The three-digit number section number is assigned based on instruction mode, class type, and/or time of day. View the CLSS class numbering on CLSS page. All editing of section numbers, instruction mode, section type, etc. should be completed prior to students enrolling to expedite changes.

When creating a new section using the “+” will automatically number to the next number.

Section Numbers screenshot


In this example, the new section is automatically numbered to 002.

Section Numbers screenshot


If the section number is incorrect, it is possible to change it to the appropriate number. After students are enrolled, changes should be recorded in the comments section and sent to workflow. Refer to section numbering charts on the CLSS class numbering on CLSS page.

Section Numbers screenshot


Section Numbers screenshot


Changing sessions requires the section number to change for a section.

This section is summer first five week. 

Section Numbers screenshot


If the section changes to second five weeks, the section number would change to 800 according to the summer numbering chart.

Section Numbers screenshot


Changing from an in-person section to an online section requires a change in the section number.

The following section reflects in person instructional mode and numbering:

Section Numbers screenshot


The following section reflects online instructional method and numbering:

Section Numbers screenshot


Lectures with quizzes, recitations, or labs should have the appropriate section numbers.  Refer to the numbering on the CLSS website at the CLSS class numbering on CLSS page.

Section Numbers screenshot


The example below shows correct numbering of a lecture with labs. The labs are linked to the lectures.

Section Numbers screenshot