Generating Class Permission Codes

Last Updated: July 5, 2024

Class permissions are randomly generated 4-5 digit numbers or authorizations that you can associate with a class and assign to students to use at enrollment time. Class permissions can override conditions such as Department consent, requisites and closed classes. Permissions allow a student to add a class, as long as the student uses the permission by the expiration date and does not violate overall student limitation rules. 

This video outlines the process for generating a permission code. Written documentation is provided below the video.


Step 1:

To begin, log into MyRed using your NUID and password.

MyRED login page


Step 2:

Click on the Employee tab.

Employee tab highlighted


Step 1:

Click the Peoplesoft Homepage tile.

PeopleSoft Homepage Button


Step 4:

Once in Peoplesoft, type Class Permissions in the search bar next to Menu at the top of your window. Click on Class Permissions Records and Enrollment.

Class permission search


Step 5:

Insert the course information and select Search.

Find Existing Value
  1. Enter NEUNL in the Academic Institution field (if it is not populated).
  2. Enter the 4-digit term code in the Term field.  You may click on the magnifying glass to see a list of terms.
  3. Enter a course subject in the Subject Area field. (BIOS, ECON, etc).
  4. Enter a catalog number in the Catalog Number field. (200, 400, 104, etc)

Step 6:

Choose the course from the search results. If you do not see it in the list, you may need to click View All or use the arrow icons to scroll through the list.

Results view


Step 7:

Once selected the course information will appear as pictured below:

Course Information Screen


Permission to Add tab:

All information in this section defaults from the course catalog.

Permission to Add Tab


Class Section Data tab:

All information in this section defaults from the class schedule.

NOTE: Please pay close attention to the information in the Class Section Data bar.  If you need to generate enrollment permission codes for all sections of a class, you must use the to scroll to each section and create enrollment permissions for each section individually.

Class Section Data tab


Defaults tab:

In the Permission Valid For section, all defaults will be checked.  You must always uncheck at least the Career Restriction and Permission Time Period boxes. You may then check and uncheck the Closed Class, Requisites Not Met and Consent Required boxes as needed.  You must always select at least one check box.

Defaults Tab


  • Expiration Date - The Expiration Date defaults to the last day of the semester.  This can be edited to any date, but please note that a student will not be able to enroll via MyRed after the last date to enroll, even with a permission code.
  • Closed Class- Gives students permission to enroll if the class is full
  • Requisites Not Met- Gives students permission to enroll if he/she does not meet pre-requisites.
  • Consent Required- Gives student permission to enroll when department’s consent is required.
  • Career Restriction- Do not issue enrollment permissions for Career Restrictions.
  • Permission Time Period- Do not issue enrollment permissions for Permission Time Period.

You must use the arrows to scroll to the section for which you wish to generate permission.

Please select check boxes carefully!   For example, if you select Requisites Not Met, and do not select Closed Class, the class permission will allow students to enroll in the class if they do not meet the prerequisites, but not if the class is full.

Permission to Add tab


Step 8:

 Enter the number of permission codes you wish to generate in the Assign More Permissions box. You can create permission codes one at a time or you can create as many as you think you will need. Click Generate. **Please Note: If you generate more than one permission code for a section, the system will default to only view the first code. You will need to click View All or use the arrows to scroll through to see additional generated permission codes.*

Assign More Permissions


Step 9:

The General Info tab displays the permission Number.  This is the number that students need in order to enroll in the course. 

Number Column Highlighted


Step 10:

Click the Set All Permissions to Issued checkbox to set all permissions to issued.  You may check this check box before or after generating the permission codes. 

Set all Permission to Issued highlighted


Step 11:

Click on the Permissions tab to view the access that the enrollment permission code is granting.  If changes need to be made to the permission access, use click the check boxes to select/deselect permissions.

Note: Career Restriction and Permission Time Period must remain unchecked.

Permissions tab


Step 12:

In the Comments Tab. You may enter comments up to 50 characters for enrollment permission codes.  For example, you may want to enter the NUID or name of the student to whom you issued the permission code.

Comments tab shown


Step 13:

Once the permission code is generated and everything is issued correctly, select Save.

Comments tab shown


Step 14:

Once the permission code has been used, you may click on the General Info, Permission, and Comments tabs to see the NU ID of the student that used the permission, what the permission code gave access to override and when it was used.

General Info tab, Permission Tab, and Comments tab highlighted


Step 15:

You may check additional check boxes or uncheck check boxes prior to a permission code being used.  You may add comments after a permission code has been used.

Permission tab shown


Step 16:

If you need to remove an enrollment permission code before it has been used, click on the  button to remove the permission code.  You will receive the following warning  message:

If you want to remove the permission code, click OK. If you do not want to remove the permission code, click Cancel.

Delete confirmation popup


Step 17:

Click Save to process your transaction.

Save button highlighted


Additional Information About Permission Codes

  1. Permission codes will not be able to be used after the last day to free drop/add classes as indicated by the Academic Calendar (Census Date). After that day Schedule Adjustment Forms with two signatures must be turned into the Registrar’s Office at 107 Canfield Administration Building.
  2. It is not possible to remove a permission code once it has been used by a student.
  3. Permission codes should only be issued for the enrollment/graded section of a course only, not a component section. Ex: Add the permission for the lecture portion of the class, not the lab or recitation.
    **Permission codes generated for classes with component sections will allow the student to enroll in any related section, even closed sections (if the Closed Class permission box is checked.)**
  4. Permissions codes cannot override: Time Conflicts, Holds, Max Term Units


Common Permission Code Troubleshooting

  1. If a permission code is not working, please make sure the code was issued for the correct enrollment section of the course the student is trying to enroll in.
  2. Make sure the permission code that was generated was saved correctly.
  3. Make sure the permission code access was given for the correct overriding access (if incorrect, you can adjust permission access without generating a new code).