The Senior Learning Passport Program is available to individuals who are at least 65 years of age. Senior learners may attend and "sit-in" on undergraduate courses (courses numbered 100-499) on a space available basis and with the instructor's permission. Online courses are not available for Passport Learners. Course offering information is available online at Search for Classes.
The Learning Passport may be used for up to two classes per semester and is valid for one year from the date of the non-refundable $25 fee payment.
Senior Passport Program Guidelines:
- Non-refundable fee for this program is $25 per year and covers a maximum of 2 classes per semester.
- Limited to undergraduate classes on a space available basis.
- Citizens 65 years of age and over are eligible.
- Instructor permission is required for all classes.
- Not eligible to take online classes or receive any Nebraska services.
- Individuals who would like to have access to campus technology, including Canvas and other digital tools or services that may be used in the course that requires a user to log in, must either audit or enroll in courses.
- The passport learner is intended to be a passive learner. Any active participation is at the discretion of the instructor and the instructor may terminate participation of a learner for any reason.
- The Learning Passport cannot be used in courses with direct one-to-one instruction (i.e. lab, studio, performance, honors or introductory language classes).
For each semester you will need to:
- Select a course you would like to attend.
- Email the professor to gain permission to join the class through the Senior Learning Passport Program. (You may need to offer this page's weblink to help explain the program. Many professors are not familiar with the Senior Learning Passport Program.)
- Present email approval from the professor, fee payment (if not paid in the last 12 months), and I.D. to the Bursar's Office.
- The Bursar will provide a card that confirms your agreement with the professor and enables you to attend the class.
Best Practices
- When searching for a course, it is helpful to use filters to find courses that meet the above criteria.
- Visitor parking for both City and East Campus is shown on maps available on the Parking Services website.
For help finding courses, contact:
Husker Hub
For parking information, contact:
Parking & Transit Services
625 Stadium Drive, Suite A
Lincoln, NE 68588-0161
(402) 472-1800
For payment information, contact:
Bursar's Office
121 Canfield Administration Building North
P.O. Box 880412
Lincoln, NE 68588-0412
(402) 472-1734