Changing Grading Basis
Most courses allow editing for the desired grading basis for its sections. If the Grade Mode field is grayed out, then the grading basis has been set by curriculum approval* or the term is in a limited changes phase. To view curriculum online, visit In this case, please follow the same procedure as listed on the Limited Changes documentation.
Grading Basis Options
The Grade Mode drop down box is located on the upper portion of the section editing window. Click on the box to view the drop-down options.

Student Option grading basis allows registering students to pick whether they are given a letter grade (Graded) or given a Pass/Not Pass grade (Pass/Not Pass). Any of the Research grading bases are only for 899 and 999 classes. The Law grading basis is reserved for Law courses only. The No Grade Associated grading basis should not be chosen.
Best Practices when Updating Grading Basis
It is highly recommended that any grading basis changes be done before student enrollment. This way, students are given the appropriate options (or no options) when enrolling. Grading basis changes can be made after students are enrolled but can result in longer processing times. This can also cause confusion for students, please ensure the grading basis is correct ahead of enrollment as much as possible.
Once you have chosen the desired grading basis, click Save Section and initiate workflow.

* Note that new changes in curriculum are not instantly loaded into CLSS.