Verification and Certification Frequently Asked Questions
Verification definition.
A verification is a signed, official document on letterhead that confirms enrollment dates, full-time/part-time enrollment status, information about major and any degrees earned at that time. Other information is considered additional or specialized.
Verifications are often used for scholarship applications, loan deferments, insurance applications, jury duty or other processes where student enrollment needs to be verified.
Certified copy definition.
A certified copy is an authenticated and notarized document. The Office of the University Registrar provides certified copies of transcripts, diplomas and enrollment/degree verifications. Learn more about certified copies.
Instructions for ordering a verification.
For current and former students who have attendance after fall 1986, enrollment and degree verifications can be ordered through MyRED. Former students who would like an electronic verification can order using the link for former students under "Former Students and Alumni” section on on the Verifications page.
If you need specialized or additional information or need a specific form completed, please contact
Employers and Third-Parties looking to verify education for current or former Nebraska students must use the DegreeVerify service through the National Student Clearing House.
Requirements for providing a handwritten release for a verification.
A handwritten release or release form for enrollment or degree verification should be provided if you would like FERPA restricted information shared, such as date of birth, SSN, GPA, address or other non-directory information.
Criteria for determining full-time enrollment status.
Steps to order a duplicate or replacement diploma.
To request a duplicate diploma, please complete the form by following our instructions.