Combined sections exists when two or more sections share enrollment, meeting patterns and instructors. This is usually an undergraduate and graduate offering of a course or a course with multiple subject code offerings. The home or primary course is determined by the catalog or if it’s an undergraduate and graduate listing, defaults to undergraduate. The Registrar office can temporarily change the home/primary course for a specific term. To permanently change the home/primary course, a change in CIM must be made. The home/primary course maintains control of the meeting pattern and dictates the total combined enrollment of all sections. However, each individual section maintains control of its own enrollment.

Creating combined sections:

The secondary section creates the combination(s). Each section must be built in CLSS before this can occur. The secondary section enters the home/primary section number in the Combine with search. Select the appropriate section and click save.

Cross Listing screenshot


Once sections are combined it will be indicated in CLSS in the combined area. It is vital for the home/primary section to change the total combined enrollment maximums after the sections are combined. This is due to immediately after combining the total enrollment max will be the total enrollments caps added together.

Cross Listing screenshot


To remove a combined section click on the X by the combine with section and save. The combination will be removed.

Cross Listing screenshot


The combined sections have been dissolved as shown below. Any existing meeting pattern and instructor(s) will all be removed from all sections that were combined. These need to be reentered into each section by the appropriate department(s). 

Cross Listing screenshot


Changing Sessions

If combined sections need to change sessions (example regular session to mini session):

  • Cancel the current sections (If students enrolled contact the students to inform them of the change and to register for the new section)
  • Create new sections
  • Combine new sections and edit total combined enrollment

Enrollment Capacities

The section below has combined ENGL 315B-001 and WMNS 315-001. The enrollment for this section is set at 31 with a wait cap of 10. The max enrollment (31) matches the total combined enrollment (31) for the group of classes. However, the wait cap max for ENGL 315B-001 is set to 10, while the total combined wait cap is set to 5. Only 5 students will be allowed on the wait cap. The total combined enrollment sets the total limits of all sections combined.

Each section’s department sets their enrollment for their section and can differ from the other sections. An example is the total combined cap is 31 while WMNS 315-001 can have an enrollment cap of 10. Up to 31 students can enroll in both sections but only 10 can enroll in WMNS 315-001. The controlling home department sets the total combined enrollment.

Each department needs to change enrollment for their section. The home department can change their section and overall total combined enrollment. It is important that a number must be entered in enrollment such as wait cap, even if it is 0.

Example of combined totals:

  • Section 1 (enrollment total 31) + Section 2 (enrollment total 31) = Total combined enrollment (total 31)
  • Section 1 (enrollment total 14) + Section 2 (enrollment total 14) + Section 3 (enrollment total 5) = Total combined enrollment (total 26 with 14 possible coming from 1 and/or 2 section(s) and/or 5 coming from section 3)
Cross Listing screenshot


Related Component Sections

Related component sections can be a lecture with a lab and/or recitation.

It is important to use correct section numbers, section type, and link to section. View section number information. 

Cross Listing screenshot


The example below indicates that PHYS 141-150 is linked to 9 labs and 5 recitations.


Cross Listing screenshot


To initiate a section to be linked:

  1. Change the section type if needed to a recitation, lab or quiz.
  2. Choose the appropriate section in Link To area. This is done to link a lab, reci or studio section to a lecture.
  3. Choose save section to save/start workflow.
  4. If the appropriate choices are not available in drop downs, etc. such as changing the section to a recitaion. Put request in Comments for OUR.
Cross Listing screenshot