View By and Filter Options in CLSS
There are several ways to view information in CLSS. Information for all departments can be viewed by using the following provided steps on this document.
Instances Page
All available terms are listed on the Instances page.

Individual Instance View By/Filtering Options
After selecting an Instance (Term) to view, there are additional viewing options. There are several columns listed to organize scheduling units in an Instance: by ID, by Name, by number of Courses and by number of class Sections.

In the upper right corner of the page, there are two red buttons: Visualize and Filter. The Search box is located next to the red buttons.

The Visualize button displays a heat map of the class sections offered within that instance. It shows the time/day that courses are scheduled, with the lightest color being the least amount of sections at one given time, and the brightest or deepest color having the most amount of sections happening at one given time.

In the upper left corner of the pop up box, is a drop down labelled Days.

When clicking on a day of the week, it will be removed from heat map.

The amount of sections that are happening at select day/time is visible by hovering over the colored area of interest. A little box will appear next to it, showing the number of sections happening at that time. Click on the area to get class sections listed at the scheduled time.

The Filter button is similar to a search. It allows an instance or scheduling unit to be sorted by the specified criteria chosen. The second tab labelled Codes will provide values for some of the fields under the Criteria tab. To view a filter, click Apply in the lower right corner of the box.

Individual Scheduling Unit View By/Filtering Options
After selecting a Scheduling Unit, the following appears across the top.

On the left side of the page, next to the number of Courses and Sections, are two sets of arrows. One set is pointing away from each other (expanded), while the other set is pointing towards each other (collapsed). The default setting is collapsed, which just lists the courses below it, as shown here.

An expanded view of all the sections is possible by clicking the arrows that are pointing away from each other. This will show more details for all the courses listed.

On the right side of the page, are some familiar buttons, as well as some new buttons. The Visualize and Filter buttons work the same as shown earlier in the document, but will only pull data from the selected scheduling unit that the editor is working in, as shown in the examples below.

The other buttons are View By, Framer and Export. The Validate button is not used for veiwing, and due to current processing, does not function.

The View By button provides options on how to view the list of courses and sections. The default view is by Course. When selecting Instructor, the list changes to sort classes by instructor last name, first name. Selecting Day and Time will change the view to list classes by meeting pattern.

The Framer button provides a view of sections within a scheduling unit by instance. Historical data can be found by navigating back within the Framer. There is a separate tutorial that can be found about the Framer function on our website.
The Export button allows exporting the data on the page into an Excel or PDF file. The PDF file will give a basic overall view of the information. The Excel file will have all the details pertaining to each section. It will be organized according to what is selected in the View By setting to. For example, if set to have viewed by Day and Time and then export a PDF, it will be organized by Day and Time, etc.