To Add an Instructor
Upon opening the section editor window, it will look similar to the below image.
To change or add an instructor, click the pencil icon next to Instructor.
After clicking the pencil, a small window should appear. Click the drop down box under the Instructor heading and select Other.
Search for the instructor by name or NUID. We suggest using NUID to find an instructor, all instructors listed in the student information system will be available to search, and not just those within your college or department.
Once an instructor is found, do not forget to ensure they have the appropriate role assigned to them as well as whether their name should be printed in the class schedule.
There are some other areas on this window to verify. These are the Role and Print next to the instructor’s name.
To change the Role from Primary Instructor: click on the drop down box and choose the appropriate option. The options listed are: Course Administrator, Primary Instructor, Secondary Instructor, and Teaching Assistant.
The Print check box refers to whether the instructor’s name is listed in the class schedule or hidden from the class schedule. When the box is checked, anyone who searches this class section will be able to see the instructor. When the box is NOT checked, anyone who searches this class section will NOT be able to see the instructor.
To save changes, click the Accept button.
Instructor changes can now be seen on the section editing screen. Once all changes have been made, click Save Section to save and initiate workflow.
Changing or Switching an Instructor
To change or switch an instructor from one person to another person, repeat the above listed steps, searching and selecting the appropriate replacement instructor.
Adding Multiple Instructors
Some sections require multiple instructors or multiple people who have access to the course. This can be done by opening the Instructors editing window, as described above. Once it is open, click the green plus sign in the right corner of the box.
This will create a new row for a new instructor listing.
Proceed to repeat the same steps as before with this row to input the appropriate instructor, Role, and whether or not the instructor is printed in the class schedule. There is currently an unlimited number of instructors or persons that can be added to a class section.
To the left of the instructors listed, is a blue star icon. The blue star next to an instructor indicates that instructor is the lead instructor of the class. When the class is in person, the blue star indicates that the instructor is physically in the class. This is helpful to identify potential instructor conflicts or to adjust meeting patterns for classes. For more information, check out the Meeting Patterns tutorial. There can only be one person next to the Blue Star, and should be the instructor that will be teaching the course.
Once everything is set appropriately, click Accept. All listed instructors will display in the main section editing window. Save changes and initiate workflow, if applicable.
Removing Instructors
Removing instructors follows similar steps to Adding an Instructor. Find the appropriate class section and click the Pencil icon to the right of the Instructor section.
*Complete the same steps if there is more than one instructor listed to initiate the desired changes.*
Removing an Instructor from a Single Instructor Section
Click the drop down box under Instructor.
To remove an instructor from a section that only has one listed, change the drop down from the listed instructor to Staff. There must always be something listed, so select Staff to indicate no instructor assigned.
Once Staff has been selected, click Accept. Click Save Section and initiate workflow.
Removing Instructors from a Section with Multiple Instructors
If there are multiple instructors listed, it is quite simple to remove one or more from the section.
Follow the same steps as before, opening the appropriate section and clicking the blue pencil icon to bring up the smaller instructor editing window. Once this is open, notice that there is a trash can icon to the right on each row of each instructor listed.
To remove one of the instructors, click the trash can icon next to the appropriate instructor. It will remove the instructor and leave the remaining instructors. If there are more than two instructors listed, this same process follows for all except the last instructor listed. To remove the last instructor listed, follow the steps listed above for removing a single listed instructor.
To save changes, click Accept then Save Section and initiate workflow.
Cannot Find the Instructor?
Help! I can’t find the instructor I need for this section when I search by NUID or by Last Name!
New hires are not immediately loaded into CLSS. If the desired instructor cannot be located, please place the instructor(s) in the Comments box. Please include:
- Full Name
- Role
- Print or No Print
Once done, click Save Section and initiate workflow.