
V2 | Child LPR/Fmly Bsd Petition |
V3 | Dependent V1 of V2 Visa Holder |