Class Schedule Notes

Class Schedule Notes provide class related information in the class schedule. If you do not see a note, schedulers can request a note to be created in the Internal Notes/Comments to OUR box. Please remember that the purpose of class notes is to publish short, generic statements associated with a section of a course. Class notes should not contain specific dates, subtitles, and/or course descriptions. They should also not contain prerequisites or co-requisites. Scheduling units who have questions about class notes can contact the Registrar's Office at Learn how to manage class notes. 

Course and Laboratory Fees

Academic departments are responsible for listing and updating special fees in CLSS including any additions, deletions, or corrections. To assess a special fee, please add a class schedule note of "Special Fee" with the special fee amount to the class section. Special fees that are not listed cannot be collected. Failure to list or correct the special fee on a course/section will result in the financial loss to your department.