Updated February 2018
This document is your guide to navigating MyDegreeAudit through the MyRED portal for students.
1. Navigating to MyDegreeAudit
- Open your web browser and go to myred.unl.edu
- Sign in with your NU ID number and password
- On the Home page, click on the Degree Audit button in the upper right section of the page or on the Academics tab, select the Degree Audit button located under Important Links.

Important Note: To ensure that you receive your audit, you may need to disable pop-up blockers for MyRED pages on your web browser.
2. Request an Audit
When MyDegreeAudit opens, you will see the welcome page. Read this information carefully, then select Continue to Degree Audit. This will take you to the Request an Audit page. At this point you can run a new degree audit. Here you have some options:
- Run a Declared Program Audit using your current program and bulletin year
Or - Run a Different Program (What-If) Audit using a program and bulletin year you select
In addition to this, you can decide whether you want to run an HTML audit (which is the default setting) or a downloadable PDF audit by selecting the “Advanced Settings” menu.
The default options on the Request an Audit page look like this:

Run Declared Program is the default selection.
Select Run Declared Program to run a degree audit of the declared program.
3. What-If Audit/PDF Audit Selection
To see your audit with a different program or bulletin year, click “Select a Different Program” on the Request an Audit page. Degrees are listed alphabetically by major then degree. Catalog Years start with the current year defaulted first and lists only the 1st term (Fall) in the catalog year. If you wish to view the audit as a downloadable PDF, you may select it from the Advanced Settings menu.

- Click Select a Different Program to bring up options to run a "What-if" audit.
- Choose both the Degree and Catalog Year
- Click to choose advanced settings to include/exclude in Progress Courses and Format (HTML or PDF, HTML is the default format)
- Click Run a Different Program
Choosing a What-If Degree Program with an Option:
After selecting a Degree Program that has an Option, the “Adding an Option” selection drop down will appear.

Use Clear Selections to choose another degree program. Click red button under Advance Settings to Run Different Program

4. Completed Audit Requests
After you have determined the program, bulletin year and other options and selected Run Audit, the Completed Audit Requests page will appear. This page has a list of previously run audits, the most recently run audit will be at the top. Select “View Audit” to see the audit you just ran.

HTML button = an HTML audit
PDF button = a PDF audit
EVL button = Transfer Evaluation
WHAT-IF button = What if/Exploratory Audit
5. Audit Results
When viewing an audit, regardless of whether it was run as HTML or PDF, you will be taken to a page displaying the audit. The Audit Results, Course History tabs and information will be at the top: (the Audit Results tab will be the default view)

6. Reading the HTML Audit and Printer Friendly Option
The HTML audit is the default setting for running audits. If you click on the “Help” icon the Interpreting Audit Results table will appear with descriptions of the different icons. On HTML audits there is a new Printer Friendly feature. It can be found in the upper right area of the audit.
Depending on your browser, either a pop up screen or another tab will show an audit that is formatted for printing.
Important note: Closing out the screen or tab will not log you out of MyDegreeAudit.

The sections of the audit will default to the closed position to give you an overview of the audit. If you want to see more, you can open the desired section individually by clicking the > next to it, or you can select to see the complete audit.
- √ = Complete requirements/sub-requirements
- × = Incomplete requirements/sub-requirements
- … = In-Progress requirements/sub-requirements
Courses in the Select From sections of the audit are hyperlinked to the Undergraduate Catalog so that you can see a brief course description of a course by clicking on the course in your audit.

7. The PDF Audit
In addition to the default HTML audit, you can run an audit as a downloadable PDF file. This audit has all of the qualities of a PDF document with slightly different formatting from the HTML audit however all of the degree audit information remains the same.

8. View Course History
The View Course History tab allows you to see a graph indicating earned hours and GPA by semester. In addition, you can view a list of classes taken by the student. This list can be sorted by Year, Course, Hours, Grade and Title and can be filtered by several parameters including Year and Grade.
You can filter courses by clicking on the bar corresponding to the semester you’d like to see or by using the drop down boxes. If using the drop down boxes, don’t forget to click the arrows to filter your results.

9. Navigation Bar Links
When you access MyDegreeAudit, there are some links at the top of your screen that will be present on most screens:

- Audits – will take you back to the Request an Audit page (Request New), to the Completed Audit Requests page (Manage), or Program Matcher
- Courses – will take you to your transfer courses on your UNL academic record
- – will take you to a help page that highlights Interpreting Audits (Help) or will log you out of MyDegreeAudit (Log Out).
Important Note: Logging out of MyDegreeAudit will not log you out of MyRED.
10. Interactive Audit
Interactive Audit displays the degree audit in graphs and charts which give a visual representation of your progress towards the degree. It also allows you to view by Requirements and Sub requirements within the HTML audit.
Interactive Audit has four different charts and graphs:

Total Hours Pie Chart – charts your progress towards the total hours needed to complete the degree program.
Audit Total GPA Graph – charts your overall GPA of courses USED in the audit (any courses that do NOT count towards the audit (failing grades for example) will not be calculated. Your overall GPA can be found in the “General College Policies” section of the HTML audit).

Requirements Graph – charts your progress towards the total hours necessary in the degree requirement categories (this graph allows you to click and navigate into the requirements and sub requirements screens).
Requirement GPA Graph – charts your GPA in courses used towards each individual degree requirement category. It is important to note that only GPA acquired through classes completed at UNL will be calculated. If you fulfill a requirement with transfer credit outside the NU system, it will not be shown on the Requirement GPA Chart.
11. Interpreting the Graphs
Interactive Audit Total Hour Pie Chart and Requirement Graphs have three colors to represent progress towards the degree:
- Green – Completed Hours
- Blue – In Progress Hours
- Red – Unfulfilled Hours
The Total GPA and Requirement GPA graphs only use green to represent the earned GPA.
12. The Graph Hover Feature
Each of the graphs (except for the Requirement GPA graph) has a hover feature in order read the information more easily. Hover the cursor over a portion of the graph for additional information to be displayed. *Always wait for the graphs to fully load/calculate before hovering in order to get accurate information.
![]() | Hovering over the Total Hours Pie Chart will show you the amount of hours Completed (Green Section), In Progress (Blue Section), or Unfulfilled (Red Section) towards completion of the degree. |
![]() | Hovering over the Total GPA Graph will show you the total GPA for all courses USED in the Audit (any courses NOT used in the Audit will not be calculated, please see the “General College Policies” section within the audit for the overall GPA). |
![]() | Hovering over the Requirements Graph will show the progress of hours towards the degree within each Requirement and Sub requirement. |
The Requirement GPA Graph corresponds directly to the Requirement Graph. For example, this student has earned an overall 3.714 GPA in courses contained within the ACE Requirements.

13. Navigating the Interactive Audit
Interactive Audit allows you to view individual Requirements and Sub requirements in the degree audit. Interactive Audit has two paths to navigate:
- The Requirements Graph, which moves into the Requirement and Sub requirement screens
- The Audit Path, which moves back to the Full Audit Screen

14. Full Audit Screen
This screen shows the audit information in its entirety with hours and GPA for all requirements counted. It also allows you to view the complete degree audit in its traditional form.

Click on the graph bars to navigate into the Requirement Screen.
The Full Audit Screen contains the entire HTML Degree Audit.
15. Requirements Screen
When viewing an HTML audit, Interactive Audit allows you to focus on a single requirement by clicking a specific requirement bar within the Requirements Graph (in this case the ACE requirement). When viewing a PDF audit, it will only show a complete text audit.

Click on the graph bar to navigate into the Sub Requirements Screen
Only the selected Requirement and Sub Requirements will be listed on the HTML Audit
16. Sub Requirement Screen
This screen will break down a requirement into its individual sub requirements. This graph shows information for each sub requirement within a requirement (The audit form will remain the same as it was when viewing at the Requirement screen unless the Requirement contains multiple Sub Requirement groups). To return to either the full audit screen or the requirement screen, click on the audit path above the Total Hours and Total GPA charts.

Click the Audit Path to navigate back to the Requirements Screen (click Category) and Full Audit Screen (click Audit)
17. Program Matcher
Program Matcher gives a snapshot estimate of how many of your earned hours (both completed and in progress) may match a degree program. Using Program Matcher, you can quickly and easily see what majors would most likely accept most of your credit.
U.achieve Self-Service collects and indexes every degree program at a school-every course for every program is stored. Student course work is compared against indexed programs from the current catalog. The lists of courses are not generated by audits. For a detailed analysis of your completed course work, you must run an audit.

The Program Matcher graphs are color coded as follows:

Dark Blue – Hours Applied: Estimated hours (completed and in progress) that may match the program requirements
Light Blue – Hours Completed: Estimated hours (completed and in progress) that may not match the program requirements
White – Total Hours Needed: Estimated total hours needed to reach minimum required hours to complete the program
Program Matcher is accessed from the “Audits” drop down menu. Click the menu and select “Program Matcher” to open the Program Matcher Main Screen.

18. Program Matcher Main Screen
The Program Matcher Main Screen is made up of two lists: “Program Groups” and “Programs Found”.
The Program Groups uses the common terminology from the Programs Found list and groups them in descending order of common keywords found. Each program listed in the Program Groups list is a link. Selections in the Program Groups Pane dictates the display of the Programs Found List.

The Program Groups List displays groups in descending order of number of programs contained within the group.
At the top of the list is the “Filter” search bar which allows you to type a program name and filter down to all programs using that word (for example, typing “education” will filter results showing education in the title).

To filter groups, type a keyword into the Filter Search bar. The group list will filter and only show groups containing that keyword(s)
Programs Found matches all degree programs at a student’s school with a student’s existing course work to determine how they match based upon Hours Applied, Hours Completed, and Total Hours Needed (based on the most current catalog edition). Programs are listed in descending order of matches as indicated by the color coding. Your current program is listed within the matches and highlighted with a color border and a bookmark icon.

Your current program will be listed first in all groups that contain that program
Like the Program Groups list, the Programs Found list also has a “Filter” search bar to more quickly navigate the list.

By typing Economics into the filter bar, Program Matcher found 5 Degree Programs containing the keyword Economics.
19. Running a “What-If” Audit through Program Matcher
Program Matcher is intended as a guide to help decide on a program path, not as a definitive break down of earned hours. For a detailed assessment you must run a “What-if” audit through Program Matcher to see how your earned hours match towards a program.
Program Matcher has made running an exploratory audit very easy. Each program listed within the Programs Found list has its own “Run Audit” Button on the right side of the screen. After choosing a program to explore, click the associated “Run Audit” button. Towards the top of the screen a green “View Submitted Audits” button will appear in the upper right corner. Then a “Submitted Audit Request” alert bubble will appear in the top right corner of the screen to let you know the audit is running. Click the “View Submitted Audits” button.

To Run a What-If audit from Program Matcher:
- Click Run Audit
- Wait until the Submitted Audit Request alert appears
- Click View Submitted Audits
This will take you to the Completed Audits Requests Screen.
The new audit will be listed at the top, it is also noted under the “Audit Type” column with a “What-If” icon. Click “View Audit” towards the right hand side to view the detailed audit which will give the exact picture of how your earned credit hours match towards that selected degree program.

The exploratory audit you ran will be noted by the icon located in the Audit Type column.
Click View Audit to explore the What-If Degree Audit.